•Part five

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You were cut off by a towel being thrown at you and Mason, groaning as the towel hit his back. He groaned as well and looked behind him, Jason and Alicia stood there.

"Would you stop that already?" Alicia asked and placed a hand on her hip.

"Alicia, you ruin everything." You said and sat up straight, Mason climbing off of you.

"I didn't throw it, Jason did!" She said and threw her hands up in the air.

"Jason! What the hell?" You yelled.

"What? I'm hungry, I want to go get some food." Jason said.

"Can you not do that by yourself? Do you need Mason to hold your hand?" You asked him and he stuck his tongue out at you.

"No, I can't, of course I can! I just don't know where I'm meant to eat, this place is like a mansion." He said.

"You hungry, babe?" Mason asked you.

"I guess so, yeah." You shrugged.

"Come on then, let's go grab some food." He said and grabbed your hand, standing up and pulling you up with him.

You and Mason walked over to Jason and Alicia, the four of you walking around the pool and to a nearby buffet. You got some food and found a table for four, sitting at it and waiting for your friends to finish.

They all collected some food for themselves and sat down with you, talking whilst also eating their food. You got the chance to catch up with Jason and Alicia, you hadn't seen either of them for a while.

You could tell that they were already getting pretty close, you could tell just from the way they looked at each other. Alicia's smile was like nothing you had ever seen before, it was almost magical.

She looked really happy and so did Jason, it made you so happy for them. They had only met today and they were already so close, you had no clue what would happen whilst you were all still in Spain.

"So, tell me, how did you two meet?" Alicia asked you and Mason. "You never actually told me, Faye."

"Did I not?" You questioned.

"Nope." She said.

"Oh, I thought I did." You shrugged. "Well-"

"Can I tell the story?!" Jason asked in a very loud and excited voice.

"Yeah, go for it, Jase." Mason said to him.

"So, they met at work." Jason said. "Kylie was working and had to serve Mason one day, their hands touched and they felt so magical already."

Jason was laughing whilst telling Alicia the story on how you and Mason meant, which made the three of you laugh slightly. None of you were laughing as much as Jason was.

"The next day, Mason went in for a job interview and he got the job." Jason told Alicia. "All because he wanted to be closer to the sexy girl his hand touched."

"I remember it like it was yesterday." You said with a smile spread on your lips.

"Aw, that's really sweet!" Alicia exclaimed. "I never know that about you two."

"What can I say? I know what I want and I don't do anything until I get it." Mason said and put his arm over your shoulder.

He kissed your temple and you felt your cheeks getting hot, smiling after he kissed you. You turned to look at him and he had a huge smile on his face as well, his eyes glued to yours.

"Hey, guys." Lee's voice said from behind the table you four were sat at.

"I was wondering where you four had ran off to." George said, laying his hands on your shoulders and leaning on them.

"Just grabbing some lunch." You said. "Get someone to grab some more tables, they can connect them to our one and we can all sit together."

"Actually, me and Kylie are gonna go eat by ourselves." Fred said. "Just the two of us."

"Aw, cute." Angelina said to the couple.

"So, if you don't mind us, we'll be off." He said and grabbed ahold of Kylie's hand.

"Wait, there's a cute little restaurant above here, you two could go on a lunch date there if you want." You suggested for them.

"Oh, really? That actually sounds amazing, I would really like that." Kylie said and she turned to look at her boyfriend next to her.

"Cool, it's just up the stairs and to the right, I can show you if you want." You offered.

"Yeah, that-" Kylie started to talk but got cut off by Fred speaking for her.

"It's fine, we can manage." Fred said.

"Oh, okay." You said. "Have fun, you two."

"Yeah, have fun." George said. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

George winked at his twin brother, Fred's eyes rolling at him before the happy couple said their goodbyes and walked off. Frankie got a worker to get a few tables and connect them to the one you four were already at.

The rest of your friends grabbed chairs each and sat down with you guys, offering drinks before getting themselves some food. They came back with their food and you all began talking to each other.

"What's up with Fred?" Frankie whispered to you, he was sat right next to you.

"I'll tell you later." You told him.

Frankie was the only person who knew about you and Fred having a relationship a year ago. He's your younger brother and your only siblings, you two were so close, you couldn't not tell him.

You two tell each other everything that happens in your lives, it would feel like you were hiding a huge secret from him if you didn't tell him. You felt like you had no choice but to tell him about the relationship because you would feel so guilty if you hadn't.

"Is it about you two last year?" He asked in a low voice. "It is, isn't it?"

"I think so, yeah." You told him. "We'll talk later when it's just us, okay?"

"Yeah, okay." He said and went back to eating his lunch, the same as you

Word Count : 1023

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