•Part ten

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CW : oral sex

"Weasley." You whispered to him. "Fred!"

"What!" He shouted at you and looked up at you, you pointed at Kylie and he looked.

"Think you can handle him?" You asked her and she nodded. "He's all yours, have at it."

"Kylie, baby." Fred whispered and stumbled over her, throwing his arms over her.

She wrapped an arm around his waist to support him and smiled goodbye to you, you watched at the couple walked away.

"Hey, stranger." A familiar voice said from behind you and you smiled at the voice.

"Mason!" You exclaimed and went to turn around but his arms shot around your waist before you got the chance to turn around.

"You stink." Mason said and you frowned.

"I thought you like how I smell." You said with a sad voice and he kissed your neck.

"I love how you smell, just not when you reek of alcohol." He said and kissed your neck again, tickling you with his stubble.

"That feels funny." You giggled and he rubbed his chin against your neck, making you giggle even more.

"Come on, baby, let's get you to bed, you need your beauty sleep." He said.

Mason and you walked into your room block and took the lift up to the very top floor. You and him had the best room in the entire hotel because you were getting married and it was the marriage suite.

The room had a massive double bed and a huge pool, there was also a big bathroom and a gorgeous balcony with a view of the whole hotel. There was even a few chairs and sun loungers by the pool where you could get the best view of everything.

"There you go, into bed." Mason said as he opened the door for you.

"I wanna go for a swim." You said. "Come swimming with me."

"As tempting as that sounds, babe, we need to go to bed." Mason said, kissing your lips.

"Please, baby, let's go swimming." You whispered in his ear, biting his earlobe.

A small groan left his lips as you nibbled on his earlobe, but he shook his head and he stepped away from you. You tilted your head to the side and looked at him seductively.

"Swim with me." You slowly said, looking at his lips that he was biting down on. "Mason, baby, let's go jump in that pool."

"It's two in the morning, baby, we can't go swimming now." He said and stepped forward again, standing in front of you.

"Well, if we can't go swimming, how about I do something even better than swim?" You asked and he raised an eyebrow.

You didn't say another word and neither did he, you just dropped down to your knees and unzipped the zipper on his jeans.

"F-Faye, you don't have to." Mason said and you looked up at him.

"Shh, just let me." You whispered and he shut his mouth.

Mason was semi-hard and seeing you on the floor, undoing his button and unzipping his zipper was not helping. It was making his hard cock get even harder, and you loved that.

You tugged his jeans down to his ankles and looked at his dick through his boxers, it was already harder than before. You smirked and looked up to him, his lips were parted and he was looking right down at you.

You very slowly licked your lips and pulled his boxers down to his knees, his dick hovering above you. You looked up into Mason's eyes and didn't give him another second before wrapping your mouth around his tip.

A groan escaped his mouth when you did that, and it made you smile. You bought your mouth up higher and higher until his entire cock with in your mouth.

The tip of Mason's cock was hitting the back of your throat, making you gag. That didn't stop you from sucking his dick, moving your lips up and down his cock quickly.

Moans were leaving Mason's lips and he was now gripping onto the table behind him, one hand on the table and the other in your hair. He was pulling your hair, helping you move your mouth along his cock.

You pointed your tongue and licked a vein on his dick, making him moan loudly.

"Oh, fucking hell." Mason swore. "Faye, oh my god, that feels-"

Mason cut himself off my groaning and he gripped your hair even harder. Your eyes were now watering as you had his entire penis in your mouth and it barely fit. You looked up and him and you two locked eyes.

"Shit, I think I'm gonna come." Mason said as he looked down at you. "Faye-"

Mason moaned as you bought your mouth down to his top again. You swirled your tongue around his tip, licking it and feeling him squirm above you.

His dick was so hard and you could feel how hard it was, knowing he was so close to finishing in your mouth. You wanted him to come in your mouth, so you quickly moved your lips up and down his cock.

You licked all the way up his dick and did that a few times before he reached his high and was about to come.

You looked up at him and he looked down at you, locking eyes with each other. You kicked his dick once more and that was when you felt it.

A warm liquid shot down your throat and you shut your eyes, swallowing the come in your mouth. You looked at Mason again and he was recovering from that. He was breathing heavily and there was small sweat beads dotted on his forehead.

You pulled his boxers up for him and he grabbed your hand, pulling you up from the floor. You stood in front of him and put your hands on either side of his neck, your eyes looking right into his.

Mason grabbed your waist and pulled your body against his, his eyes looking right back at you.

"That was amazing, baby." Mason said and kissed your lips. "I fucking love you."

"I love you, Mason Daniels." You said.

Word Count : 1035

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