Jujutsu Kaisen 0 | The Cursed Child

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"Yuta Okkotsu?"

"Yes, that's his name." Shoko handed you the form.

"He's young..." You eyed his features and his record in the form Shoko gave you, as you scanned through it achunto before handing it back to the medical teacher. "...and quite powerful too. Special Grade?"

"He's classified that because of the cursed spirit." Shoko handed the form back to her assistant. "Amanai, could you please put this back in my cabinet? I'm getting tired, so make me a coffee too..."

"Will do!" Riko saluted before she headed the other way and sped off with the documents. "See you later, (Y/N)!"

"How's she doing?" You asked.

"She's a big help..." Shoko sighed, rubbing her head. "...if it wasn't for her, I really don't know where I'd be right now...I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself, probably."

"Glad to hear that." You smiled.

. . .


"You're late!"

You chuckled nervously as Maki pointed her finger at your face as the other two first years sighed. You jumped down from the telephone pole and walked next to your students as you entered the building.

"Sorry, a black cat crossed my path, so I had—"

"Don't make excuses, sensei!" Maki yelled.

"Yeah! You're not setting a good example for your students!" Panda said as well as Toge nodded. "Instead of making excuses, you might as well admit you're just off checking on Amanai-san!"

"You guys know me too well..." You sighed.

"Might as well ask her out." Maki said.

"Salmon." Toge raised a finger.

"Instead of butting in on my life, we should talk about the new transfer student." You said. "You guys already know, right?"

"Of course we do." Panda said. "Man crammed four of his fellow students into a locker. Not exactly a good first impression, if you ask me."

"If he annoys me, I'll kick his ass." Maki said.

"Right..." You rubbed the back of your head at Maki's statement, but it made you happy she was her usual self, same with the others.

. . .

"I will be introducing the one and only Yuta Okkotsu!" Gojo slid inside the classroom in style as the rest of you eyed him. "Everyone raise your hands and clap for the new student—!"

"I won't do that for a guy like that." Maki put her leg over her other knee. "I heard he's a wimp. I'll beat him into shape, how's that?"

Gojo sighed but he then smiled as he turned around to motion the transfer student to enter. Yuta, in regular clothes, took his first step inside the classroom, hoping to receive a warm welcome.

However, he received the exact opposite.

Everyone, including Gojo, sensed it immediately. The feeling of dread, death, and anger all culminated into a monstrous being behind Yuta. As Yuta walked forward, the being's presence wasn't unseen.

"Hello, I'm Yuta—"

Yuta was interrupted by the first years. Maki shoved her staff onto the board, the blade directly next to Yuta's ear. Panda raised his fists and Toge prepared to lower his mask collar.

"Is this some kind of test?" Maki asked.

"I-I..." Yuta began but Maki shut him up quickly.

"Hey." Maki said. "Don't you know you're cursed? This is no place for cursed people. You should get the hell out of this place. We learn and fight curses, so this is no shelter for people like you."

"I wouldn't have said that." You said, making Maki turn and realize you were pointing at the board, where the said malicious being tossed Maki's staff aside and began to manifest.

"Wait, Rika—!" Yuta began, as her white arms began to emerge from the board. "Don't hurt them!"


. . .

"Here, we study curses to battle curses. This is Tokyo Jujutsu High." Gojo explained. "Only curses can exorcise other curses, Yuta. We're here to help you out in all the ways we can."

"Why didn't you tell me that earlier?!" Yuta thought.

"You didn't tell him...?" The first years thought.

You sighed as Gojo waved sorry.

"I assume you want to start another training exercise." Gojo told you. "I'm pretty sure I heard you say you were going to do that test again..."

"No..." Maki cowered.

"...not that test..." Panda shivered.

"What are you guys talking about?" Yuta asked.

"Bonito flakes." Toge shook his head no at Yuta, which just made the Special Grade teen even more confused.

. . .

"Yuta, this is your first time with this test, so I'll explain it to you." You said, reaching into y our back pocket, taking out three bells. "Three bells. You guys are taking these bells from me, if you can't, you aren't getting lunch."

"Huh—?!" Yuta was rather shocked. "He can take away our lunch privileges?! When could he do that?! Who gave him that authority?!"

"Cause I can." You raised a finger before raising another. "I gave that authority myself. My rules."

"You read my mind—?!"

"He does that." Maki twirled her staff before she made a stance. "In all the only year we've met our sensei, none of us could take a single bell from him."

"But there's three of you..." Yuta began.

"Doesn't matter when you're facing the Copy Ninja." Panda said. "If he's involved in a fight, the other opponent's not winning. Period."

"Salmon." Toge lowered his head as he eyed you down.

"Yuta, just follow our lead." Maki said. "Don't try and attack with any unnecessary movements, or he'll take you down easily. Use that sword to distract him so we can have an opening."

"Okay..." Yuta nervously held his wooden blade close to his chest as he took a breath.

"Ready?" You asked with a smile.

"Yeah!" Panda raised his fists.

"Yeah!" Maki pointed her staff at you.

End of Chapter

The Cursed Eye (Jujutsu Kaisen X Male (Kakashi) Reader)Where stories live. Discover now