Jujutsu Kaisen | Clash

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"Everyone's hiding."

You stepped forward, now inside the Sakurajima colony. However, standing in the middle of the road, you could tell that multiple players were hiding inside the buildings. Each of them had their cursed techniques, and most were banded together.

"They can tell...?" You think, looking towards the players but kept walking to not arouse suspicion. "Looks like I'm going to get jumped here. They're here to kill me, so I'd better not hold back."

"Dragon Flames!"

Behind you, a player fired a huge wall of flames towards you and you turned around and quickly dispersed them with a quick Lightning Blade. He scoffed, preparing another flame attack.

"Not bad." You remarked.

"Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!" You suddenly spewed a similar technique right back at him and completely incinerated him as he screamed in pure pain. "So that's the plan...? Fight me all at once?"

"We know who you are...(Y/N) (L/N)...!"

"We won't hesitate to kill you!"

"We'll end you here!"

"Mimiko." You said. "Nanako."

"Yes, (Y/N)-sama?"

Mimiko and Nanako suddenly appeared in front of you, and they both had a rope and a phone at the ready. Each of them grinned as they eyed the hiding sorcerers and they all let out gasps of surprise to see two teenagers working alongside you.

"Kill them all." You said.

. . .

"You're a nasty-looking spirit." Yuta said.

Looking ahead, Yuta just took out his blade and confronted Kurourushi. Kurourushi was a cockroach-like cursed spirit, but it quickly turned around before suddenly summoned insect-like curses that were manipulated with cursed energy.

"A special grade." Yuta assessed.

"Earthen Insect Trance." Kuroroushi thought, for it wasn't advanced enough to be on the levels of Jogo or Hanami to speak fluent Japanese yet, but even so, the ability was powerful enough to rush Yuta.

"I'll have to exorcise this one quickly." Yuta said, disregarding a thought he had originally planned. "(Y/N) told us to not waste time. Besides...it looks like I won't be fighting this one alone."

"He noticed me...?" Uro grinned, looking down at Okkotsu from above, who frowned as he stared right at her from the rooftop. "Impressive...but I will be the one...who will complete my revenge."

Uro zoomed towards Yuta, and she used Sky Manipulation quickly to distort the sky. Traveling at immense speeds, she appeared right in front of Yuta. However, Kurourushi gasped to see Yuta standing right behind it, a hand right on its palm.

"Bye." Yuta said harshly.

With that, Yuta completely disintegrated Kuroroushi with a blast of positive cursed energy. Yuta took out his blade and pointed it straight at Uro, but looked towards another rooftop to encounter another Culling Game player.

"Alright." Ryu said. "I'll get serious then."

. . .

"I need to find that Angel girl..." Panda thought, looking around the ship docks and trying to find any sign of the Angel. "...(Y/N) entrusted me to negotiate with her if she was here."

"Well, that decision is obvious." Panda remarked to himself. "Of course (Y/N) would leave negotiation to me. That guy Hakari is strong and all, but I'm the only one with brains in this colony."

"(Y/N), huh?"

Panda widened his eyes but he jumped back and turned as quickly as he could. Walking straight towards him, the user kept his weapon on his shoulder as he approached the cursed corpse.

"Who the heck is this guy...?" Panda thought. "Wait a minute...this guy is familiar to me. He must've accumulated a lot of points...and (Y/N) had sent a spy to get information on the Games!"

"This guy is Hajime Kashimo!" Panda sweated.

"I heard a lot about this (Y/N) guy." Hajime said, walking like if Panda wasn't a real threat to him. "Of course, I know about Ryomen Sukuna as well. I'll give you a chance to live. Tell me...everything you know about (Y/N)."

. . .

"(Y/N)-sama, is that all of them?" Mimiko asked.

"Looks like it." You said, making sure to not step on any of the players' corpses out of respect. "You guys should use your points to retire from the Games. I'll get my own points to save Megumi's sister."

"Understood." Nanako said.

"We do have enough points to leave." Mimiko said.

"Something tells me you wish to help me out further." You said. "What do you plan?"

"Well..." Nanako said. "...you've already done so many favors for us...so we'd like to repay you for what you've done for us, (Y/N)-sama."

"Well for starters, drop the sama part, please." You waved comically. "I'm not used to formality. Please, just call me (Y/N) from now on."

"We'll use our points to enact a new rule." Nanako said. "You just came to this colony to split up with Yuta and cover more ground, right? Since we're here, you should use us to your benefit."

"You do have a point." You said. "I have an idea."

* This rule was added by Nanako

—Players may travel between colonies.

*This rule was added by Mimiko

—Once a colony's players no longer wish to fight, the colony is considered disbanded. Once that happens, no new or current players may enter such colony.

. . .

Suddenly hearing a crash on the other end of the colony, you realize that Sakurajima wasn't fully disbanded just yet. Running over to see a shocking sight, you widened your eyes to see the cursed spirit that was once known as Naoya.

"Maki!" You exclaim.

"Stand back, you filthy scum!" Naoya yelled angrily, covering an unconscious Maki with his own body. "Come at me if you will, (Y/N)! Look at me now! This is what happens when filth tries to—!"

"Domain Expansion: Eternal Abyss." You interrupted him with a sudden Domain activation and stopped Naoya's train of thought. "Naoya, you truly are lost. I'll end your suffering."

"Domain Expansion: Time Cell Moon Palace!"

Both domains entered a clash as Naoya yelled loudly in order to fully take down your now incomplete Domain. You just frowned at him, but kept the pressure going, and your Domain was taking over his slowly but surely.

"I will kill you...all of you here!!" Naoya yelled.

"You will die along with the rest of your clan." You said, as you took off your headband off for good. "It was a shame you couldn't truly escape that curse, Naoya. I'll get rid of it for good."

End of Chapter

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