Jujutsu Kaisen | Kamui

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Kenjaku kept his gaze towards you. For the first time, he truly felt annoyed at someone's presence. Despite being thwarted over and over by the Six Eyes users, he was far more pissed off at the fact that one of his own offspring kept going after him.

Kenjaku widened his eyes as he angrily turned towards you but once his foot twitched, he was suddenly grabbed by the head. You zoomed at immense speeds as you dragged him all the way across the forest.

Maki could keep up with your speed, but she didn't bother going after you. Junpei saw as a shadow clone of yours put its palms on the others, restoring everyone with a reverse cursed technique like it was nothing. That clone poofed away for Maki could heal on her own.

. . .

"Where am I?"

Kenjaku saw himself in a different dimension. Kenjaku stood atop a platform, looking around to see similar pillars like the one he stood on. Feeling your presence, he looked to see you standing on the other end of the platform.

"I wanted to change scenery." You said calmly, raising your hands like you were presenting the place. "This is the Kamui dimension. Surprised? I warped us both here."

"I already know about this place." Kenjaku grinned. "I was aware of it, but I never saw it for myself. However, only your right eye had the power to fully transport others here. How did you get your left eye to do that?"

"I used a Vow." You said.

"No wonder you are so calm." Kenjaku said.

"As of now, nobody can enter the Kamui dimension." You said. "I can't just leave you here, for the conditions I placed on myself would break and you would be set free on the spot."

"A condition?" Kenjaku asked.

"I placed a condition to trap Suguru Geto here forever...if it meant I stayed with you." You said. "We both will fight...until the other one dies. If you die...I get to leave. I die, you can leave this dimension without any conditions."

An ominous silence.

"So I have to kill you." Kenjaku chuckled.

"So do I." You said.

"No tricks." Kenjaku said. "You did all of this on purpose. You wanted to trap me here since the beginning. Once I revealed all the cards up my sleeve...only then you could trap me here."

"Only then." You said back, your eye morphing into the Mangekyo. "No resurrections this time."

"Only death." Kenjaku grinned.

You widened your eyes.

Kenjaku widened his.

You and Kenjaku rushed each other down. The first part of this fight was pure combat. Kenjaku got some blows onto your face but you effectively got some harder hits on him. Kenjaku's output helped him recover quickly, but a sole Black Flash to the face stunned him.

You ducked underneath his fist as you kicked his chin, sending him flying upwards. Kenjaku unleashed a cursed spirit to get in between, but you sliced through it almost instantly with a Lightning Blade as its blood splashed across your face.

You slammed a knee onto Kenjaku's stomach and the your eye glinted as you shoved a Lightning Blade through Kenjaku's chest. Kenjaku gripped your arm and used his other hand to use Kaori's technique and pushed you away with immense force.

Kaori's technique did push you back, and you saw as Kenjaku restored his chest with a reverse cursed technique with a subtle grin. You took out a kunai and rushed him again, shoving it into his stomach at frightening speeds.

Kenjaku slammed an elbow onto your face with a Black Flash, but you dealt another Black Flash yourself with an uppercut to his chin. Both of you wiped the blood off your faces and right after it seemed like you both just teleported.

You took out a scroll, and took out the Chain of a Thousand Miles, wrapping it around your wrists. You zoomed towards the fleeing Kenjaku, wrapping him around the chains but he did break free with a simple duck.

Kenjaku aimed a palm to your face as he tried to blast you with Kaori's push, but you used Flying Raijin once to dodge and used it again to reappear in front of him. Surprised, Kenjaku felt a slash right across his torso from a Soul Split Katana.

You took the blade by the handle again and aimed it at his heart. Kenjaku dodged and used a cursed spirit to fully wrap around the blade. You jumped back to avoid the spirit and Kenjaku stomped on the cursed tool, fully destroying Toji's original weapon.


Kenjaku felt his shoulder instantly rupture as soon as he destroyed your cursed tool. Looking to his left, he restored his shoulder with great difficulty. You appeared on his right and he used an Earth Style jutsu to create a wall between you.

You took the chance to unleash the Hidden Mist jutsu and a thick mist enveloped the entire platform. Kenjaku stood still, waiting for your next move. Kenjaku felt his throat get sliced a few seconds after and he turned to see you take the broken Soul Split Katana.

Using what you learned once from Kusakabe, you restored the blade somewhat with your own cursed energy. Kenjaku unleashed a large one eyed cursed spirit to try and kill you with its hands, but you sliced it clean in half at the waist.

You sliced through its body to rush Kenjaku again, who aimed his palm to push you away. Instead, you teleported straight at him and slammed a kunai into his stomach. Kenjaku coughed but he couldn't even breathe for a kunai was shoved into his neck.

You turned at the waist and kicked Kenjaku with the full force of your leg, using a Black Flash to distort his body as Kenjaku tumbled backwards multiple times before fully falling on the ground.

Kenjaku laid flat on his back, blood oozing out of his mouth as he tried his best to grin. Raising his hands, he held his gushing injury. Letting a chuckle, the blood oozed through his fingers and hands as Kenjaku's smile faded.

End of Chapter

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