Jujutsu Kaisen | Mastermind

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Choso and Yuki both made a stance as they looked straight ahead towards Kenjaku, who just kept walking towards them. Kenjaku kept a palm over his eyes before he revealed them to be two pairs of Sharingan eyes.

"What the hell...?" Choso began.

"Hey, this isn't..."

"...fair?" Kenjaku asked, a grin on his face. "Hey, in this world anything is fair. I'm just using something that you never planned for. (Y/N)'s father was an Uchiha. I never wanted to use these eyes, but (Y/N) fooled me and ruined my original plans."

"What was your plan anyway?" Choso asked, riled.

"With both of (Y/N)'s eyes, I had planned to use his Kamui to merge Tengen with the world." Kenjaku said. "It would've been a lot easier than starting the Culling Games, but that's how the world works."

"You piece of shit..." Yuki said.

"Now, I have to continue the plan with a simple boost from his father." Kenjaku said, referring to his own eyes. "Besides, what kind of adult uses full force against children?"

"Damn you! Piercing Blood!" Choso fired away and Kenjaku instantly ducked underneath it, reading his movements with your father's eyes. "We have to get his blindspots, Yuki!"

"I know!" Yuki rushed Kenjaku, preparing mass into her arm. "I've fought (Y/N) many times! The trick to fighting a Sharingan user is to look at his feet! Pay attention to his movements!"

Kenjaku raised an arm to block Yuki's punch, but Yuki pierced his defenses and actually punched him hard in the face. Using Garuda, Yuki was ready to whip Kenjaku but the ancient sorcerer was quick to dodge her attack and side stepped.

"Supernova!" Choso yelled.

Behind Kenjaku, blood orbs splattered behind him actually dealing some good damage to Kenjaku's back. Even so, Kenjaku didn't wince or reveal any signs of damage.

"You are lucky I could never obtain the Mangekyo Sharingan." Kenjaku said, and the two listened as they rushed him again. "(Y/N)'s father never unlocked the Mangekyo. I could never unlock it either."

"Get him!" Choso exclaimed.

"I know!" Yuki prepared Garuda and made it into a ball before kicking it with full force as Kenjaku dodged the strike before it reeled back in order to hit him from behind.

"I realized it as soon as I took his body." Kenjaku said before grabbing Garuda, which shocked Yuki. "I could never produce a Mangekyo Sharingan with my own cursed energy."

"That's why you targeted (Y/N), huh?!" Yuki yelled.

"Precisely." Kenjaku said. "I already knew he was special, ever since he was born. He was an incredible fighter. His younger self could outclass most Grade One sorcerers. I knew he was the key."

"You damned—(Y/N) isn't your plaything!" Yuki was getting riled at the thought of Kenjaku just trying to use you. "He's an honest man with honest goals! You have no right to control him!"

"Yuki—!" Choso yelled.

Kenjaku punched Yuki through her stomach but Yuki proceeded to grab his arm. Kenjaku realized he couldn't break free, so Yuki grabbed him tightly before Piercing Blood hit Kenjaku straight in the heart.

"Not bad." Kenjaku said, restoring his heart with a reverse cursed technique as Choso scoffed and Yuki broke free and healed herself too. "You really are special."

"Why the hell are you even doing all of this...?" Choso gritted his teeth. "Using my brother for your own benefit...using me to kill Itadori...what was all of this for, Kamo Noritoshi?!"

"Kamo Noritoshi is just one of the many names I've used." Kenjaku said. "Just like how I used (D/N). Although I did make (D/N) less obvious...for the Sharingan can read the mind. I didn't want to risk my exposure until the eye was awakened."

"That means that (Y/N) knew he wasn't his father as soon as he saw him..." Yuki said, gripping her fists and gritting. "...I feel so bad for him...and feel so much angrier for this fraud!!"

"Don't get angry, Yuki Tsukumo." Kenjaku said, although Yuki wasn't surprised he read her mind. "I have the key to every mind on this planet thanks to these eyes. You two are just stepping stones."


"Same old trick...?" Kenjaku questioned before the orbs appeared in front of him and splattered when Yuki took the opportunity to appear to slam a fist into Kenjaku's chin.

"I'll hit him—!" Yuki was suddenly pummeled by an extreme pressure of gravity. "What—what the hell is this?! Is he using my technique? No, the Sharingan can't fully copy a technique like Yuta—!"

"A hand me down." Kenjaku said, amplifying the pressure as Yuki resisted with her own mass but Kenjaku kicked her down to the floor. "Call it a memory from a previous host."

"Piercing Blood!" Choso yelled, and Kenjaku leaned his head back and avoided the strike before Choso rushed in head on to attack Kenjaku himself. "How annoying."

Kenjaku proceeded to overwhelm Choso with cursed spirits, but Choso used Supernova to disperse most of them away. Kenjaku proceeded to try and summon a special grade spirit, but Yuki quickly exorcised it like nothing by turning Garuda into a ball and kicking it into its head.

"How annoying...that technique is." Kenjaku said, referring to Yuki's Star Rage. "No wonder (Y/N) held you in such high regards. You will be the first one I kill here."

"Bring it on then!" Yuki yelled.

"Flowing Red Scale: Stack!" Choso appeared behind Kenjaku and slammed a hardened fist into his back but Kenjaku turned and slammed a palm into Choso's chest, breaking the hardened chest of his.

"He breached my defenses...!" Choso winced as his body broke like glass but he recuperated quickly and aimed a kick to his head.

Both of them engaged in hand to hand combat, but Kenjaku's experience helped him best Choso quickly before Yuki came and hit Kenjaku's cheek with a back fist, sending the brain swapping sorcerer flying away.

"This'll be an interesting battle..." Kenjaku said, looking up with the cold stare of the Sharingan eye. "...however, I'll show you two the true power of an Uchiha."

End of Chapter

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