Jujutsu Kaisen | Red Scale

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Avoiding Piercing Blood, Yuji made his way towards Choso. With great haste. Yuji finally arrived and used Divergent Fist to attack Choso, who blocked with his arm before the Death Panting felt the double impact of the attack.

"What...?" Choso began, before jumping back.

Before Choso could attack with more blood, Yuji immediately landed an uppercut to his chin. Choso grits his teeth, stepping back before he uses blood to keep Yuji at bay, distancing himself from Yuji.

"Tell me...what were the last words of my brothers?" Choso asked, which made Yuji raise his head and widen his eyes at his question. "It still won't change the fact that I'll kill you, Yuji Itadori."

"They both cried," Yuji said, almost sadly.

Choso let out a shuddering gasp, both of anger and sadness. He felt conflicted with himself as he looked down, but he raised his head again with complete control and a set goal in mind: to make Yuji suffer.

"Yuji, get to cover."

Yuji did as Mechamaru told him to as Piercing Blood nearly blasted his head off before he placed his back on a wall, far and ducked away from Choso enough so he couldn't get to him.

"Listen, Yuji. He's using Blood Manipulation." Mechamaru said. "It's the same inherited technique that the Kamo clan uses, meaning it is the same technique that Noritoshi uses."

"I remember..." Yuji said, peaking to see where Choso was, but Choso's Piercing Blood made him go right back to cover. "...that guy that always kept his eyes closed. But how the hell do I fight this guy?"

"Go to the restroom. Destroy everything there."

. . .

"I think I understand how this Domain works." Mei Mei said, standing up before she was trapped in a coffin again, before again being underneath a boulder before she got out again.

"Step One: Trap inside a coffin." Mei Mei thought as the process carried out as she thought. "Step Two: Bury underground with a boulder. Step Three: Count down from three, infect the target with smallpox."

Mei Mei broke out this time and she grabbed Ui Ui as fast as she could, and the two of them hid behind a tombstone as the Smallpox Deity began to search for the strongest amount of cursed energy.

"Ui Ui..." Mei Mei began, using her technique to use one of the two crows to fly around, with the crow now having the largest amount of cursed energy in the Domain before it was suddenly trapped in the coffin. "...are you willing to die for me?"

"Can I die for you?"

Ui Ui stepped out with that statement and made a hand sign as he grinned. He was immediately trapped in the coffin. Immediately, the Smallpox Deity began chanting from three as the boulder emerged, trapping Ui Ui down further.

Mei Mei was able to close the distance and she quickly sliced down both arms of the Smallpox Deity, who proceeded to step back and disappear but was now injured by Mei Mei's attack.

"Do you really think I carry Ui Ui around just so he can carry my stuff?" Mei Mei asked the spirit, the faint mumblings and gurgling giving her a sign of where it was. "Ui Ui can counter domains. Even so, I don't like being indebted to anyone."

In a moment of desperation, the Smallpox Deity emerged from behind Mei Mei, but a crow immediately appeared and slammed into the spirit, immediately exorcising it as it blasted its own body.

"Bis Sis...that's her Bird Strike!" Ui Ui was awed as he escaped the coffin, seeing the dead cursed spirit. "Yes! Nobody has ever escaped that attack, except for (Y/N) (L/N)!"

"Done." Mei Mei said, turning around.

"You did well to exorcise it," Kenjaku said, revealing a dragon-like cursed spirit behind him as Ui Ui and Mei Mei prepared. "But it looks like I'll have to take you two more seriously now."

. . .

"Is he a fool?" Choso asked himself, now headed towards the bathroom Yuji had just run in. "He just ran into a hallway where there's only an elevator and a bathroom. What the hell is he planning...is he trying to get away?"

However, once Choso entered the hallway, he was showered with water. He looked around to see destroyed sinks and destroyed toilets as well. He wondered where Yuji was, but he was actually nowhere in sight.

"You three brothers are so easy to manipulate..."

"Who the hell is saying that?!" Choso turned around.

"...so full of love from each other...so pitiful."

"Found you!" Choso saw the tiny Mechamaru and blasted it with Piercing Blood, destroying the device with ease before he was suddenly struck in the back and he slowly stumbled into the bathroom, turning to see Yuji had revealed himself.

"Rasengan!" Yuji proceeded to immediately activate his new move and aim it straight at Choso, who was surprised at this but he proceeded to condense blood into his arm and he blocked the attack.

"He's..." Choso began, the Rasengan actually rotating the blood in his arm. "...rotating my blood?! How is that even...? Wait...this has to be...this isn't his technique! (Y/N) taught him this...didn't he?!"

Choso immediately pushed Yuji off with his other arm as Yuji backed up. After that, Choso was forced to condense blood into his arms, for he could not control blood outside of his body any longer.

After that, both brothers rushed each other.

Yuji used his Divergent Fist to actually damage Choso, but he found that his strikes were useless. Choso was landing critical hits on Yuji, actually stunning the sorcerer a few times in their battle.

Even so, Yuji didn't give up. He was attacking relentlessly, using the combat skills taught to him to his advantage, even landing a few kicks at Choso's face and even land a few punches of his own.

Both fighters were evenly matched. However, Yuji aimed a final fist at Choso's stomach, the last attack he would land. Seeing that Choso had condensed blood into his stomach, Yuji gasped.

"It's over!"

With that, Choso punched Yuji straight towards the end of the restroom, Yuji's body crashing into the wall as the sorcerer was knocked unconscious instantly. Choso approached Yuji without a frown, raising his arm to deal the final blow.

"Is this how you'll die...brat?" Sukuna asked.

Sukuna then closed his eyes, ready for death.

"I'll end you here!" Choso declared.


Sukuna reopened his eyes. Choso didn't do it.

"What...is this...?" Choso stepped back, his fist turning back to normal as he let out shuddering breaths before stumbling out into the hallway. "These...aren't my memories. What..."

Choso grabbed his head and tried to understand what was going on. Memories flooded his mind. Yuji was his brother. Every single new memory told him that. Choso was hyperventilating now, but he proceeded to punch a wall to come to his senses.

However, in the new memory, Choso was alongside his brothers and Yuji having a nice dinner. After being fed by Yuji, Choso looked ahead to see you. Choso was shocked himself, seeing as you bit down on a fork, clearly enjoying your meal.

"Aren't you hungry..." You asked. "...brother?"

"I can't..." Choso muttered in the real world, slowly taking steps forward as he processed what the hell was going on. "...I can't...believe...any of this."

End of Chapter

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