Jujutsu Kaisen | After Rain

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"So, how was the bell test?" Gojo asked.

"How did you think it went?"

"Did they not pass?" Gojo questioned. "I was surely hoping Megumi and Nobara would put up more fight against you if they didn't. So, what do you think of your new students?"

"I'm..." You began.

. . .

"Shit." Megumi said.

"Understand?" You asked them.

"Yeah..." Nobara said, taking out her hammer as she prepared her nails. "...I understood everything! I'll take that bell no matter the cost and get me some nice, expensive sushi!"

"Tell you what, you do that, and I'll pay for it." You said. "You name the place, order, and I'll do it. But, you do have to get this bell before noon. Otherwise, none of you eat at all."

"He did that 'no eating' rule on purpose." Megumi thought. "He's trying to get the best out of us in high stress situations. In a way, he's pushing us for strive for a goal. Is that what this is?"

"Come at me with the intent to kill." You said.

"Nue!" Megumi crossed, yet interlocked his fingers in a way so the large eagle was summoned. "Attack him! Don't let up and keep it going until he's down!"

"Get ready!" Nobara warned you, and sent three nails flying straight at you as you easily did three side steps to avoid all three. "He dodged them...so he is very agile on his feet...so I'll just take them out!"

"Straw Doll Technique: Hairpin!"

Eyeing the nails behind you, you let Nobara's attack connect. Nobara's cursed energy surged inside you, but you didn't feel much pain although the surrounding area was being destroyed. Nobara let out a gasp to see that you hadn't taken damage.

Nue cawed and hit you with its wings as you stumbled forward from the attack from behind. It attacked you three more times, but you only stumbled and stumbled, unfazed by the attack.

"Our techniques aren't..." Megumi began.

"...working on him?!" Nobara finished.

"Not bad." You said, popping your neck.


"Yeah, I know already! We just have to attack him head on!" Nobara exclaimed. "I'll attack him from long range, but you try to get some hits in, alright?!"

"Right." Megumi said before he leaped into action.

"You won't win like that." You said. "I'll tell you that right now. However, this test is over now. You pass with flying colors."

"Huh—?" Nobara began.

"Wait, what—?" Megumi was surprised too.

"You guys did better than the second years." You smiled, wrapping your arms around their shoulders as you united them together, their cheeks rubbed against yours. "Good job. You two deserve food."

"Food?!" Nobara exclaimed. "Hell yeah!!!"

. . .

"Hell yeah...!" Nobara moaned.

"Kugisaki! Snap out of it!" Megumi yelled, but he was currently busy with something else at the moment, for he was being relentlessly attacked by you. "Damn! He's not letting me think straight!"

"Answer me this." You said. "If I hadn't arrived to fight Sukuna, what would you have done? Try and save Yuji? Run away? Any option you pick results in the same conclusion, Megumi. You need work."

"You would've used your trump card." You said. "I don't doubt that for a second. Risking your life when you can improve your abilities to great heights...you can truly be special, Megumi. You just have to tap into that gift, because you can't control it yet."

"Nue!" Megumi yelled, summoning his eagle.

Nue cawed loudly as it flew straight at you. You raised two fingers and extended them in front of you as you slowly manifested a ball of cursed energy from your finger tips and began to tightly compact it.

"What...?" Megumi began.

"Rasengan..." You said smoothly.

Using it rather similarly to Gojo's Red, you mimicked his movements as you released this miniature Rasengan, which easily defeated Nue and sent it flying straight at Megumi, who gasped before he was knocked straight to the ground.

"It's not even a matter of Jujutsu..." Megumi thought. "...he's just on a different league. (Y/N)-sensei...truly doesn't need the Sharingan to be Special Grade. He's...so...skilled..."

With that final thought, Megumi crashed on his back, bleeding from the head. However, you did quickly rush over and heal your student with a reverse cursed technique rather quickly.

"I overdid it..." You muttered before you snapped your fingers without looking at Nobara. "Nobara. Awake? I hit Fushiguro pretty badly. I wasn't expecting the Rasengan to blow Nue away that badly."

"Wait...huh?" Nobara was still trying to figure out what the hell happened. "Huh? I was just eating sushi! Why am I back here again?!"

"I used an illusion on you." You said. "But it's ok. I don't really care about that now. There is something important I need to attend to. Here's a check, so go buy whatever you want."

"Holy shit—!" Nobara exclaimed as she eyed the amount of money on the check you gave her as you walked away, headed towards Yuji and Gojo's location. "This is a ton of money! I'm rich!"

. . .

"So, what do you think of your new students?"

"I'm confident in them." You smiled.

Riko smiled at that statement, feeling warm inside.

"Huh? Fushiguro's out?" Yuji asked.

"Yeah." You said. "We did a bell test and it really didn't go so great. It didn't really feel complete to me after all, since not all my students were present."

"He cares...!" Riko and Yuji both said at once. "Aw..."

"Hey..." You muttered. "...I can hear you."

"I've been teaching Yuji on how to control his cursed energy." Gojo said. "I have go go somewhere now, so I will be leaving you. Ijichi-san's probably been waiting for an hour now."

"You've kept him waiting that long...?" You asked.

"You'd do the same, don't lie."

"I wouldn't have taken that long." You said.

"True. You got me there." Gojo chuckled.

End of Chapter

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