Jujutsu Kaisen | Right and Wrong (2)

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"Hey! Fushiguro! Maki!"

Hearing Nobara's yells, Megumi and Maki turned to see Nobara headed right for them. She looked like she had been running for a while now. Shoko walked up to her and restored her minor injuries as Nobara decided to take a breath to explain.

"Did you guys see all of that?!"

"Yeah, we did." Megumi said.

Maki only kept her head down, which Nobara noticed. Widening her eyes slightly, Nobara started to piece together what was going on. Maki clenched her fists as she looked towards the floor in pure frustration.

"Where's (Y/N)-sensei?" Nobara asked.

"He said he was going to hold off Sukuna for as long as he could." Megumi explained, as Nobara's facial expression turned to a worried one. "Judging by the fact that he hasn't returned..."

"Don't say that, Megumi!" Maki yelled.

"(Y/N)'s still alive."

Nobara and the others turned to Shoko, who just stared off into the night as she lighted a cigarette. The chaos of Shibuya didn't really bother her mood, and she just kept smoking away like if nothing was going on, which surprised the students.

"I've known (Y/N) for nearly eleven years." Shoko said. "I know he's the kind of person who would fight to the end. He's not someone who could be taken down easily, even for the likes of Sukuna."

"He's probably off fighting a bigger battle than we had previously imagined." Shoko lowered her head. "That's what does pain me, believe me. What pains me...is fact that we can't be of use to him now."

. . .


"Nanamin!" Yuji arrived as the first grade sorcerer kept his gaze ahead, and Yuji turned to see Mahito with an army of cursed spirits standing in front of them, a smile across his face. "That guy..."

"He's a danger to us right now." Nanami said, pushing his glasses up as he took his blade. "Itadori, I'm going to have to rely on you now. I'm losing cursed energy and I don't think I'll be able to hold him off for long so let us finish this quickly."

"Yeah...!" Yuji frowned.

"I heard that (Y/N)-sensei was off fighting Sukuna, is that true, Brother?" Todo suddenly arrived much quicker than expected, and the two sorcerers turned to see him approaching. "He's off fighting another battle, by the looks of it, so let's focus on this one."

"Yes." Nanami said. "We should focus on this one before we go and assist (Y/N). He's going to need out help right now, so let's exorcise this cursed spirit as fast as we can."

"I'll lead!" Yuji exclaimed.

"Right on, brother!" Todo made a stance.

"I'm going to enjoy this!" Mahito made a stance, his purple fist glowing as he jumped towards the three sorcerers as once.

. . .

Kenjaku took a step back before you suddenly reached for a scroll behind you and summoned a large array of kunai and shuriken alike, throwing all of them towards Kenjaku with immense precision.

"Kamui!" You exclaimed.

Behind you, a lightning dog emerged behind you and zoomed towards the other end of Kenjaku, who was busy deflecting and blocking the earlier assault. However, certain kunai and shuriken that had missed were actually being teleported.

Because of this, the lightning dog vanished to reveal that it was a clone of yours and it used Kamui to summon more kunai and attack Kenjaku on the other end, who was now being stabbed all over.

"Lightning Blade!" You leaped towards Kenjaku after the assault and slammed your palm onto his chest as a surge of Black Flash emerged, actually intensifying your jab attack.

"He increased his power...?" Kenjaku thought before he was sent flying away to the other end of the street, as you surged with cursed energy. "That must be the result of his Black Flash attack."

"I get what he's doing." Kenjaku grinned. "He's sacrificing his potential. Is this the cause of a Binding Vow? Maybe so...because he never had this much cursed energy at the start of our fight."

Revealing that the Lightning Blade/Black Flash attack had actually damaged your palm, you just made a fist to ignore the stinging pain. This could only mean one thing, that your own cursed technique was working against you.

It couldn't be because you activated your Domain. You had cut off part of your brain to restore the technique. No, it was way earlier. It was because you had arrived in Shibuya in the first place. Every battle you had, every single ignorance you passed, was finally culminating now.

"I'm being damaged..." You almost fell forward, slowly taking in breaths and exhaling as your hand trembled. "...and...my attacks are hurting me...more than they're hurting him."

"Sage Mode. That was your mother's technique—"

"Don't talk about my mother." You cut him off.

"You're dying, (Y/N). I have a feeling the Jujutsu sorcerers already know, don't they?" Kenjaku asked, but you just didn't answer. "Yeah. You can't withstand the power of Sage Mode, can you? That's why it's been killing you."

"Your mother could because she had a Heavenly Restriction." Kenjaku raised his head. "But not even she couldn't withstand the power of pure natural energy. Natural energy is nigh impossible to control, because it is a concept that is entirely different from cursed energy, for it is the true essence of curses."

"You are dying, (Y/N)." Kenjaku grinned. "Slowly but surely, the power of that energy will consume you and you will cease to become human. You will turn into a cursed spirit...and unite with nature."

"What are you trying to say?" You asked

"Because I can save you."

After a brief silence, you actually laughed. Kenjaku just frowned, for he did not find that very funny. Grabbing your stomach, you found what he said hilarious. Suddenly, you increased in power and revealed that you are using Sage Mode.

"I would much rather turned into a cursed spirit..." You said. "...than work with the likes of you. You took everything from me. My family...my soul...and now my body. I won't let you take anything else."

Leaping towards Kenjaku, you aimed a fist right towards his cheek. Just dodging, Kenjaku suddenly felt the blow of a fist hit him back just as hard as he tumbled sideways to crash into a glass door.

"What was that?" Kenjaku asked himself.

"Frog Kumite." You said. "I use the natural energy around you and manipulate it to land a blow. Surprised? I've been learning as well, Kenjaku. You're right. I am dying. So what? I can still kill you before I die."

"You just don't care, do you?" Kenjaku asked, getting rather annoyed. "You don't care about the people that care about you, do you? What would Riko think about this atrocity you're committing to yourself?"

"Riko cares a lot more about me than I do myself." You said, not surprised Kenjaku knows about Riko. "That's why I couldn't let her be sacrificed to Master Tengen, but...she doesn't have that option for me and she's going to have to live with it."

"You really are a fool." Kenjaku said, standing up.

"Yeah, I am."

With that, the two of you leaped to each other.

End of Chapter

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