Jujutsu Kaisen | Izanagi

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Despite having been stabbed in the head, Kenjaku was still alive. Kenjaku stepped forward and looked at his palm with his right eye, and the entire eye disappeared. Cracking his knuckles to accept the new reality, Kenjaku let out a proud chuckle. Having new conditions set, he focused on his next target.

It didn't take him very long to find Riko's hideout.

"Hello there," Kenjaku said.

"We received information that you were dead," Nanami said calmly as he stepped forward with his blunt blade. "Looks like that was not the case at all. I do not believe that I was misinformed. Care to explain why you are standing here in front of me?"

"I can explain that very well for you, Nanami," Kenjaku said. "It was the work of an ancient technique that the current age of sorcerers could've never seen coming. Not even the sorcerers of that age could've known about this, and only I have used it."

"A technique you created?"

"No, one that I had discovered," Kenjaku said, raising Geto's bangs to reveal a white eye with no pupil. "Izanagi. The lost art of the Uchiha allows them to reshape reality, even their deaths. Of course, it came at a great cost for me."

"This is the second time I've ever had to use this technique," Kenjaku said. "The first was when I encountered a Six Eyes user like Satoru Gojo. Although he wasn't nearly as powerful as Satoru was, I was put to the brink of death."

"So you rewrote your death," Nanami said.


"I'll ask you another question: why are you here?"

"I could ask you the same question, but I already know the answer," Kenjaku responded. "I know the value of Riko Amanai's life. Despite her being a simple vessel a decade ago, Riko is now a threat to me and my plans. I've never heard of a person with such an advanced reverse cursed technique."

"I hate the idea that (Y/N)-san's life was thrown away in vain." Nanami said, pointing his blunt blade at Kenjaku's head. "All I have to do is  find a way to kill you twice. You can rewrite death itself, but your fight with (Y/N) himself has weakened you."

"That is very true." Kenjaku said. "I won't lie."

Get crushed!

From above, Kenjaku felt the effects of Cursed Speech. Inumaki raised his collar again, but he did cough some blood from the effect of his technique. Kenjaku was suddenly pierced in the stomach as well by a sniper. Mai reloaded her weapon from one hundred meters away as Kenjaku started to laugh.

"Ants like you..." Kenjaku began.

"Watch out!" Nanami jumped in front of Inumaki.

"...should be crushed."

Kenjaku raised his palm and blasted both Nanami and Inumaki away. In that instant, Miwa sneaked up behind Kenjaku to slice him. Kenjaku simply kept his left palm facing her, and sent her flying away with Kaori's technique as well.

"So the failure has arrived..." Kenjaku said.

"Change of plans." Maki said.

Everyone was stunned to suddenly see Maki on the battlefield between Kenjaku and Sukuna. Maki took her Soul Split Katana and aimed the tip at Kenjaku's chin before he jumped up to avoid any surprise attacks. Maki kept up with his speed well, and a sniper shot hit Kenjaku in the back.

"You are getting very annoying." Kenjaku said.

"He's noticed where I'm at—!" Mai began.

"Mai can't use her technique anymore." Maki thought, rushing Kenjaku and luring him away from Mai as the two battled it out in the forest. "I don't understand why this bastard is still here—"

"—I'm here because your sensei is dead."

Surprising Maki with that statement, Kenjaku raised his palm to blast her away as well. Instead of falling right away, Maki gripped her Soul Split Katana and grit her teeth angrily at the ground at the thought of her sensei being truly dead.

"It shouldn't be surprising." Kenjaku said. "For the first time in his life, he genuinely put his life on the line. It was just too bad that an ancient technique defeated him, or he would've won."

"You have no right to say when he puts his life on the line." Maki said calmly, standing up and remembered your words way back in Shibuya. "He gave up his life for us to win."

"Whatever eases your cold heart." Kenjaku grinned, but that suddenly vanished when he felt a powerful hit in the back once Nanami landed a clean hit to his back. "What—? Did I just move?"

"Again!" Nanami said, turning around for Kenjaku to suddenly find himself at another spot and his arm was cleanly cut within a 7:3 ratio as Nanami glared at him.

"Mimiko and Nanako..." Kenjaku chuckled, before he teleported to Maki. "...so you two allied with (Y/N)...I should've known. Not bad, (Y/N). Always messing with me...even in death!"

"Moon Dregs!"

Kenjaku looked to his right and saw the huge tentacles of a large shikigami instantly rush him. They all followed Kenjaku as best as they could, but even though they didn't hit, they were able to actually make Kenjaku jump to avoid them.

"Junpei Yoshino." Kenjaku said.

"Yeah, what about it?!" Junpei yelled.

Kenjaku looked back to see a tentacle stab him in the back but he immediately swapped with a log. Kenjaku looked up before Maki aimed a powerful punch. Kenjaku crossed his arms, but Maki breached through and landed a clean hit to his face.

"Sharingan..." Kenjaku said, holding his eye as he dodged more incoming attacks. "...it looks like (Y/N)'s father can't exactly read Maki. I can see the others fairly well, but due to her having zero cursed energy...she's the most troublesome."

"We just got to keep pushing." Maki said.

"For (Y/N)-sensei." Junpei said.

"Remember my training?" Maki asked.

"Yeah..." Junpei shuddered. "...very well."

"Then, remember it well." Maki said.

"I will." Junpei nodded.

"Weaklings gathering together to defeat me..." Kenjaku said. "...how poetic. All of (Y/N)'s students and associates are here to defeat me. But how could can you all..."

Maki rushed him quickly.

Kenjaku grabs her as his eyes glared crimson.

"...possibly hope to stop me?"

End of Chapter

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