Jujutsu Kaisen | Angel

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Reggie Star was attacked from behind. Revealing to be his Totality Dog, Megumi looked down at the wounded sorcerer. Both had battled it out for the location of Higuruma, but Reggie was defeated without much difficulty.

Even so, Megumi did get a few bruises and scratches because of this fight. Megumi kneeled down and started to assess the current situation as he slowly began to restore himself with a reverse cursed technique and he slowly breathed in and out.

"Thanks, sensei..." Megumi gave thanks to you as he restored himself. "...I might've been knocked unconscious without this. Now, I just need to find Itadori and get to—"

Looking up, Megumi saw the Angel slowly hovering above him. Hana had a small smile on her face as she looked down at Megumi and closed her eyes as she softly continued her calm expression.

"Hana!" Megumi said, standing up.

"I'm sharing bodies with Hana." The Angel suddenly spoke up, appearing in a mouth underneath Hana's eye. "My goal is to eliminate the previous non sorcerers. I know why you look for me."

"Looks like you know." Megumi said.

"I will free Satoru Gojo on one condition." The Angel said. "We have to eliminate the sorcerer known as the Disgraced One."

"The Disgraced One..." Megumi replied aloud, but he had no idea who it could be, and his mind raced to think about all the possible options and you got into his head for a split moment. "...you don't mean..."

"We both heard information about (Y/N) (L/N) participating in the Culling Games." The Angel said, and Megumi slightly widened his eyes but didn't show any hostile intentions. "Hana and I would like to meet him...personally."


Yuji arrived to Megumi's spot, and the two others looked to see that Hana had now met Megumi. Yuji was glad to see them, but the Angel proceeded to speak up.

"We should change the scenery." The Angel said.

"I agree." Megumi said.

. . .

"Tsumiki, can you stand?" You asked her.

"Yeah...I can move just fine..." Tsumiki groaned, but she slowly got herself on her feet. "...I don't recognize this place, but it feels so familiar. Is this, by any chance, where we first met?"

"Ironically enough, yes." You looked around, remembering the first time you actually met Tsumiki without Gojo or even Megumi present. "We need to get you out of here, Tsumiki."

"Where's Megumi?" Tsumiki suddenly asked.

"He's a part of the Games." You said. "Same as me. He participated in this just to save you. I'm sorry I couldn't figure out your bed ridden problem. That was my fault. Yorozu must've hurt you."

"I'm just glad I'm back to normal." Tsumiki smiled. "Thank you so much for what you've done for me and Megumi. I really can't put it into words... it thank you so much."

"Tsumiki really is kind..." You think, a hint of red on your cheeks. "...go straight ahead and you'll find my two associates, Mimiko and Nanako. They're with Maki Zen'in, a student of mine."

"What else can I do?" Tsumiki asked.

"When Maki wakes up...tell her this." You said.

. . .

"Hey, brat."

"What do you want?" Yuji asked.

"I'm the Disgraced One." Sukuna revealed. "As bothersome as that nickname sounds, I can't exactly do anything about it. You better not get yourself caught, brat."

Yuji snapped back into the real world where he, Megumi, and Hana all stood in a hotel room. Yuji tried to show signs to Megumi, but Megumi didn't understand a single gesture or hand sign Yuji tried to make, much to Sukuna's disappointment.

"Get ready." Megumi said.

"We have incoming..." Hana looked outside the window to see multiple armed soldiers, with fully armed United States equipment (rah...) and they all aimed their guns to the windows.

"What are they here for...?" Yuji asked.

"(Y/N) warned me a few weeks back." Megumi explained. "He had acquired intel that the U.S was being manipulated by Kenjaku. They're here to try and capture as many sorcerers as possible."

"Don't use cursed energy." Megumi advised.

"Got it!" Yuji popped his knuckles.

. . .

"Well, that was easy." Yuji said.

Hana giggled.

"Hey, who else do you work for?" Megumi grabbed the collar of a certain general. "Don't tell me they just sent you in without warning you. That would be pretty stupid."

"We...had orders to kill (Y/N) (L/N) and anyone associated with him on sight...we even had nukes built months before...but he sabotaged our operations...and...we..."

With that, he died.

"Idiots." Megumi said.

"The cursed energy is enough for the Merger." Angel said, appearing once again. "I advise that we should kill the remaining who still live. Otherwise, the cursed spirits will eat them anyway."

"That means we should help them!" Hana said.

"We shouldn't put you at risk..."

"The Angel has a point, Hana." Megumi said, which did make Hana reluctantly agree in the end. "Meanwhile, we should try and—"

"En chain."

Megumi and Hana suddenly look towards Yuji before Sukuna's markings enveloped around his face. Sukuna began to cackle malevolently before he looked up towards the sky with laughter.

"That idiot brat!" Sukuna revealed before he grabbed Itadori's finger and snapped it clean off. "He should've never agreed to the Vow! I can't hurt others, but it never mentioned hurting him!"

"With this treasure, I summon...!"

Sukuna punched Megumi in the gut before opening his mouth wide. Hana tried to act, but she was cut down just to be held off. Sukuna shoved Itadori's severed finger into Megumi's mouth and Yuji fell back, completely astounded.

"Megumi!!" Hana screamed.

"Fushiguro..." Yuji began.

"Hana! We need to regroup with (Y/N) (L/N) as soon as possible! He's the only one who can match the Disgraced One at this state! We need to go!"

"But, Fushiguro—!" Hana pleaded

"Fushiguro!" Yuji yelled at Megumi.

"You really are so stupid, brat." Sukuna said before he leaped to Yuji and punched him straight in the gut. "I should kill you and destroy Megumi's soul. Yeah...you two can meet in the afterlife!"

End of Chapter

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