ᗢ ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚|2| ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ᗢ

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WC: 1100

Minho dragged the younger to the small couch, telling him what Chan had said in a quiet voice. They cuddled onto the couch under one of the blankets they'd put there. Minho held Jisung, hearing the popping continue in the distance. They hadn't seen anyone else on this floor, seemingly that the other rooms were empty due to them being in the dark.

Just sitting there seemed like hours passed when only a few minutes had passed. Minho got up to turn off the light, hearing the popping come closer. Jisung made grabby hands at him. Telling him not yet, he moved things around. Granted the door didn't have glass he didn't want to take any chances. He was having a feeling of what was happening, sliding the couch away from the wall, taking the cushions setting them behind it to set up a safety zone.

"What- why are you doing this?" Jisung asked

Minho sighed, getting him to climb over into the corner. Noticing that you couldn't spot him, wincing hearing more popping noises. "Taking extra precautions." Moving a chair under the door handle, finally moving back to sit with Jisung.

"Why? Did Chan say what was going on?"

"Nothing. I'm being proactive, that's all." Minho pulled him close

Jisung didn't necessarily believe him, "I don't believe you." He muttered, trying to pull away from him

Sighing, pulling the boy back. Jisung pouted, not enjoying being brought back to him. "Chan didn't say anything. I don't like what we're hearing is getting closer. I would rather be safe than sorry at this point. We don't know what's going on, I'd rather you be safe."

Nodding, Jisung felt some reassurance from his words. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a brat; I'm just scared because of everything happening."

"I know Sungie, I'm scared too. But I'll try and protect you." Jisung curled further into his embrace, listening to the silence of the company and the occasional sounds that would cut through that silence

Jisung felt Minho's phone go off again, watching him pull it out. Seeing that it was Chan once again checking in, with more information.

'How are you two? How's Jisung's anxiety doing? The manager messaged me, try and stay hidden it's not good. It sounds like there are shooters in the building. That's what the noise is. Our company and three other idol companies along with other large companies are what he considers under attack. So the police are spread thin. I'm sorry.'

Minho looked to Jisung who had tears welling in his eyes, 'I guess okay. I moved the couch and the furniture around. The lights off, put a chair under the handle. We're hidden. Are you guys okay?'

'We're doing okay. The other two didn't listen and came into the other dance studio. So I can keep an eye on them and what they're doing. We're huddled in the corner, blockaded ourselves too. If you need anything let me know, we can't leave but we can talk.'

'Thanks hyung. We'll be okay, we're trying to stay quiet. The shots seemed to get close, we haven't heard any recently.'

'Okay. Let me know if they get closer.'

Putting the phone down, Minho looked at Jisung. Kissing his head, Jisung squeezed closer if possible. "Why don't you move closer to the couch and lay on your side? I'll lay behind you and we can snuggle." Minho whispered

Jisung, nodded doing as Minho said. However, he didn't face the couch deciding to face said boy, "Is this okay Min?"

"I'm okay with it if you are."

"Do you think that they've left?"

"Maybe, we haven't heard anything in a few minutes. But we'll wait until the police are here." Jisung took notice of how close their faces were

Blushing, looking anywhere but Minho's face. Closing his eyes, assuming a small nap wouldn't hurt anything. Jisung had been having a good dream when he was woken up. It was a beautiful day, having gone out on a date with Minho. Going to the beach and walking around enjoying the warm weather, just the two of them. It had gotten to the point that he'd always wanted; Minho was leaning in to kiss him. Anticipating the kiss, right before his lips touched his he'd been woken up. Gazing up at Minho, wondering why he'd woken him up. Startling when he heard a gunshot, it was closer than the rest of them had been. Being pushed to lay on his back, Minho crawled over him.

Putting one hand over the boy's mouth, holding him with the other. "Shhh. I've got you. You have to keep quiet okay, Sungie."

Shaking his head, trying to not cry. Wrapping his arms around the boy above him, holding him just as tight. Both flinched when they heard more shots, closer than ever. Locking eyes with one another. "I love you Sungie."

Taking his hand off his mouth, "I love you too Min."

Feeling the elder drop his weight on him, they held each other tight. Hearing the sounds become louder until it sounded like it was outside the door. Squeezing each other tight waiting for it to be over.

Hearing the sounds growing distant again, they didn't let go of each other. Not trusting that all the invaders had left. After what seemed like hours, Minho finally pulled away. Jisung didn't let him go far, holding him tight. Watching him pop his head over the couch, dropping back down.

"It doesn't look like anyone is out there anymore." He spoke softly, looking back to the younger. Jisung nodded, finally letting the tears break the damn. "It's okay. We're okay, I've got you bugs."

"That was too close. What happens if they come back, and they don't stop and they try to get in?" Jisung was starting to fall into his panic

"Bugs, you need to calm down for me," Minho spoke, trying to calm him down. But for the first time since they'd known each other, he wasn't able to bring Jisung down. Not sure what to do, he looked at the boy breaking down.

Jisung wasn't sure what to feel or how he was feeling. He was terrified and nothing Minho said could calm him, he didn't want to see him hurt. Wondering if they were going to be able to get out of this alive. If he'd ever be able to tell him his true feelings. Go on another date with him. Gasping when he felt lips on his, silencing his mind. Kissing him back, pulling him as close as possible. Forgetting that this wasn't a dream, this wasn't a fantasy, but real life.

And that's the end of the second chapter. Hopefully, you're liking it so far, this is by far the most intense story I've ever written. I'm just a girl who loves her drama and love stories with that slight angst. If you have any recommendations on what I can improve on I'll take all the constructive criticism! I'm all ears. but until next time stay safe.

With love ~DQ

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