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WC: 1045

It was finally the day they were heading back to the company. It was also one of the days that Jisung had therapy. He'd returned to going regularly. It had been helping his anxiety. And honestly, he felt better. Even before they got the news that they could return to the group, it was helping. Jisung felt that his relationship with Minho had improved tenfold. 

Walking into the company together, the new building. Their manager was kind enough to send the layout days prior. He didn't want them walking in blind! They were elated at the notion! At least they knew where the hell they were going. Chan made sure to help surprise the members. They would meet in one of the dance studios. 

Peeking in the door, noticing the group was there. The couple smiled at each other before they moved in. Chan was the only one who saw them, the rest lazing about.  

"I'm gone for a couple of months. You turn into lazy slobs... What the hell?" Minho smirked

The group turned, shocked to see the pair, a bag on their shoulder. "Minho-hyung?" Jeongin questioned, eyes widening. He was searching the elder's face for why they were there.

"Ji?" Felix and Seungmin asked, cocking their heads

"We're back." They said together. The couple didn't want to draw out their return longer than necessary! 

It didn't take long for the group to bolt up and wrap themselves around the pair, jumping around and shouting excitedly. Minho noticed that Chan stood off to the side, watching everything unfold. Just as he always did. As the boys crowded around Jisung, he moved to stand by his only Hyung. 

"You good, hyung?" Minho questioned, watching the group baby Jisung, especially Changbin. Minho grinned at how happy his husband looked at that moment. 

Chan sighed, a small smile on his face. "I thought I was going to lose two of my boys. It wasn't okay. To see you both back here-." Breathing in between his teeth, causing a hissing sound, cocking his head slightly. "To see you both back and the group this happy. It is a relief. I couldn't ask for more! We missed you two. It was not the same without your wit and how you two constantly flirt. Then, the lack of Jisung's cheerfulness, it wasn't the same." 

"It's good to be back, Chan." In a rare moment of weakness, Minho hugged Chan. It was a swift hug. One that would ease the trouble from the elder's heart. "We missed you guys just as much. We know how much you fought for us. We're forever grateful." 

Chan knew how hard it was for Minho to word his feelings. He couldn't express how proud he was. In turn, he spoke a simple statement. "Thank you for that, Min." 

Minho smirked, turning his attention back to the kids. They watched Felix give chase to Jisung. Knowing this was his home, not this building or company. No. It was this group that made it home. The second eldest tugged the elder to join in on the shenanigans. After a while, they finally got to work. The group showed them their single, working a way for them to fit into the dance. The couple spent the day getting used to being back and integrating into their group. 

After being back for a month, they would start preparations for a mini album. It turned out to be a success with the return of Jisung and Minho. Something their last release did not see without them. After that was done, Minho and Jisung approached their manager. They asked if they could record their song and release it.   

With some discussion from the manager, then with the manager and higher-ups. They would allow the duo to release their song. They couldn't help but make remarks about recording it in an actual studio. As opposed to recording the track in their bathroom. The married couple told their manager what they'd done to make their demo happen. He shook his head, laughing. The couple made sure to have fun, even though the song was emotional. 

Releasing the song, they felt a sense of pride in it. Knowing that it came from a time when they didn't have much but each other. Sharing that small tidbit with their fans at some of the fan meets. 

Soon, they were back in a rhythm. Days turned to weeks, and weeks would turn to months. It was easy to forget what they had planned several months ago as they were back together. Having dinner at their house, Chan brought it up again as their contracts were coming up. 

"What are everyone's thoughts on leaving the company?" Questioned the leader

Silence hung over the room. They hadn't discussed this as a group since that fateful night. Everyone looked to have something to say, their eyes twinkling. Yet, no one wanted to take that leap. 

Minho shimmied up in the chair, groaning like the old man he was. "I'm for it. If we can, I'd like to take our manager. He's strict but the good kind of strict." 

Chan nodded, glad someone finally spoke up. "We'd give him that option."

"Chan gave me the numbers to run." Seungmin took Minho's lead, "We might not have as many privileges. We'd have to work hard for the first year or so. I think our following is large enough that we can do it without it hurting us too much. I was against it for a while. I think we can do it, especially with their publicity. They bring a lot more to our group now."  

The group laughed. Everyone knew who Seungmin was talking about. Once it died down, another bandmate spoke up. "I would like to do it still," Jisung spoke, taking his husband's hand.

"Me too. You know my feelings for the company and PD-nim. That is twice now that we've almost lost members." Changbin spoke vehemently.

"I agree with Binnie." Felix said, "I've been for it since the start." 

"As long as we're not going to flop. I trust you, Hyung, and Minnie. If you looked over everything. I'm for it." Hyunjin smiled

No one pushed it, but they waited impatiently for their youngest. They didn't want to pressure the youngest boy. "We'll, where do I sign?"


Looks like they're doing this!

thank you so much for spending this journey with me. 

until next time ~DQ 💕 

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