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WC: 1001

"We'll figure it out, don't worry." Changbin pulled the younger into a hug. Hyunjin joined the hug from behind while Jisung came from the other side.

Chan smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I'll figure out all the details and get the numbers. We'll have another dinner next week when we don't have schedules. I'll try and get some more schedules for both of you." Speaking to the duo

"You don't have to do that, hyung." Jisung spoke, having moved away from the hug.

"I know I don't. I want to. The company has failed us as a group. This will help you get some more income. It's not much, but it's a little bit!"

"We appreciate it," Minho spoke, smiling softly.

"Do you need anything?" 

Minho shook his head, "I'm okay. Sungie, do you need anything?"

"No, I'm good. I- I'm going to schedule a therapy session." Throwing that tidbit of information out to the group

Chan nodded, "I think that is probably a good idea. Do you have your recording things?"

It was his turn to shake his head. "No, the manager and the people who escorted us out told us we couldn't take any equipment."

Chan tilted his head, "But you bought all of that."

The younger male shrugged his shoulder, "I know, I tried to argue. They got defensive and nasty, saying 'to only take your things.'. Instead of creating another fight, I just left it. There is a silver lining to all of this. School is caught up. I can say that I am ahead of schedule now. Not like I had a lot of anything else to do." 

"Oh yeah, same!" Minho smirked 

Scuffing, shaking his head. "So you both are ahead. By how much?" 

"I don't know about him, but I can graduate in two months." Minho smiled, "I'm finishing my last class right now." 

"Same! We didn't have much left to go. We'll have our masters in the end." Jisung smiled back at the elder

"Right. Just keep working on that. I'll try and get your recording stuff here. It's yours, they can't keep it."

"Well, this is my group, and they are keeping me from that." Crossing his arms, Jisung sat back and pouted. 

The leader gave the round-cheeked boy a soft glare, "You know I'm trying Ji, I am. There is only so much that we can do right now..." 

"Yeah, I know. I don't mean to be a brat. I put myself here, where this is the first time I've vented about what's happening." 

Minho reached over to stroke his knee, "You can vent all you want. Maybe find another tactic of not tearing others down. Alright, bugs?" 

Jisung bobbed his head, puckering his lips. "Right. Sorry, fuck the hierarchy!" Jisung threw his fist into the air, causing laughter to erupt from the group. Even Jisung started laughing. 

After a while, their laughter died down. Everyone needed that sudden and unplanned outburst that only Jisung could bring to the group. Chatting more, each trying to liven the atmosphere. While it was coating the wide wound, it was enough to ease said leaking wound. Minho stood, starting to pick up the dinner mess. Jisung quickly took notice, standing to help. Telling the members to stay where they were, they were their guests. They gathered the garbage and headed to their kitchen. 

"This feels so domesticated." Jisung leaned on the countertop, gazing at Minho, who was washing some of the cups and cutlery.

Minho couldn't help the soft smile that graced his features. "Yeah, but I kind of love it." Peeking over at the other

"Hey, boys." Both glanced over to the doorway to spot Chan. He entered the kitchen, sliding up to the boys. 

"What's up, hyung?" 

"Are you two okay?"

The married couple gazed at one another, having a silent conversation. "I think we will be. After the group leaves, there is going to be a long conversation. We need- I need to talk." Jisung spoke softly

"Yeah, we'll have to have one of those soft, emotional feel-it-out conversations." Minho grimaced, shivering at the thought. Minho felt a gentle hit on his shoulder, making him giggle. 

Chan chuckled at the duo, glad to see they were on the mend, "I'm happy to see you two talking and getting along again. When I came to the gym today to see how upset you were, Min, that scared me. You guys are my kids. I love you guys. I want to see you happy. I want to see you happy in your marriage because you deserve it.

"I know it might not seem that way, but I do. When all this is said and done, I want you to have the wedding of your dreams. Whether it be here or wherever you want. I want you to be able to go all out and have it as big or small as you want. Where your families can be there. I feel like a failure to both of you right now."

Minho surprised the small group when he hugged Chan. Chan sighed into his hug.

"You didn't fail us, Hyung. The company has failed us all, time and time again. You're the one that has been our rock. Please don't-." Minho paused, not having the right words. The second eldest wasn't accustomed to wording his thoughts like the others. He could show them and make them feel better. 

Jisung stepped up, hugging both of them. He leaned his head on Minho's shoulder. "Please don't blame yourself. It might seem like it's the easiest. But don't put all of this on those broad shoulders of yours. At least put a little on your ass." 

"Jisung," Chan whined, huffing before chuckling. Of course, his first child would cause the most stress!

"He's right, you know. You don't have to put it all on your shoulders. Let the others help you. We're here. You're welcome to our home when you need to vent." 

"Thank you, boys. I love you both so much!" Pulling back, ruffling their hair, kissing each of their heads. "We'll get through this. We will continue as our group." 


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