ᗢ ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚|41| ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ᗢ

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WC: 758

The other boys came home slowly; Felix was the first. He didn't realize how bad Jisung was spiraling. Minho had done what he could, but Jisung had it set in his mind that Felix was mad at him. Until he came, Jisung's depression hit him hard. They kept in contact with the manager, who had finally apologized to the married couple. It was a sorry excuse of an apology. But, still one.

That eased some of Jisung's worries. No one dared let him on socials. Hell, they didn't go on socials yet. No one wanted to see what the damage was going to be. Felix threw his bags down and rushed into the dorms. Felix found the couple curled on the couch, watching a movie. Unprepared for the onslaught of love they would receive from the Aussie. 

"I love you. I love you. I love both of you." Felixed kissed both of them on the head, laying across their lap. His arms circled Jisung's waist, not letting him move if he dared. "I want to know it all. Tell me everything from the moment you decided. Who brought it up? Which one of you needed to be convinced? What did you wear? Did you get pictures? I want all the details, don't you dare miss any of them. I'm so sorry for making you think I didn't care and was mad." 

While that helped, Jisung finally smiled. "If you let me up, I'll get my phone. We videoed it." Minho spoke up

"You did!" The birthday twin beamed, tears brimming. "Will you send it to me? I can't wait to see it! I get to witness my besties get married." Lifting his ass off from Minho, Felix took this opportunity to adjust his hold on Jisung. "How does it feel to be married?"

"It's been- stressful," Jisung whispered, unable to hold eye contact. He stared off into the distance, his mind full and empty. 

Felix hugged him tighter, "Oh, Jisungie. I've got you."

"Here," Minho spoke, handing the phone over. Felix squealed with excitement. Before playing the video, he stared at the starting photo. Making the executive decision, Felix set the phone up so it would play to the TV. 

"Have the hyungs seen it?" 

"No, they didn't want to watch it without the others," Minho answered, sitting in front of the duo on the floor.

"I'll watch it over and over again, fuck them!" 

"Felix!" Chan yelled, entering the room with Changbin. "What have I told you about swearing?"

"To be better with it?" Grinning, earning an eye roll

"Just roll the video."

"Alright, Chris." He snickered, pressing play. 

Minho pulled his knees to his chest. Watching their day, watching Jisung fuss with the phone that their parents were on. He recalled how he wanted them to have the best view. Watching them settling, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Minho took it, holding it tight. The ring grazes a finger. That gave away it was his husband. It made him smile that Jisung was reaching out to him.

The group rewatched their day. It made it all that much more worth it. Knowing they were facing what they were, it was worth it. It reminded them. Jisung's hand grip tightened, reassuring him that he felt the same. In the end, the group watched how the newlyweds rushed the camera. Saying they were finally married, cut off at that moment. 

Minho moved so he could see Jisung. He finally had a genuine smile plastered on his face. But he wasn't looking at him. Following his gaze, Felix was a blubbering mess. "Yongbok-ah!" Minho teased

"No! How? Why? No!" He turned to cry into Jisung's shoulder, making absolutely no sense

Not bothering to look at the other two, the couple finally found each other's gaze. Minho smirked at Jisung. Jisung smiled at him, the twinkle in his eyes returning. It was dim. But it was there. 

"I love you, Min." 

"I love you, Sungie." 

"How are you two so cute?" Felix cried more, but no one heard the front door open. 

"What the hell?" Hyunjin asked, "Here I thought I was the drama queen." 

"No! Go! Grab tissues, and come back and sit! You'll understand." Felix demanded

Hyunjin complied, "What the hell are you making me watch?" 

Refusing to answer, Felix hit start on the video. In the end, Hyunjin was also brought to tears. Felix was right. Jisung came to that conclusion. He could rewatch this video, especially if in a funk. It would bring back a memory of pure happiness, something to get through the dark times. 

Sappy Sappy. 🥲

As a forewarning, next week there will be only one upload. My anniversary is next week and I'm going to take some time off to enjoy it. 

Have a great week! 


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