ᗢ ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚|16| ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ᗢ

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WC: 1044

When Minho's parents arrived back, the boys were both ready to head to lunch. It was their last family outing before having to go back to their lives. Or that is what Minho's mother called it. Jisung wouldn't claim otherwise, loving the notion of being a little family. 

Having spoken to Chan early that morning, they were expected to arrive around the same time as the rest of the boys. Chan hadn't left and when Jisung tried to pry, he hit a brick wall. It wasn't uncommon for him to withhold information, but something seemed off this time. Trying to not read into it, Jisung knew that it would all be revealed when they got there. He hoped, or that is what he kept telling himself to keep his anxiety down.

These past couple of days, even though the boys fooled around a lot. They talked a lot too. It helped to get through what had happened, rather than bottle it all up. It seemed to help Minho the most, as Jisung was used to talking about what was going on. Maybe not to the extent he was now, but he felt more open than ever with Minho. It was nice to snuggle Minho's babies, letting them comfort them as they talked.

Jisung was nervous and excited to see his bandmates. Everything happened so quickly, one minute they were practicing and joking. Next, they were separated into groups and then hell started. Only to find that it could get worse, with Minho in the hospital. Finally, they left all of that behind them to go to Minho's house. Did they run from everything? Possible. Was it needed? Absolutely. 

If Jisung had stayed there he might have gone crazy without seeing Minho. What could be the worst part was that Jisung had barely heard from his parents. It could be that they were confident in the Lees taking care of him, but it would have been nice to be able to Facetime them.

Pulling up to their dorm, Minho's parents bid them both a loving farewell before they made their way to the 3racha dorm. Seeing Chan, they hugged it out happy to see that he was okay. Chatting for a while, greeting the other members before they were all present and accounted for.

"What is the plan?" Felix asked

Sighing, Chan had them sit down. "There has been a lot to happen in the last week. A lot is going to change. For starters, we have to change dorms. We found out the location of our current ones has been leaked, that is just part of the intel that was stolen. Starting tomorrow they will be moving us; I'll show you what it looks like after everything."

"Do they know what happened? Where is the manager? Why isn't he telling us this?" Hyunjin asked

Chan sat down and looked at his group, Jisung noticed how his facial expression changed from neutral to clear unhappiness. "I'm not sure what exactly happened, a lot of it is still being investigated and is only being released to the higher-ups right now. Leaders are only being informed of the pieces that are affecting their group, so what I tell you is confidential.

"Several idol companies were involved in the attack, along with two large shareholders of each of the companies. As of now, there are only a couple of leads with the culprits they have detained. Many fled into the morning hours or were gunned down. The manager isn't telling us this information and I am, because he was one of the victims of that night."

Hearing gasps around the room, Jisung moved into Minho's comforting arms. Releasing the tears that came from the sudden news, they came to realize what their leader had been dealing with. "I don't know if I want this answer, who else did we lose?" Changbin asked for the group, not wanting to but wanting closure.

Forming a thin line with his lips, Jisung peaked from his position in Minho's arms. "We need to know hyung, we have to be able to cope and we can do that together," Felix said, allowing the tears to flow freely down his face

Nodding, giving in to what the group desired. "Alright, several of the managers passed away because they were in a meeting."

Seungmin finally joined the conversation, having been comforting the youngest. "Okay. No one else?"

Biting his lip and fidgeting with his hands, "Unfortunately, yes."


"We lost Yeji. There weren't any others in the building at the time, Ryujin suffered a major break in her leg as she and Lia broke her arm as they tumbled down the stairs from Yeji pushing them into the stairwell. Yuna and Chaeryoung were in the bathroom, so they stayed there. 

"Several of the members of Twice were injured too, we seemed to be the only ones who weren't wandering on the bottom floor of the halls at the time. Not in between practices at the time, like any other time when you guys wander around. I got the two of you to your practice room." The mood melancholy, tears coming from everyone. 

Coming together for a group hug, Jisung held to Minho. Knowing if they hadn't listened to Chan to hurry along, it could have been much worse.

Subsequently, they decided to order food after crying until there was nothing left to cry. Eating in silence, something their dorms were not accustomed to. Not wanting to sleep in separate dorms, they decided on a sleepover. Watching a movie, falling asleep in a pile of blankets, pillows, and bodies.

Jisung surprisingly was one of the first to wake up, seeing that Chan was up already. Carefully maneuvering out of Minho's grip, kissing his forehead before trudging to the kitchen. Sitting down after grabbing some juice, taking in his leader's appearance seeing how worn he'd become. 

"How are you doing hyung?" Partially knowing the answer, but wanted to hear it from the man himself

Letting out a disgruntled sound, "I've been better Ji. I'm sure we all have, there is a lot put on my plate right now."

Nodding, given the circumstances they always had a lot on their plate this time though it seemed to take the cake. "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

The group is back together at last... Leave the story some love if you're enjoying it! Until next time, stay safe and healthy. With love ~DQ <3

I had a rough week, I had to finish a research paper this week, and if there are problems I am sorry. Make sure to give it extra love 💗 

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