ᗢ ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚|47| ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ᗢ

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WC: 1141

Crossing the room, Minho stood tentatively across from Jisung. "Jisung." 

Gasping, glancing at his face, startled at the tenderness conveyed in Minho saying his name. "Yeah, Minho."

Smiling, reaching up to gently caress his face, "We'll get through this. I know we're hurting. Why don't we start leaning on each other once again? We can suffer together rather than alone. No need to hurt each other." 

Jisung leaned into his touch, having missed his touch. "Yeah, hyung. Can I hug you? I really could use a hug and I'm not sure if I-."

Minho tugged him into a tight hug. "Of course, my Sungie deserves a hug. No matter how frustrated and mad I may be, I will never deny you a hug. I love you so much." Letting silent tears fall, feeling Jisung's shoulders shake. 

It was difficult. Neither could deny that, but holding onto one another, being back together, and starting to talk. That was the first step in fighting back against the company. Coming back together, they were each other's strengths.

After hugging it out, holding onto one another. The couple sealed their commitment with a soft kiss. The duo finished the guest room while moving Jisung's things into the master. It was finally time for their shower, shy about showering together. Giggling at their nervousness. They showered together, enjoying the tranquility of the shower. They didn't want to be without each other, at least for the night. They'd missed the comfort that came from their soulmate being next to them. 

Out and dressed, they heard their doorbell. The group hadn't been to their home before. Greeting them, Felix hugged Minho before latching to Jisung. The now brunette missed his twin. What surprised the group was how Minho drifted to standing with Seungmin. While they joked and mocked each other at any given chance, they did care for one another. 

Minho had Chan put the bags down, offering a house tour. It wasn't much, but it was now their home. "How long did you have to sign a lease for?" Chan asked, returning to the living room and sitting down with the group

"It was for a year. We tried for six months, but that made it double the amount. We couldn't think about doing that right now. But we've made it our home. It's taken some time to get used to. We don't have to share showers with anyone else or worry about anyone stealing our food."

"Oh, we can wander around in our boxers without Felix smacking our chests!" Jisung yelled out, then whined as Felix smacked his chest to spite him. This caused a chuckle from the group. 

"Now that we're talking again, I can think of a few things I'd like to do to Sungie." Minho smirked, causing the boy to squirm. They both knew it would take some time to get back there. However, it didn't mean that Minho couldn't tease. 

"We don't need to know that!" Seungmin complained, tilting his head to the side. He couldn't help but be disgusted at how the two were being.

The group laughed at how upset but happy Seungmin seemed. While he didn't want to hear about their sex life, it had become a constant in his life. "Let's maybe veer off from their sex life. We should talk about why Chan called an emergency group meeting." Changbin offered

"Right." Chan smiled, finishing his bite of food. The group dug into their meal. "This is going to sound crazy. Hear me out. Our contracts are up in a little over six months. We can start discussing openly in about five, but I'd like your thoughts on buying the trademark for Stray Kids. Make sure we have the masters for our songs, which we do. From there, we can decide what to do. We can open our own company or find a new company. 

"We can't keep on doing what we are doing. It is not fair. To us, to our fans. Our fans are just as upset about this situation. They said the company has failed to protect our duo, which they have. So the situation we're in has been unfair...

"We have been slowly taken away from our fans. It's time that we start thinking about what we'll do. Our next steps forward. This is not us forcing anyone if you do not wish to do this. That is fine. But it is an option. These are my thoughts for moving forward."

"How much are we talking?" Changbin asked

Chan sighed, "I don't have the exact numbers right now, but I'm working on it. It won't be cheap, I can tell you that. I made this group. If we want to stick together, I will find a way. One way or another to keep us together. I told Stay we would never have a last step out, and I'm holding that promise." 

"It'll be hard since our income has dwindled. I'll figure it out," Minho spoke, looking at Jisung.

"Yeah. Same. I'll figure it out." 

Chan smiled at the duo, "I know it's difficult. I'll make sure that you aren't struggling." 

"Does that mean we'd open our own company?" Seungmin asked

Chan shrugged, "If we decided as a group, then yes. Or we can find another company. At that point, it is up to us." 

"I think we should look at that option, the creating a company," Hyunjin spoke up

"But that seems like a lot of work for us. We haven't done any of that before." Jeongin countered

Puckering his lips, "Yet, we could figure it out. We already produce our songs and create some of our choreography. I won't say it'll be easy. I think it would be fun to figure out what it took to run a company." Changbin answered Innie's concerns

"We'd all have our designated roles. But all decisions would be decided by us as we would be the CEOs, where PD-nim is." Chan continued to explain. "Felix, you've been quiet. Are you okay? Do you have any concerns?" 

The group looked to the Aussie, noticing he was trying to hold in tears. "I don't want to lose the group again. I didn't think I'd have this again. I want to do anything I can to keep us together. We've gone through so much. Struggled, succeeded. We've had opportunities of a lifetime because of our group and our fans. 

"I'm in. For whatever we choose to do. If we make our own company or find a new one, let's buy our trademarks and masters. We can figure out money. I'll help where I can. Hell, we can even gain support. We're a family. You guys are my family. I see you more than my own family. We've almost lost Minho and Jisung. I don't want to lose them because they don't like how they don't communicate. Our manager didn't try either." 

"Oh, Yongbok-ah." Minho smiled at their sunshine

can you believe that we have fifteen chapters left? remember to subscribe because I have a week off from school because of others... lack of ability... 

anyway. thank you for reading! until next time (soon 😉)!!~DQ ❤️ 

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