ᗢ ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚|29| ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ᗢ

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WC: 1082

Jisung noticed that with him wanting the weekend to arrive time seemed to be dragging! Time spent in the studio, which flew, dragged. When he and Minho were together, it seemed that the elder was going out of his way to torture him. He knew all his quirks, knowing him all too well. 

Felix noticed how Minho was going out of his way to tease Jisung. Having the casual butt slap as he walked behind him, a peck on the cheek, soft caress of his hand. All these soft touches were driving him mad! Because Jisung wanted more! He craved more.

Yet, Minho went out of his way to keep their touches to a minimum. That would include when they went to bed if they went to bed together. A simple goodnight kiss, spooning him gently.

Jisung wasn't sure he could keep it together; he was sure he might implode. Having become so used to the full-on butt grabs, grabbing his face for powerful kisses, the caresses that he missed all over his body. 

By Sunday morning, Jisung had barely registered it was their day. He sat up, watching their bedroom door open, revealing Minho. He had a tray of food. The coy smile graced his beautiful face, already brightening Jisung's morning.

"Morning, bugs." Setting the tray gently on the bed across Jisung's lap. Separating the food, "Did you sleep well?"

He bobbed his head. It was just like Minho to be wide awake. He was such a morning person. "Yeah. What's all this for?"

Surprised to see Minho blush softly, "I wanted to start our day special, almost like a date. Start the day off with breakfast in bed, watch your favorite anime or even a movie of your choice. Then, if you still want me- you. I mean, we can see where the day leads us."

"I think that sounds perfect, Min." Jisung reached out to hold his cheek, feeling Minho lean into it. Turning to kiss his palm. "Let's eat and snuggle?"

Bobbing his head, "How has working in the studio been? Chan said you seemed distracted; he caught me before everyone headed out this morning."

Letting out a shaky breath before laughing lightly, "Yeah, maybe a little."

"Everything okay?" Minho asked in between bites

Nodding quickly, "Yeah, you've been slightly distracting to me, and with today coming. I've been thinking a lot about today."

Jisung watched as Minho placed his utensils down, concern washing over his face. "We don't have to do anything today. Just spending today with you will be enough."

At Minho's statement, he waved his hands furiously before him, "No! That's not what I meant! I've been anticipating it! You've been so soft, the random butt pats when you walk by. It's been driving me crazy; I love it, but damn."

Hearing the other giggle, his gaze shifted up, startled. "That was the whole point. Everyone always says I'm too rough with you, so I've tried to be a little gentler."

"I don't mind it. Who is everyone?"

"Jinnie and Minnie."

"You haven't been that rough with me. I like it. I might complain-." Hearing Minho interrupt him, saying loudly, making them both smile. "But I like all sides. When you're soft and gentle or when you want to be rough and dominating to me."

"Really?" Jisung smiled as his boyfriend cocked his head and raised a brow at him. 

It was Jisung's turn to cock his head, "When have I ever lied to you?"

"Fine. Besides, from succumbing to my torture, how has the rest of your week been?"

"It's been good. Even though I've been in the clouds, we've gotten the arrangement down for the album. Chan will submit it tomorrow for approval. It has some of the songs we've already recorded. We might have to touch up some vocals, but we're pleased with it."

Minho beamed at him, "Good. Chan gave me one of the tracks to start making choreo. I think I have something worked out. Jinnie and Youngbok have joined me. I can teach them now. Probably once we get the approval for the song, we'll start learning it as a group."

"It's crazy how fast it goes. I know it's like this for every comeback, but it always seems like a new process."

Feeling Minho pat his knee, "It's because you three always push yourselves more into the process. We want more control over how our music is released, rather than some stranger doing all the work."

"Thank you for helping to sort my thoughts." Jisung blushed

Giggling again at his shy nature, Minho could not help but kiss his head. "That's what we do for each other. I'll gladly keep doing it no matter what."

"You're my best friend and lover."

Jisung loved to watch Minho's face change from teasing to soft eyes and a smile. It was only ever directed at him, features showing how much he cared. "I feel the same, Sungie. The sex is great. The few times we did it." Jisung rolled his eyes, almost expecting Minho to throw in a joke. He'd be concerned if he didn't! "But even if we could never go that far again, I'd be happy to shower you in love and presents and whatever else to show you how much you mean."

"Minho," Jisung whined at his boyfriend. His lips pouted while making his eyes big.

"I could have never gotten through this past year without you. I hope you realize how much you did for me. You always say it was nothing. You just made me talk and were there to calm me down. But no matter what you think, you were that anchor. Something that I could reel myself to. No matter how lost I felt. You did so much without even knowing it."

"Kitten, I'd do it all over again. The only thing I would change is telling you sooner. Also, not being so scared. But now that I have you. I'm never letting go. We can be each other's anchors whenever. We both have our problems. I love you."

Minho smiled, leaning in to give Jisung a soft kiss that didn't last nearly long enough for the whiny boy. "I love you too. Let's clean up. We have a new anime series to binge, and I know someone who is getting whiny."

Pouting at his boyfriend. "I can't think of who that would be."

Feeling Minho kiss him again, he moved back quickly to stand, clearing their dishes. Jisung hurried behind him, wanting to shower to prepare for the day's activities...

a cute little chapter. Plus. Happy birthday to me! You get an additional chapter! Thank you for reading and I hope you've enjoyed it :) Until next time ~DQ ♥️ 

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