108. Paper

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Naomi didn't leave the paddock, she went into the garage. This plan of hers wasn't the smartest plan, but time wasn't on their side. She quickly wrote few words on a blank paper. Mechanics were still there, preparing everything for a transport to a new location and checking for post race damages.

Naomi walked in with her chin up. She faked confidence, but deep down she felt like she is going to throw up.

"May I have your attention please?" she said loudly. It was way out of her comfort zone, but she didn't care. She owed this to Christian and to the whole Red Bull team.

Mechanics lifted their heads up and suddenly all attention was on her. They seemed surprised by her actions.

"I think you all have heard the news about our team principal" Naomi said, Christian wasn't her team principal anymore, but she still considered herself as a part of the Red Bull team. Some engineers quietly mumbled. Naomi ignored it.

"As far as I know you all are pretty happy with Mr. Horner being in a charge of this team" she continued.

Quiet mumbling again. Naomi took a deep breath in and continued, it was now or never, she knew her next words might save Christian or completely flop.

"So- me and your drivers, who are against this decision came up with an idea of a petition" Naomi gulped and continued "to keep Mr. Horner here we decided to sign this petition which states that in a case that Mr. Horner will be forced to resign we will quit here too. I brought this paper to you to sign it if you want to and help us out" Naomi said. She felt like she is going to faint. All eyes were on her and there was complete silence.

She blinked. The silence took just a few seconds, but to her it felt like ages.

"You say Max will quit too if Horner will be forced to resign?" someone interrupted the silence.

Naomi looked at the man who said it. It was GP, Max's race engineer.

"Yes" Naomi said. She wasn't 100% sure if Max would do so, but she presented it like it was already done.

"Well, give me that paper then, if Max will leave there is no point for me to stay" he said.

Naomi let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and gave him the paper. Encouraged by GP's action Max's engineers came to sign it too and after they did more people came to sign the paper, there were only few people left who didn't, but because most of the people in the garage signed it, they came to sign it too. Every person in the garage was signed there. Naomi felt tears in her eyes. Unity of this team was quite impressive.

Thank you. I won't let you down, I promise. Naomi said, took the paper with signatures and left the garage. 


Naomi pushed a door to Christian's office and her jaw dropped. The office was a mess, there were papers everywhere all over the floor, some furniture was knocked over and she also saw some glass shards. Max was aggresively calling with someone. Daniel was sitting on a floor with a bottle of whiskey what he got who knows where and Christian was on his knees trying to find something in documents what were all over the floor. 

Naomi frowned and pressed her lips into a thin line. She went to Max and snatched the phone from his hand and hung up his call.

Max hissed, because he didn't even notice she came to the office and Naomi just rolled her eyes.

"Get up, I need something" she said to Christian.

Christian raised his eyebrows because of Naomi's attitude, but did as she said. Naomi swept away rest of the documents what were on the table on a floor.

"Hey! I needed those" Christian said.

"Too bad" Naomi said and frowned.

She had now their attention, because of her strange behaviour, the fact was that she was just stressed about this situation and their passivity irritated her, she was upset that they gave up so easily without trying. She knew Max would end in the Red Bull if Christian would be forced to resign and that was definitely making her stress levels even higher.

"Darling, you are scaring me" Max said. Naomi ignored his remark. 

She pressed the paper on the table. "Sign it" she said to Max. "And you too" she added and threw a pen at Daniel who was still on the floor. Despite being drunk he caught it. Driver's reflex. 

"What is it?" Max frowned.

"Maybe a paper what will save Christian's ass or maybe a paper what will ruin jobs of multiple people" Naomi said. The stress she felt was unreal. This idea could end up badly and all weight of it was now on her shoulders. 

"Christian, who is in a charge of this resignation? I need their number" she said.

"That is confidental" Christian said while frowning at the paper.

Naomi smiled like a crazy person. "You better give me that number, confidental or not, I didn't do all of this for nothing."

Christian didn't dare to complain again and wrote the number down and gave it to her.

Max and Daniel signed the paper. "Do you both know what you even signed?" Christian asked them with a fathery tone.

"Nope, but I trust my woman" Max said.

"I will go call this number ok? Max, I suppose that this mess is here because of you, so you should help to clean it up" Naomi said sassily. She took the paper what they signed "Oh, and Christian, you should go and thank to your employees, they are very loyal" she said and left his office.

She found an empty office and went there. Her head was spinning, because of stress. She typed in the number and pressed a call button.

It kept dialing, but noone was picking up, she was about to hang up when she heard it "Hello?"

"Hello, my name is Naomi and I am from the Red Bull F1 team, may I have a word with you?" she asked, trying to keep her voice as professional as possible.

"How did you get this number?"

"That is not important for now, I have an important matter to discuss, is it possible to set up a meeting?" she asked while taping with her nails on a wooden table.

"Call my secretary, I don't understand who gave you my number. She will set up an appointment in a next month."

They didn't have that much time "Sorry, but I need an appointment now, it is quite urgent" she said.

"I don't care, call my secretary bye-"

Naomi cut him off. She had enough "Hang up and this team will crumble, you can be sure of that" she said firmly. Deep down she knew, she overstepped with her words.

"Are you threatening me?" the man asked coldly.

"Not at all, just statting facts. I want to meet and discuss this matter, I am sure you would like to hear it" Naomi said.

"I don't have time. I am fully booked" he said, his tone was cold.

"I don't care, just pick time and location and I will be there".

"Fine, you have 4 hours to get to my office in London. I see you are calling from Spain, so good luck with that" he said, this time with a cruel amusement. He was sure she won't be able to make it on time. He hung up the call.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25 ⏰

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