Love of my life

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{Just to clarify in this I'm using he/she for Crowley so that's why it alternates a lot}

Quietly Crowley drove in his car, not singing along to his Queen cds as he usually did. He was listening to his Queen playlist when a song came on. A sudden symphony of instruments, then "Love of my life, you've hurt me...You've broken my heart-"

Crowley's eyes quickly pooled, it was his first time ever cutting off Queen during a song, he always waited until the song was over to stop and get out.

Now he just drove in silence, drowning in his thoughts.

'I forgive you'? What was that supposed to mean? Forgiving him for what? Kissing him? It was very obvious that the angel had kissed him back. Maybe a bit... dumbstruck as Aziraphale just held his arms in the air not knowing where to put them in the moment.

Crowley went to wipe her face as he felt the tears creeping down. He wouldn't want to get his new jacket wet, it wasn't even raining.

At this point he was highly considering going to Alpha Centauri and never seeing anyone again. Well. Except for Beelzebub and Gabriel. He shuddered at the thought of being alone on a planet with Beelzebub and Gabriel. Ick.

She would go if a certain angel would go with him. But, well, that wasn't going to happen.

Suddenly he felt the road skidding. Ice, perhaps? Crowley tried her best to stop, but the breaks only made things worse. Quickly, his unscratched Bentley crashed into a large tree.

"Ugh," Crowley groaned, somehow outside of his car, looking back at the torn up Bentley. Crowley rolled around his head in the air and she groaned, sobbing, "First Aziraphale and now my lovely car!"

Crowley laid down on the ground, staring up into the blurred night. How long had he been unconscious? Is it already night? He couldn't help but look up at the stars he couldn't see. When they went to Tadfield and sat right outside the car so Aziraphale could explain his creation to him.

She then noticed the tears, there were so many coming through. He didn't bother trying to stop, she didn't feel like moving. He felt lifeless. Empty. Like he had just lost the two most important things.

With a grunt and a flinch, Crowley silently got up, looking around. He looked down to see a wound from the accident. Sighing, he stumbled to the back of his car, putting a hand on the wheel.

"Sorry old girl, must've drove too slow. I'm afraid I don't have Adam to fix you this time. We had a good run, you and I." He slightly smiled, kissing the wheel and quickly gagging in disgust. "Why did I just kiss that, yuck."

She, hesitantly, walked down the road, walking away from his car. She staggered a bit, holding his hip.

Crowley wondered why he had previously said to Aziraphale that the day couldn't have gotten any weirder. It did. Then it got bad. And then it got worse. He wondered why Aziraphale would ever take that offer. It wouldn't do any good now to wonder this, because he did. It felt really shitty.

She sighed in pain as he decided to plop down at the end of the road.

Nina's words earlier really hit him, "Your partner."

She didn't understand why he had never realized before his feelings for the Angel. Why they never really had that deep of a conversation. But even so, when they finally did, it wasn't the best of conversations.

Suddenly, his severely cracked phone started ringing. She took her time taking it out and he saw it was Nina. He stared at the screen until it turned off.

Crowley threw his phone on the ground as she covered his face with his hands, shaking.

"Just the two of us" He thought, remembering her own invitation. An invitation for the two of them to be happy. Remember how desperate Azi was to get him to go to heaven. How he chose heaven over him.

The phone rang again , and he finally answered this time, " What do you-!!"

She paused, realizing how tearful his voice was. He took a deep breath and she answered again, "What do you want, Nina?"

"We went to the bookshop."

Crowley sat there for a rather long moment, "How's that my problem?"

"You can talk to me, Crowley." Nina said in a convincing voice, making her break.

"He walked right away from me Nina. He walked right away for that stupid old man. Am I just not good enough for his heavenly standards? I kissed him for Satan's sake! 6000 years together and he leaves me for a giant talking head he's spoken to about 3 times." Crowley sobbed over the phone, "I just... I just don't understand."

The two sat on the phone in silence for a few minutes. What Crowley didn't know was Maggie and Muriel were on the other end, sitting in the bookshop.

Finally, Crowley broke the silence, quietly asking, "Can someone pick me up? I crashed my bentley. "

"Yes of course, I'll be on my way shortly, where are you?" Nina asked.

"You know what, I'm fine, don't bother," She said with a grunt of pain, "I'll just call a cab or something. I don't want to be in that town right now. I'll figure something out."

Maggie chipped in, "We understand that you don't want to be near the bookshop, we totally get that. But you clearly need help. You sound hurt."

"I said, don't bother." Crowley hissed and hung up the phone, chucking it across the road. If she really needed a phone, he could just miracle himself another one. For now, he just wanted to wallow in his own sorrows alone on the side of the street. Of course with the occasional car, also they were quite rare at this time of night.

He laid back down, ignoring the searing pain as he continued to think. He thought of the day they first met, the day she created the universe with a bit of the Angels help, he thought aloud, mumbling, "The stars weren't the only gorgeous thing I saw that day."

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