the lovers

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Sorry I waited so long to post another chapter!!! This is based off of Night Shift by Lucy Dacus.

"Stop it."
"What, dear?"
"Staring at me."
"Why can't I stare at you?" Aziraphale pestered.
"Just stop it." Crowley scowled, scrunching up his face at the Angel.
"Is it your eyes or your luscious hair I'm staring at thats making you flushed?" Aziraphale asked oddly calm about his answer to the demon.
Crowley didn't answer and took a sip of her coffee in an attempt to hide her face.
The Angel rolled their eyes back into their book. Trying to ignore the demons humorous reaction to his flirtatious comment.
There was a few minutes of silence as the two drank their coffee and Aziraphale read his novel.
"I love how your so flustered right now."
Crowley had hoped the words were a bit more twisted up than that, perhaps a you instead of a how. "You shut up."


"I love you. Please. Stay."
"You lost that chance when you took the heaven job." Crowley hissed at the Angel. She could barely manage any eye contact.
"I know I made a mistake now!" Aziraphale said, pleading with her, "I'm here now."
"You don't deserve what you couldn't stay for."

What are you so afraid of, Crowley." Aziraphale said quietly, straightening his posture a bit.
"I can't hate you. And I don't know why." Crowley said, now looking straight into the demons eyes, "Maybe it's just the fact I was never good enough for you. You always compare me to when I was an angel. I'm not an angel anymore Aziraphale. But it seems like you can't get over that fact."
The Angel didn't know what to say.
Crowley continued, "You left. You made that choice."
Crowley sighed as the Angel did not respond. She waited for a few minutes as they just stared at each other. The most awkward and silent minutes the two had in six thousand years.
More silent than the pause between "I forgive you." And "Don't Bother."
"I don't hate you. I love you. But I can't love you right now."
Crowley looked to Aziraphale expecting an answer to at least that. But he didn't get one.
He got nothing.

(Sorry it was short I couldn't think of anything to add.)

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