the party

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The Demon was already late to the Angels bookshop. But he still didn't know what to wear. He couldn't decide if he wanted to wear the red one or the blue one.
He groaned and decided on the blue one. It may or may not be because blue was one of the Angels favorite colors.
When he finally got the dress on he scurried quickly down the stairs. She knew the elevator would probably be faster but he decided to use the stairs anyway.
For some reason she had his arms flailing around as he rushed to the Bentley.
A few people were staring at the panicking demon.
When he finally got in, he didn't even bother to buckle in, he just started immediately speeding down the road. As he was driving he slipped on his coat somehow.
When she finally got to the Angels bookshop, she rushed to the door, almost falling in his high heels. Panting from all the running, the demon knocked on the door. "Come on Angel! Sorry I'm late."
The Angel opened the door, smiling at the demon, "Don't worry dear. You're not that late. Don't worry."
Aziraphale was wearing probably his fanciest suit. It was a white coat with golden bits sprinkled on it. with a gold tie. And the dress shirt was a very light blue.
The demon and the angel flushed a bit at each other's outfits.
"Well?" The Angel piped up, breaking the silence. "Are you ready, dear girl?"
Crowley blushed a bit at the comment on his dress, but quickly hid his reaction. "Oh, yes."
The Angel nervously grabbed the demon's arm and then led each other to the car. They both thought *privately* to themselves that this may be a date, but this was Nina and Maggie's party, so they didn't dare say a word to each other.
"Maybe I should drive?" The Angel asked, seeing the tire marles on the road that were clearly from the Bentley.
"That might be a good idea..." Crowley mumbled, "Seeing as the party is only a few blocks away."
Aziraphale smiled and quickly got into the driver's seat before the demon changed his mind. He grabbed the keys from the center console. He started the car right after she got in the passenger seat.
The angel drove the Bentley at the speed limit which made Crowley very uncomfortable.
Aziraphale gave in and went a little bit above the speed limit, which made Crowley more content with his car's speed limit.
"So, how was your day?" The Angel asked, keeping his eyes on the road.
"It was fine. I probably woke up at two again." Crowley chuckled, "Other than that, probably just looking for what to wear for the party."
"How much time did it take you to find something?"
"Hm... Maybe an hour or two after I went out and bought some dresses." Crowley thought, "Maybe about three hours shopping."
"Wow, it probably took me about a total of thirty minutes to get ready." Aziraphale smiled, surprised at how much time Crowley put into an outfit for one party.
"That's just because you miracle all your 'heavenly' clothing." Crowley said, playing with the hem of his blue dress, "I do quite like the human fashions."
"Is that so?" Ariraphale said slighty sarcastically. Instantly regretting it. "Sorry for my sarcasm. It's just you've said many times you like human clothes."
"I don't mind the sarcasm. I find it quite cute actually." Crowley said, quietly.
Aziraphale blushed and said nothing as they arrived at the party venue. It was Maggie and Nina's engagement party. The two had gotten engaged about a month prior. They got together about a year ago.
The Angel wanted to ask the demon out on a proper date, but they weren't officially together. Nothing much romantically had happened to the two of them since the whole Second Coming incident.
Crowley wanted to go out on a date too.
They both got out of the car, heading to the doors. The two quietly went to the door, not knowing what to say to each other.
Maggie smiled as they walked in, quickly grabbing Aziraphale from Crowley.
Crowley stood there awkwardly in the crowded room of friends and family.
After a short while, Nina spotted Crowley and made her way over, "How long have you been here? Nice dress by the way."
"Um about ten minutes maybe."
"Where's your date?"
She scoffed at Nina and quietly said, "Don't say that! He's not my date. At least I don't think they are. And your fiance took him off somewhere."
"Oh, Maggie?" Nina said, looking around. "She's right over there introducing your 'friend' to her brothers."
Nina walked off to her Mother leaving Crowley just standing there.
Crowley looked over at Aziraphale who seemed so happy connecting with the two fiancee's families. While he was just standing there awkwardly, not able to talk to anyone. Why wasn't he able to connect with people like the Angel could.
He rushed outside, upset with himself.
Crowley locked around and saw a park across the street. She sprinted over to it, quickly crossing the street. He didn't want to do all the paperwork if he got hit. If he even would be able to go back. For she did not have a good relationship with hell anymore.
Deciding to be a little silly, Crowley decided to sit in the middle of the slide by sliding down to the middle and not letting himself go to the bottom. She did hope that she wouldn't get stuck though, as the slide was made for 6 year olds.
Sitting there made Crowley think about a lot of things. What was she doing? The fabric of this dress reminded him of the 40s. Oh how horribly tight that clothing was. At least the dress wasn't that bad.
"Crowley?" He heard a yell from the parking lot. "Where are you Crowley!"
He moved his head up and spotted the Angel looking around. She didn't say a word as he didn't want to ruin Aziraphale night. He wouldn't be able to see him on the slide anyway. Right?
A couple minutes later when he assumed that the Angel had gone back inside he heard a creak behind him, as this playground was VERY old.
"Crowley. What are you doing on a children's slide?"
"Oh!" Crowley slid down the slide, "It's not a children's slide. I was able to fit in."
"Is something wrong?" Aziraphale asked as he got down from where he came before, he walked to the end of the slide.
"We've gone over this."
"Whatever do you mean?" Crowley teased, batting her eyelashes like nothing happened.
"You know what I mean. Don't close up on me." Aziraphale said, sternly. He sat in front of Crowley on the little wooden pegs that they put in playgrounds for some reason. That was hell's idea.
Crowley let out a sigh of defeat, "I just can't communicate. I don't know why. It's just whenever I'm in a big room with talking people I have no idea what to do. And you seem so confident talking to people."
Aziraphale pursed his lips and looked at the demon. "Crowley, you don't have to hide from me because of this."
All she did was nod but she refused to look at the Angel.
"Do you want to go back to the bookshop?" The Angel asked softly.
He nodded no which confused the Angel.
"Do you want to go back inside?" He asked with another no as a response, "Then what do you want to do, dear?"
"Do you want to go to the duck pond?" Crowley muttered under his breath, as it was a short five minute walk there anyway.
"Why of course not." Aziraphale chimed, grabbing the demon's hand pulling him up.
The Angel did not let go of the angel's hand. They walked side by side, their hands interlocked.

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