I wanted to be your man

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{Part 2 to Crowleys I wanted to be your woman}

Heaven didn't allow music.
So all Aziraphale could listen to were footsteps and the occasional conversation.
He usually just avoided the other Angels. They were avoiding him as well, so it had worked out.
The Angel had nothing to do, which was quite weird as he was the Supreme Archangel. Which left him way too much time to think
He thought of Crowley quite often. How he wished that would have gone differently. He knew Crowley wouldn't have taken the deal, but he still tried for some reason.
All he did was ramble about heaven when the demon was trying to confess. Which is the same thing that Crowley did when the Angel tried to confess at the dance.
It took all Aziraphale had not to go back right in that moment. They would at some point. Just now wasn't the time.
He looked around at the walls and the windows that looked over nothing. The walls were almost too white. No imperfections. No smudges. Or stains. It almost bothered the Angel.
Arivaphale sat back in his chair. Humming a song he and the demon had enjoyed from the late 1900's. He forgot the band's name which quite bothered him.
As the Angel hummed he thought of Crowley. His rustic, red hair, that reminded them of his favorite blanket. His beautiful, yellow eyes. His cute little gray scart that he had recently started wearing before he left. Quietly, he sat there. Why had the Angel chosen heaven over Crowley?
They wondered how could he have just walked away like that? How could he just walk into that elevator when the demon he loved was hoping to the ends of the world that he would have just went to the car? Why couldn't they have done what Beelzebub and Gabriel did? Just run away together? Why didn't he go with the one he loved? Why?
He met his soulmate 6,000 years ago. To be fair, the Angel didn't quite believe in Soulmates, as that's what he was taught. But Crowley believed in soulmates, even though hell tried to tell her they didn't. But she still believed. And that was enough for Ariraphale.
Snapped out of his thoughts, The Angel stood as Muriel approached. "Muriel? What are you doing here?"
"Sorry to disturb you, Supreme Archangel Aziraphale!" Muriel said, flustered, "But that demon won't leave your bookshop! And I wanted to ask what I should do? I asked Michael and Uriel what to do but they both said to permanently discorporate him. But he seems so sad and nice that I don't want to!"
"Ah, well whenever you come up here to ask about Crowley, just come to me. Because everyone else is going to say the same thing."
"Oh his name is Crowley!"
The Angel smiled and nodded, "Would you like me to tell you a little bit about him dear?"
"Yes, please!" They said rather excitedly as they smiled widely.
Aziraphale miracled Muriel a chair, they sat. "Take a seat.7?"
The Angel rambled on and on for what seemed years, decades, centuries, every.
He went on about the demon's soft smile, silly voice, and strange music taste. His unhealthy obsession of speeding in his car. He even told Muriel what Chair was Crowley's favorite and to not sit there.
He even talked about Eden. And how, at first he was scared of her. Because before Eden, he had only heard about demons from Angels. He was afraid of Crowley at first because he was told they loved killing Angels. But he quickly learned they didn't. Well, at least Crowley didn't.
"Wow, that was a lot." Muriel commented nervously. As they already forgot like half of the prolonged conversation.
"Sorry dear, I didn't realize how long I was talking about her for." Aziraphale said, touching their forehead, embarrassed.
"It's okay Supreme Archangel Aziraphale!"
"You can just call me Aziraphale if you'd like, dear." Ariraphale laughed, "I remember how annoying it was when Gabriel used to make people say that."
Muriel smiled and looked at the elevator and then back at the Aziraphale, "I should really go check on the bookshop."
"You mean Crawley, don't you?"
Muriel smiled nervously and nodded.
"That's quite fine,dear. Go ahead."
Muriel quickly retreated to the elevator.
"Goodbye! Hope to see you soon!" shouted Aziraphale, putting a hand on the side of his mouth, to help echo his shout, so the other Angel Could hear them.
Muriel waved goodbye as the doors closed.
Aziraphale purple eyes moved to the floor, knowing he couldn't leave. Oh now he wished to be on Earth right now.
How he wished to be with her.

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