when she loved me

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{When she loved me - Sarah McLachlan

"When somebody loved me
Everything was beautiful"

In the garden of Eden, after Adam and Eve left it was quite quiet there. For heaven nor hell had given or allowed the two to leave there yet.
They had quite a lot of fun, however.
Crawley and Aziraphale sat under the apple tree. They were allowed to now for some reason.
For the jokes they made were quite bad as of course humor hadn't been "invented" yet.
"Why did the apple hit the ground?" Crawley said suddenly, lying there staring up at the tree.
"Why?" Aziraphale was also laying down, their bodies were facing away but their heads were right next to the others.
"Because they hate each other." Crawley said, thinking it was funny.
Aziraphale laughed even though it wasn't. Neither of their jokes were. But they laughed anyway. The only supposed jokes they made were about apples.
"How do you even come up with these?" Aziraphale asked, genuinely wondering.
"Well, to be fair we are looking up at apples." Crawley muttered. "And they're about the second most interesting thing in this dump."
"What's the first?" Aziraphale asked, curious.
"I'd rather not say," Crawley said, not wanting to embarrass himself. "It's a secret."

"Every hour we spent together
Lives within my heart"

During the whole Noah's Ark 'crisis' Aziraphale spent a lot of time near Crowley.
Of course, when the wave came, they got discorporated. Wrong place at the wrong time, Aziraphale said.
But when they got back they went back to what Europe was then. Not much to be seen, Crowley complained.
But they decided to stay there for a little while. Of course a "little while" is an understatement for how long they actually stayed.
When they first got there, they bunked with a nice couple. Of course, however, when they died of disease Crowley took it upon himself to keep their house.
Aziraphale didn't like this however, but the two stayed together for quite a long while in that house. Maybe twenty years. Not a long time for their standards. But quite a while for human standards.

"And when she was sad
I was there to dry her tears"

"I'm a demon, I lied." Crowley responded. It was quite lonely. Being a demon. Especially when no one liked each other in hell.
Aziraphale didn't respond and just looked at the sea, tears forming.
But the one crying first wasn't quite the Angel.
"Crowley?" Aziraphale asked, looking over at the demon. He had his head in his hands.
"I hate it so much."
"Hate what?"
"Being alone." Crowley said, slipping his hands into his hair, pulling it a bit.
Aziraphale didn't stay anything and just stood up and sat in front of the demon.
He moved one of her hands and wiped a tear. "Hey. Maybe we can be lonely together."
Crowley didn't say anything for a moment, wiping his face, "I'd like that."

"And when she was happy, so was I
When she loved me"

"Don't you dare step on me," Screeched the now tiny demon, "I see you!"
"Are you high on poison, dear? Again?"
"Well it sure seems that way. You can't just keep drinking poison." The Angel scolded, "I don't care that it doesn't discorporate you, it's still bad for you."
"Your top hat is weird."
Aziraphale let out a quite dramatic gasp, clutching his chest. "How dare you!"
"It's too tall." Crowley laughed, "You look so preppy!"
Aziraphale was a little offended but quite enjoyed the tiny demon's squeaky laugh that resulted from him being that small.

"Through the summer and the fall
We had each other, that was all
Just she and I together
Like it was meant to be"

"What now."
"Adam changed a bunch of shit." Crowley groaned, "My Bentley's backseat is regular grey now instead of dark grey."
Aziraphale was baffled by how much this was annoying the demon. "Why are you so bothered by a change in seat color?"
"Because Adam keeps changing it back when I try to fix it." Crowley said, laying on the couch and holding up his fists, "If only I could ring that little-"
"Now now, Crowley dear. Let's not be violent." Aziraphale said, pushing down his fists. "He's only eleven."
"Eleven with the power to change my Bentley." Crowley groaned, shoving his face into a pillow.
This turned into quite the married couple's argument of Crowley wringing Adams' neck. Thankfully that never happened, since Aziraphale made him understand it was just the color of his backseat.
Crowley never let it go, however.

"So the years went by
I stayed the same"

Aziraphale never told anyone this, but there was a reason his outfit hadn't changed much since the 1940s.
This was because some reason when he fell back in love with Crowley he wanted to keep the memory of her saving his books somehow. And keeping his outfit the same was the way he thought of.

"But she began to drift away
I was left alone"

"Tell me you said no." Crowley looked into his eyes longingly, not getting a respond, he said it again. "Tell me you said no."
There was a short silence.
"If I'm in charge," He took a breath, "I can make a difference."
Crowley then took a few steps away, giving a hesitant sigh as he turned back, "Oh god, ok. I didn't get a chance to say what I was gonna say and I think I better say it now."
Aziraphale just looked at the demon blankly.
"Right ok, yes." She took another sigh, looking down, then quickly back up, "We've known each other a long time. We've been on this planet a long time, I mean you and me. I could always rely on you. You could also rely on me. We're a team. A group. Group of the two of us. And we've spent our existence pretending we aren't. I mean, the last few years not really."
He looked at Aziraphale again, "And I would like to spend..mmm." He hesitated, not knowing if she should say what she wants to say at that moment. "I mean if Gabriel and Beelzebub can do it, go off together. Then we can. We don't need Heaven, we don't need hell their toxic. We need to get away from them. Just be an US. You and me. What do you say?"
"Come with me," Aziraphale didn't hesitate with his response. "I'll run it and you can be my second in command."
At that moment Crowley knew he wouldn't budge.
"We can make a difference." Aziraphale said, looking at him expectant for the answer he wanted.
"You can't leave this bookshop." Was all Crowley could muster up as a response.
"Oh, Crowley." Aziraphale said with a longing look, trying to convince him, "Nothing lasts forever."
Crowley tilted his head up, nodding. She was deeply hurt by his response. Taking that as a reference to their friendship or relationship or whatever it was now.
"No. I suppose it doesn't." Crowley said quietly. She put on her glasses, avoiding eye contact. Wasting no time, he walked past the Angel in an attempt to get to the door before he could say anything else. "Good luck."
"Good luck?" Puzzled, he turned to Crowley, "Crowley! Come to heaven. Work with me! We can be together! Angels - doing good! I-I need you!"
Crowley looked out the window, refusing to look him in the eyes.
"I don't think you understand what I'm offering you." Aziraphale said, knowing she did.
"I understand." He said, choking back the tears his glasses were hiding. "And I think I understand a whole lot more than you do."
Aziraphale nodded twice, not knowing what to say. "Well. Then there's nothing more to say."
"Listen," Crowley pointed up at the ceiling, "Hear that?
Confused, Aziraphale looks up, not hearing anything and looks to the floor, slightly yelling, "I don't hear anything."
She put down her hand, "That's the point. No nightingales."
The two locked eyes and stared in silence for a moment when Crowley spoke again, "You idiot. We could have been...us."
Aziraphale didn't say anything.
Suddenly, Crowley practically ran up to the Angel, grabbing him by the hem of his shirt, pulling him into a deep, despite kiss as his last attempt to get him to stay.
Aziraphale put his hands on Crowley's back instinctively but quickly hovered them above, not knowing where to put his hands in this unexpected intimate moment.. The kiss was long, and deep.
Crowley finally pulled away, letting go. The silence was cut with a knife when Aziraphale said "I..ca..I.. I forgive you." Through a sob.
"Don't bother." Crowley mumbled, his voice cracking as he wanted to leave before he would evidently start crying.
Aziraphale was going to say 'don't go' but then Crowley was already gone.
He stood there and touched his lips. Knowing she was right. But he still had to go.

"Still, I waited for the day
When she'd say, "I will always love you"

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