a pearl

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{this one is a bit shorter but the next one will be longer}

Crowley yawned, "How long have we even been here, angel?"
     The Angel rolled his eyes and nudged the demon with his elbow, "We've been here for 20 minutes, Crowley!"
      "Why are we here again? I completely forgot."
      "We are opening clams to find pearls." Aziraphale said, rather excitedly.
      Crowley seemed quite interested, but he certainly didn't want it to seem so. "Guess I'll help since we're already here."
     The Angel smiled and grabbed the bag he got from the local fisherman.
     "He said these couldn't be eaten until the pearls were taken out so I volunteered to take them out!"
      "Of course you did." Crowley appreciated the Angels volunteer ship, because he came up with it because no one gets money from it. But she wondered if the Angel even knew how to get the pearls out.
       Aziraphale completely snapped one in half.
      Crowley gasped, "Um, Angel."
      He snapped another one. "Yes, Crowley?"
      "That's not how you do that. You just made those two clams uneatable."
      Aziraphale politely handed the third to Crowley, "Could you show me, perhaps?"
      Crowley opened the clam and took out two pearls, and then took out the third. "Well that's quite rare."
      "What?" The Angel asked, eagerly wanting to know.
      "There are two pearls but both of them are different colors. One is white and the others black." She said, holding out his hand for the Angel to see.
      "Like our wings!" Aziraphale commented excitedly.
      Crowley let out an amused chuckle, "Yes, Angel. I suppose so."
      The Angel smiled and took the black one. "You have the white one as a reminder of me"
      "That's so cliche, angel." Crowley rolled his eyes. "But sweet."
      Aziraphales cheeks flushed and he smiled, safely tucking the pearl away. "Just in case we ever get separated in the future."
     "Forever?" Crowley said as she looked at Aziraphale.
     They smiled, and gave Crowley a nudge on the shoulder, "Forever."

"Oh Crowley. Nothing lasts forever."

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