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Warlock always wondered about Nanny and the Gardener.
     The way they spoke to each other and the way they looked at each other.
     The two often ate lunch out in the garden with each other. Warlock often watched them, as the Gardener seemed to be the only one who could make Nanny laugh.
     Once, Warlock asked his Nanny and the Gardener what love was.
     He asked the Gardener first, he responded with:
     "Love is when two people just click with one another. They would do anything for each other. They see each other as their own personal person."
     He did ask Nanny too, expecting the same answer, but she didn't respond the way Warlock expected her to.
     "Love should be only for the weak. For you should not love Warlock. It only gets in the way of everything."
     Warlock did not believe Nanny. As he believed that they loved each other.
     As Nanny did also love her plants. In a weird way, sure. Maybe even scary. He always wondered how she made the plants shake.
     Warlock thought that Nanny and the Gardener had to love each other.
     Just by the way they looked at each other and the way they spoke with each other.
     Warlock always had his theories of the two.
     The way the Nanny always jokingly yelled or made something up like Warlock being the "antichrist." What foolery was that. Nanny always came up with the funniest shenanigans.
     Warlock knew they were in love, because the Gardener called Nanny dear often. And Nanny often called the Gardener Angel.
     They always thought Warlock wasn't listening but he was listening all the time.
     Whenever they ate in the garden, they would also sneak particular looks at each other. There was a strange thing how the two spoke to each other.
     One day, the two left. Warlock often thought about them.
     Maybe they ran off together, or maybe they parted ways.
     But Warlock hoped they ran off together. In some cottage of sorts perhaps, happy together.

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