for the first time

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{TW- mention of blood / self injury}
Next one will be happier I promise

Quietly, the Angel sat at the demon's door, he couldn't remember how long he had been waiting. He highly considered breaking down the door. But they weren't sure if the demon was even at home.
      Then he finally decided, he stood and brushed the dirt off of his pants.
      "Crowley I'm coming in, no matter if you're here or not." The angel said sternly, and backed away from the door, "Dear. I want to apologize to you."
       Then he ran at the door to try and open it. But as soon as they hit the door it slammed open and the angel fell to the demon's clean floor.
        The floor was a bit dusty, which was weird for the demon. She normally cleaned her floors every day.
      Confused, the Angel put a finger on the floor, running it along the smooth, modern floor. It was a completely different color. The floor seemed a dusty gray while the actual floor was a shiny black.
       Putting a hand on the wall, he propped himself up and stood. He took a few steps into the demon's hallway. It felt as though it was an eternity as he walked through. He didn't know what to think as he walked through the empty hallway.
      Crowley's plants were dead. They weren't their usual prosperous green. They were an autumn crange and covered in spots. The long, forest- like leaves were drooped almost all the way to the floor.
       Aziraphale knelt down and held up a leave. He felt the crumbly, dead leaf.
      It felt weird under his fingers, almost nonexistent. He brushed a thumb over it and the leaf immediately fell apart.
      With a shaky sigh, Aziraphale continued to walk throughout the house.
      Every step they took was difficult. It felt as though his feet kept getting stuck to the floor. Like quicksand was trying to suck his feet in.
      Aziraphale saw an open door and stopped, just staring at the door.
      He hesitantly walked to the door and slowly pushed it open, as though he was going to see something terrifying. All it was…was Crowley's bedroom. Though some things did surprise the Angel. There was a large amount of alcohol and poison bottles. Poison to Crowley was just basically demon drugs. But it still alarmed him.
     With a deep breath, he kept walking in, as his bathroom door was also open.
     The Angel spent what felt like forever to make his way to the bathroom. "Crowley, dear? Are you in there?"
     "Don't come in here!" Suddenly he piped up and slammed the bathroom door quickly after.
     Aziraphale rushed to the also dusty doorknob, trying his best to open it, but the demon locked the door.
     He tried his door thing again since he knew the door wasn't open this time.
     He didn't succeed the first, or the second, or the third. But he finally got in on his fourth try.
     Ariraphale was surprised when he got in, he was on the floor, the door bent the wrong way. The floor and the rug were covered in bl**d. And there were cut off black wings on the floor. They wondered how and why Crowley did this.
     Crowley was just sitting there silently.
     The Angel and the Demon sat there, not looking at each other. Silent. Just silence.
     If Crowley was here at home this entire time, why was everything so…well. The way it was.
     "Why are you here?" Crowley asked softly, under her breath. Acting as though everything wasn't happening.
     "Crowley. Are you serious?" Ariraphale asked, staring right at the Demon. "You've cut off your wings and your only concern is why I'm here?"
     Quietly the demon sat up, wincing slightly, and hugged the Angel.
     Not questioning anything, the Angel hugged back, hugging from the waist to avoid the back injury. Ariraphale couldn't help but look. It was pretty bad.
     "Crowley?" The Angel said softly.
     "Mm?" Crowley just muttered.
     "Why did you do this to yourself?"
     Crowley stayed silent for a minute, "I don't want to talk about it."
      "Do you want me to clean up your back?" Aziraphale asked, letting go of the previous question.
       "I guess." Crowley muttered under her breath. Letting go of the angel.
       Aziraphale got up and grabbed a cloth from the demon's bathroom closet.
       Crowley just sat there quietly.
       The Angel wet the cloth and sat back down behind the demon. "This may sting a bit, dear."
        "I know. Just get on with it." Crowley said, shutting his eyes tight.
        Aziraphale then gently wiped up her back, which made her hiss with discomfort.
        He wiped up his back, until it was clean and wrapped his back with bandages. It went around his stomach as well, for the bandages wouldn't stay if it was just on his back.
         Taping the bandages secure, the Angel stood once more and positioned himself back in front of Crowley.
         Crowley was crying for the first time in front of the Angel. This did quite surprise Aziraphale. As he thought that hell didn't allow demons to cry. Though the demon did stop reporting to them, perhaps she was on his own side now.
         "Come here, dear boy." Aziraphale said, offering the demon his arms.
         Quickly the demon was on the angel's lap, crying there, hugging him almost too tightly.

For the Angel cried too. They both did. The two comforted each other. Even though they were both in misery.

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