I don't wanna live forever

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Crowley never understood why they had to live this long.
Why Demons and Angels had to live this long.
He knew the Demons and Angels supposedly loved living this long. It meant avoiding discorporation.
But Crowley however did not.
Why couldn't they live for a blip of time like the humans? Instead of thousands or millions of years?
Or why couldn't they choose when they go. Although she supposed that he technically could. But he didn't know what Aziraphale would think.
It was just a harder, more painful way out.
Crowley didn't want to hurt Aziraphale. But this was long ago in the 60s when he was trying to steal holy water.
Aziraphale was the reason he didn't use it. She wasn't expecting him to outright just give it to her.
So he lied. And just told him she wanted it for self defense if hell ever found out they were working together. Which is evidently how he used it.

"I used to scream ferociously." Crowley said, a little too dramatically.
"What?" Aziraphale asked, puzzled.
"When I tried to use it." Crowley said quietly on the roof. "I wanted to, but I couldn't."
"What did you try to use?" Aziraphale asked, knowing what he meant. He just didn't want it to be true.
"I crossed my heart that I wouldn't tell a soul why I really wanted the holy water." Crowley smiled to himself softly, "But it seems I just broke that promise."
"Let me finish, Angel." Crowley huffed, "I couldn't recall your face from that day. The day you left."
Aziraphale stayed silent, sitting beside him on the roof. The demon had two braids around his hair, holding it up like a ponytail of sorts. It was almost a pattern.
"I love…well, loved you to the moon and to Alpha Centauri. But it doesn't matter now. You still left. I can't go into your bookshop because now it's like a haunted house for me." She said, not daring to look in Aziraphale's direction, "You should've come to Alpha with me. We could've been space pirates or something like that. But. You still left."
Aziraphale looked to Crowley for permission to speak. Crowley didn't look at him so he just spoke. "Remember when we used to lay in the weeds and drink sweet tea? During the summer."
Crowley nodded along with a "Yes."
"Can you ever forgive me, my dear?"
Crowley sat in silence. Knowing he wanted to, but he didn't know how long it would take for him to forgive. "I just need time."
Aziraphale nodded, understandingly. But he didn't know what to say in respond to this. He knew that Crowley wouldn't just automatically forgive him just like that. But he also was worried at how long it would take for him to forgive? Would she ever?
All Crowley knew was that she didn't want to live forever. But she would for Aziraphale.

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