street lights

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Not the usual <3
{A chapter for Maggie and Nina}

Nina sat there in the coffee shop. She had closed it recently, So that's why there were no customers at the moment. She just had to deal with Karen, so she was a bit drained for the night.
     Bored, she traced her fingers along the jagged wooden surface of the counter top. She couldn't remember why she had bought this specific counter-top. Maybe she used to like it, but now? Not very much. It seemed as though the people who make the tables didn't even polish it. It seemed as though you could get a paper cut off of one of these things.
    She played with the ridges and noticed Maggie in her record store.
     Since she was bored she got up from her chair, grabbing the keys to the door. She hated the keys, as she often mistook her house keys for the door keys. Even though they were labeled she often forgot which was which.
     She then switched off the lights on the back, and made her way through the blackened shop. The shop looked quite nice when the lights were off at night. The street lights were going through the windows and it looked like sunbeams. Though they obviously weren't, as it was nighttime.
     Opening the door, she went to lock the door and for once got the key right the first time and smiled.
     Nina made her way to the record store.
     The door opened with a chime, the bells were quite old and rusty, so the noise was very faint.
     "Hey Mags." Nina said, taking a look at the overly stocked store. She felt quite bad no one bought records, but Maggie was lucky the one who owned the shop was Aziraphale. Or she would have been out long ago.
     "Oh, Nina!" Maggie said, startled as though she didn't hear the bells.
     "Sorry to startle you. I just thought you'd want some company. I thought you closed before me?"
     "Oh well, yeah, but I'm waiting for Mr. Fell to come grab a record. He ordered the most random one and he was supposed to be here two hours ago." Maggie said, organizing the records. "I am way back on my rent so I'm staying open until he gets here."
     "Have you checked the bookshop?"
     "No? Why? Is he there?" Maggie asked, not even thinking of that earlier.
     "His lights have been off all day. I'm not sure if he's even there." Nina said, "Might as well close up."
     Maggie sighed and put down the record she was holding back on the shelf, "Good idea. If he still wants it he can get it tomorrow."
     Nina smiled and flipped the sign to "closed" for Maggie.
     "Want to come upstairs? I've got some tea going. For about the past hour. But I had it on low so it should be fine." Maggie asked, quite tired.
     "Sure thing." Nina said, following Maggie up the stairs to her apartment.
      The two sat in the kitchen with the possibly ruined tea. They were waiting for it to cool, so they had a conversation.
      "Have you seen Mr. Crowley?" Nina asked.
      "No actually. Haven't seen him. Haven't seen him since that weird old man was here."
      "The one with the odd coffee order?"
      "Yes that one. I had quite the odd feeling about him. Do you think Mr. Fell left town?"
      Nina sat there, thinking for a moment, tapping her tea cup on the miniature plate. "Perhaps. I did see him going into the bookshop after he bought his coffee."
      "Nevermind that. It's not our business."
      "We weren't their business? Maybe we should call Crowley." Maggie said, quite worriedly all of a sudden.
      "Whatever it is can wait until tomorrow I'm sure. They are fine." Nina said, not tapping her cup anymore.
      "Well maybe their relationship isn't."
      Nina didn't respond to Maggie's comment and took a sip of the tea, changing the subject. "You make nice tea. Even when it's been on the kennel for way too long."
      Maggie didn't say anything and also took a sip of the tea, nodding.
      The two sat there for a couple minutes, not uttering a word to each other. Maggie sat there overthinking everything that may have gone wrong with Mr. Fell and Antony.
      Nina just thought about Maggie. And when she really would be ready for a relationship with her.
      The two sat there in silence. They didn't need to speak to enjoy each other's company. Even if they were thinking about two completely different things.

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