rooftop kisses

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{This is a highschool au - and the concept is based on a tik tok audio I heard}

Crowley sat in his math class wondering how he would tell Aziraphale about his feelings.
The two had the same math class. Gabriel too unfortunately.
She was highly considering just not telling Aziraphale at all, but the two had been friends on and off since Kindergarten. This was senior year and it was now or never. Mainly because Aziraphale was going to a college far away and Crowley didn't even know where to go yet.
Tonight was his chance because the quite angelic person was coming over to his house tonight for dinner. Crowley didn't have any parents but the foster care system gave him a temporary apartment to stay for a bit.
She technically wasn't allowed to bring people over. But he was known to break the rules so she was bringing Aziraphale anyway.
This was their last class so the two were just going to walk there. He didn't live very far from the school.
The bell rang after no time at all and Crowley walked up to Aziraphale from the back of the class.
"Ready?" Crowley asked as Aziraphale finished packing his notes.
"Oh yes, dear!" Aziraphale smiled at Crowley and made his way to the door.
Crowley quickly followed along as the Angel opened the door for him. He thanked him and walked through. She had to wait a minute as he was doing the same for whoever was leaving the class after her.
Crowley "jokingly" took Aziraphale's arm. It was such a bottom thing to do, Aziraphale thought to himself.
They both made their way to the apartment and when they got to the second floor Crowley struggled with the keys at first and then finally got in.
The place was a little bit of a mess, but that didn't bother Aziraphale.
He looked at the others long curly mess of red hair. He always thought his hair was quite cute. Especially when it was tied up in a bow like it is how.
"My Dad said I should be home by 11." Aziraphale said suddenly, knowing Crowley hated his Father. (making it the metatron sry)
"Ugh," Crowley grumbled, "That old geezer."
Aziraphale chuckled a bit and sat down at the table. "So, what's for dinner?"
"It's way too early for dinner!" Crowley said with a tone, baffled that Aziraphale is already wondering about dinner.

After dinner that evening the two decided to go to the roof.
Crowley took Aziraphales hand after he locked the door and practically dragged him up.
She seemed quite excited to show him.
Aziraphale smiled at the excited troublemaker. Crowley often pulled the fire alarm and occasionally cheated on tests at school. Aziraphale never told on her though.
The two finally reached the door to the roof, and when they got through Aziraphale was amazed by the sight of stars. There was a lot of light pollution, but the stars were surprisingly visible.
"Oh wait, let me get a blanket so we don't have to lay on the concrete." Crowley said and quickly ran back to his apartment to get a blanket.
While he was waiting, Aziraphale couldn't help but notice something familiar about the stars. Obviously, he'd seen them before, just something seemed different every time he looked at them.
When the demon finally came back, he had brought what seemed to be a weighted blanket. She laid it down on the concrete roof and quickly laid down. Aziraphale followed and laid there right beside her.
"Wanna listen to music?" Aziraphale asked, pulling his phone out with his wired earbuds.
"Yesss!" Crowley chimed, dragging the s a bit.
Aziraphale handed Crowley one bud and he put in the other. Crowley put in his and they had to lay awfully close to each other considering the wire wasn't that long.
Margaret by Lana Del Ray started playing.
"When you know you know. When you know you know." The lyrics got into Crowley's mind and started to make him think.
"Do you ever wonder how the stars were made?" Aziraphale suddenly asked.
"I think that," Crowley smiled as he looked up at them, "an angel made them. Or a Demon. Somebody had to."
Aziraphale chuckled, "Perhaps."
Crowley asked a much deeper question. "Do you ever wonder what the meaning of all of this is?"
"What do you mean, dear?"
Crowley blushed at the name and quickly responded, "Life."
Aziraphale wrapped his mind around that question. Eventually questioning it himself, "Perhaps life is for other people. Everyone has a person, you know? Maybe it was made for love."
"What about war?"
"There would be no war without love, wouldn't there?" Aziraphale added.
She went silent, thinking about what Aziraphale said, "Maybe."
"What about love?"
"What do you think love means?" Crowley asked, certain he would answer around the same type of thing.
"I think love is where you find the right person and that person is your universe." Aziraphale said, adding on to the star's bit. "Love is finding the right people. Or the right person. It may take a while to find it, or you barely had to search."
Smiling at the thought, Crowley looked at the big dipper.
The two had no idea why they were asking each other these questions, but they kept talking. They kept talking until time seemed as though it didn't exist. The deep questions transformed into silly questions until they were completely drained of any to ask.
They asked what types of animals the other liked. What their favorite food was. What their favorite show or movies were.
It seemed as though they were just entangled in each other's memories.
The two laid there on the roof looking at the stars. Listening to music while doing so.
Eventually their eyes landed on each other, then their lips. It didn't take much long for Crowley to pull Aziraphale into a kiss.
Aziraphale leaned into the soft lips but then quickly pulled away. "No. No I can't."
"Why not?" She asked quietly.
"I..I..." Aziraphale uttered out in a panic, "I wish you were a girl."
Aziraphale did like Crowley back, but he panicked and didn't know what else to say. And that was probably the worst thing for him to say at that moment.
It was as though he were punched in the gut.
Crowley just looked back at the stars as it became blurred with his salty tears.

(Might make a part 2 🫢)

"I wish you were a girl"

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