Romeo and Juliet

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{Romeo and Juliet Au - basically Crowley is Juliet and Aziraphale is Romeo. Might do other Romeo and Juliet chapters}

"Hey!" A whisper yell emerged from below the balcony.
Crowley was just on his bed when he got up to go to the window. He looked down and opened the window door that had roses on it outside.
"What the hell are you doing here??" Crowley hissed at the other below.
Aziraphale was holding some flowers and he awkwardly smiled up at her.
He had his hands on the edge of the balcony as she leaned over a bit to see Aziraphale.
"Can I come up?" Aziraphale asked hesitantly, not sure if they would let him go in.
"Fine." Crowley mumbled, loud enough for the other to hear.
Aziraphale had to use the flower ladder to get up, as there were no proper ladders anywhere on the outside.
Crowley went back into the bedroom as the other climbed up, leaving the door open.
"What are you doing here?" Crowley asked more calmly this time as he walked through.
"I wanted to see you, dear."
"I know but they'll kill you if they see you here." Crowley said as he stood yet again.
"I wanted to give you these." Aziraphale said as he gently handed her the roses in the bouquet. "They're as beautiful as you, my dear."
Crowley couldn't help but get a bit flushed, but looked down as she put them on the desk.
"What do you think?"
"I love them." Crowley mumbled and turned back to him.
Aziraphale smiled and took a seat on the other's bed.
"You can't be here." Crowley pleaded as he sat back down next to him.
"I know," He said, caressing the others cheek, "but it's worth the risk."
The two looked at each other for a moment before going in for a kiss. It only lasted for a minute, as Aziraphale enjoyed the others' soft lips.
Suddenly, the door swung open.
Aziraphale quickly dropped to the ground out of sight.
Crowley touched his lip and looked back to see the dinner maid.
"Umm, I just bought your dinner." She said, scrambling to put it on the desk, "Sorry, ma'am, for barging in."
Crowley was red with embarrassment as the maid ran out. She hoped she wouldn't tell his sibling Beelzebub that Aziraphale was here again.
"You can come up now." Crowley whispered through his hands, which were covering her own face. "She's gone."
Aziraphale got back up on the bed and they sat there in silence for a couple minutes. "Are you going to eat, dear?"
"No, I already ate dinner."
Aziraphale pursed his lips slightly, highly doubting that she had eaten already. For the past couple of months they had been together and he never saw him eat once.
"Are you sure?" Aziraphale asked worriedly. When his lips zipped back together, he bit the inside of his lip anxiously.
"Yes I'm sure." Crowley mumbled, seemingly to himself.
Aziraphale grabbed the plate from the desk, which was rather close to the bed.
"You should eat." Aziraphale said, handing Crowley the spoon.
"I told you." Crowley hissed, "I already ate."
"Dear, we both know that isn't true. Probably the only thing you've put in your mouth today is a glass of water or two."
Crowley gave in and grabbed the spoon, taking a spoonful of the mashed potatoes and gave a hesitant bite.
He put the spoon down and said, "That's enough."
Aziraphale gave him quite a disappointed look and pulled him close enough he was almost on Aziraphale lap.
"Eat." He said, grabbing the spoon.
Crowley put his head on Aziraphale shoulder and sighed, "I don't want to."
"Why not, dear?" Aziraphale said, putting an arm around the other's waist, helping him stay propped up.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Alright," He put the spoon down, "But promise me we can work on it?"
Crowley didn't say anything but he nodded.
"Would you like to sneak out and go to the pub?"
Crowley sat up a little, nodding at the other. Smiling, "Yes, of course."

The pub was one of the most fun places they went to after that night. They also enjoyed the park, the late night driving and the candy shops around the corner from Crowley's house.
The families did not enjoy any of this, however.
But they didn't care.
They just enjoyed their lives until their last day together. Their last day on Earth.
After that, it was them against the universe.

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