to the world

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Crowley sat at the apple tree, a bottle of champagne to his left. He knew it wasn't quite the apple tree from Eden, as it had been long gone.
But it was close enough, so he settled for this one.
An apple fell a few feet from him. It rolled over to him, as she was on a slight hill. As the champagne was also threatening to roll over whenever it fell.
Crowley silently picked up the apple, he couldn't help but think of the Angel. For some reason, they always reminded him of Aziraphale.
"I can't help but feel like you're trying to make me cry." She chuckled at the apple, soon feeling foolish for speaking to an apple.
The apple's texture was quite peculiar. Rough and soft in different spots. With an awfully long stem. Quite an unusual miracle. Not perfect on the outside, but quite delicious as the demon took a bite into it.
"We were never not together. We were never apart." Crowley mumbled to himself, looking up at the tree, almost as if he were talking to it as a person would. "I followed my heart foolishly."
He sat there and thought for a minute, and finished his thought, "But it was worth it. For you it was. Even though we cannot breathe, you continuously took my breath away."
She smiled to himself, looking back at the grass.
There was another special thing about this tree. It was just at the cliff.
Crowley grabbed the champagne and stood. He didn't bring it there to drink it. The demon had had far too much alcohol recently.
She sat at the other side of the tree, right up against it, as it was near the edge. He could now feel the breeze in his long dark red curls. The waves crashing below. There was a storm away so the waves were high, and cruel.
As he sat, she filled the champagne glass and let a leg dangle. The other knee up, right across from her face.
The glass was about halfways full.
The demon raised it up, looking up at it. Under it were the waves.
"To the world!" He said with the most fake of smiles. He then dropped the glass, purposely not drinking to her toast.
Crowley didn't bother to watch it fall. She just watched the stormy clouds coming in. He studied the waterspouts over the vast water.
The clouds were a musky dark gray. Some spots of lighter shades. The sky above him was still a crisp blue. Something was quite off about the sky.
She looked to the other side of the tree, noticing a faint circle around him and the tree.
In no time it was storming. It was quite a fierce storm. But Crowley wasn't touched by it.
It was as though this circle was some sort of large umbrella.
"Thank you, Angel."
"You're welcome." A voice behind him said.
Crowley froze where he was sitting. After a minute he finally got up, his hand digging into the sharp bark of the tree.
He didn't believe what he saw. Or what he didn't see.
It was Aziraphale. But he wasn't quite there. He was 'calling' from heaven.
"I…I…" Crowley paused, collecting himself. "What are you doing here, Ang–Aziraphale."
The demon didn't look at the Angel, but he was still using a quite angry look.
"I wanted to see you."
"You wanted to see me?" Crowley asked quietly, looking up a bit, "Then why didn't you come down?"
The two had talked about what happened years ago, but Crowley couldn't help but still be angry. Because whenever they talked he was never there.
It wasn't the same anymore. He missed the old Angel. The one she felt comfortable calling Angel.
"I'm sorry dear, heaven is just very busy."
"It's always busy, Aziraphale. I've been up there and all they do is walk around and occasionally talk to each other." Crowley protested.
Aziraphale went quiet as Michael started talking in the background. "Sorry, dear I have to leave. I'll call you later, ok? To the world."
Crowley's gaze softened, but when he went to look at Aziraphale, he was already gone.
All he heard was the waves below and the rain crashing down around him. The rain that didn't dare touch her.
Crowley just stood there. Thunder and lightning crashing around him.
The demon sat back down below the tree, on the other side. The side where he could look at his Bentley, which was drenched. He had a small plant in the backseat. It was different to the usual plants the demon usually kept. It was the same type, just white. He had it for a while now and it was Aziraphales favorite of his plants. So she gave it to him. Though Muriel gave it back to him after he left, as they didn't know how to take care of plants. Or they didn't want to.
Another apple fell beside him, he quickly grabbed it before it rolled away. Demons could only eat one apple a day or they would go to sleep. It was quite weird and reminded the demon of snow white. He thought Shax did this as a gag because she thought she enjoyed that movie or something.
Observing the apple, he questioned whether he would take a bite. Would he ever wake up? Perhaps not. But maybe something could wake him up, but she didn't quite care about that bit.
Without another thought, Crowley sunk his perfect, white teeth into the apple.
Nothing happened for a moment. Until everything was different.
Crowley could see everything. But his eyes felt closed and he couldn't move. This feeling was quite peculiar and struck a panic in the demon. The circle closed up and quickly drenched him. His long red curls went flat by the water from the sky.
It was as if he were dead to the naked eye, but he was aware of everything.

From then on the hill had such a feeling of melancholy.
It always rained. Which caused the apple tree to overgrow, but the apples died. So now it was just a lonely tree, with soggy, sunken in apples at the bottom.
Crowley remained the same.
Drenched hair, clothes with the appearance of death. Though his skin remained warm and filled with blood in his veins. He hadn't moved in forever. The time passed by very slowly.
His car was gone, taken by some lowlife teenagers.
Though he didn't regret his decision. It was quite peaceful at times. Every day, a black and white cat would visit him. The cat left him some food, and waited, expecting him to eat it. When she didn't, the cat left after about an hour and did the same thing the next day.
Occasionally Aziraphale left signs that he was there. But never showed himself.
But Crowley always watched the sun go up and down. Even though it constantly stormed. He watched even when she could not see the sun.
For it was all she could do.

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