I feel it all

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When Aziraphale arrived as Supreme Archangel, his body seemed different to him.
It didn't change. But he felt different.
He didn't understand why the Almighty wasn't the one who carried this. Now he understood why Gabriel was so grumpy all the time.
Aziraphale could feel the world's happiness, anger, sadness, depression, fear, and pain.
This was quite the overwhelming burden. The excuse the metatron gave was the Supreme Archangel had to know what humans felt. Though he didn't know why he had to feel what most literally all of them felt.
It took him months to be able to adjust. For he could feel the shots they got, the bloodwork they got. Even cancer. And the headaches. Stomach aches. For he felt people die every day.
He couldn't help but feel this was a punishment.
Maybe it wasn't intended to be, but it certainly felt like one. Maybe the Almighty didn't want to feel it so she passed it to the Supreme Archangel. He wasn't sure. And he was surely not going to ask.
Aziraphale didn't know how to tune it out. And it's not like he could ask Gabriel. Aziraphale would probably be cast down for talking to him. As he was deemed a traitor now for leaving with Beelzebub.
He could ask a certain demon but he wants to be sure how thoroughly the other Angels had to watch him. He could sneak off but they could find him on Earth pretty easily.
He used to always wish he didn't choose this. And now he always wishes he didn't.
Michael and Yuriel were quite annoying. They constantly blabbered on to him about how this was a great honor to direct the Second Coming.
Though Aziraphale had to be honest with himself. He never wanted this. He wanted Crowley.
He did a little bit at first. But Crowley was right. When they ended life on Earth it would be the same as the original Armageddon that hell planned.
Heaven just let hell do things all the time even though they 'hated' each other. Though there were insiders and secret relationships within the two sides that lurked everywhere. Heaven was much more corrupt than the Angel first thought.
The Angel would often just sit at his desk and think of the old times.
The beginning.
Noah's Ark.
The industrial revolution.
World War two.
And so many other memories. Aziraphale couldn't help but notice all the memories he was thinking of were with Crowley.
Oh how he missed his dear boy.

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