Nineteen Fifty Two

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The two celestial beings were to meet at the Ritz that night.
They were to meet there, in France.
The last time they had a dinner "date" was in the forties during the war did not pan out well for them.
So now Crowley has drawn it upon himself to dress as a woman so the humans would just leave them alone.
The people in France were particularly mean when two men went to dinner together. Even though they were technically not on a date, they weren't very open about it.
The Ritz was the only place where she didn't stuff himself then flick his fingers and make his stomach feel as though he never ate. Because when he did that he technically never did as he miracled the food away. He didn't like the feeling of a full stomach. Too grumbly.
When they went to the Ritz he only didn't miracle it away because he didn't want to make Aziraphale feel as though they had to do so as well.
Crowley decided to wear a rather large hat from the thirties. It was a dark crimson that was about five shades darker than his hair.
She chose a dress about the same color that ended just above his knees and was quite tight.
Crowley went to the bathroom to put on some makeup. She would miracle it, but he had some more time before she had to leave. Or so he thought.
Again, he used red, but as the eye shadow. She didn't use too much. Also of course some black eyeliner.
Crowley realized he had spent about ten minutes doing so. She didn't do her makeup enough to remember how long it can take.
Rushing to the Bentley, she grabbed the rest of his stuff on the way to the stairs.
When Crowley finally got to his Bentley she rushed in, slamming the door. Crowley was quickly pushed up against his seat by the speed he usually goes in the car. He went rather faster this time, at about one hundred miles per hour. Which meant he would arrive at the Ritz in about an hour.
When he got to the Ritz, that's when a cop decided to stop him when she parked.
"What's a pretty thing like you driving this fast for?" The cop said, leaning against the Bentley. "You got a date?"
"I guess you could say that," She said in his woman's voice, "Could you get off my bloody car, please."
"That's no way to speak to a cop, miss."
"Frankly I don't give a damn." Crowley scoffed as he made her way to the door.
Much to his surprise, the cop grabbed Crowley, "I need to give you a ticket miss."
Suddenly, a snap of Aziraphales fingers, and the cop was gone.
"Hello Crowley."
Crowley moved his hands back to her side and sighed, "Hello Aziraphale."
"You look quite nice, dear."
"Thank you, Angel."
The two walked in together and by some miracle there was a table for two on a Friday evening.
Aziraphale was wearing his usual white and light blue clothing. But different attire. It was what he usually wore, but it seemed fancier than usual.
Some violinist was playing the room over.
"What are you going to get, Crowley?" Aziraphale asked, looking up from his menu.
"What about we share some crepes and alcohol?"
"I could never say no to crepes." Aziraphale smiled back, earning a paint of blush from the demon.
The two sat there anxiously waiting for the waitress. When he finally came up, she tucked an arm in her pocket to grab the pen and paper.
"No need, dear. All we'll be having are some crepes. And wine, dear?" Aziraphale asked the demon, wondering if wine was the alcohol he fancied for the night.
"Yes, wine will do just fine tonight." Crowley answered Aziraphale, not looking at either him or the waitress.
Back in the fifties wine was expensive at the Ritz for reasons the two couldn't remember.

When the date was over, the two stumbled out as they had too much wine.
"Dear?" Aziraphale exclaimed, grabbing on to the side of the building.
"Yeah, what Angel." Crowley croaked out incorrectly, smiling at literally nothing.
"I want to kiss you!" Aziraphale laughed out for whatever reason. He wanted to but he didn't understand why he was laughing? Was he perhaps nervous? If he weren't drunk he probably would have never said that.
"Then let's do it." Crowley laughed back, leaning himself on the building, just so she wouldn't fall right onto the ground. Though she did fall right onto his bum.
Aziraphale sat right beside him and snaked his hand to Crowley's side, kissing him out of nowhere.
Crowley wasn't expecting him to be serious, but he kissed right back.
Aziraphales lips were soft, and gentle. Though Crowley was a bit tense, as the kids started when he didn't expect it to.
The twos lips parted and Aziraphale quickly ran off, going off to heaven knows where.
The demon just sat there dumbfounded. She touched her lips, the feeling of their kiss still there. Crowley was sure that Aziraphale and herself would probably forget about all this happening when they sobered up. But neither of them did, and they both pretended they did.
This would evidently happen again in the eighties when one of them brings it up when they're drunk again. Then they will just pretend it didn't happen again. Until twenty twenty three when neither of them will have an excuse to not remember.

{Good omens pinterest board in my bio} <3

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