la vie en rose

43 1 0

(Part 1)

The rain extinguished the flame on the formerly green grass. It was now just an ashy color. Just brown with crumbling ash on the tips of the blades of grass. 

The grass was still tall, it stabbed itself gently into those who walked through it. Some had been wiped away by sword. Some had been torn from the root up.

Aziraphale didn't know what to do. 

He could find Crowley nowhere. Perhaps the toxic (holy) rain had gotten him? Or was he hiding in the caves hell created? 

Oh he hoped he was in a cave.

Armageddon was a strange battle. The Angel didn't see it as a war. He saw it as a fight for survival. Either you discorporated or get discorporated. 

Even Angels were going after Angels. Demons going after Demons. 

The flaming sword tore apart the grass and he walked the empty field. Passing by what used to be houses and shops. His bookshop even. 

Aziraphale stopped to look at what used to be his beloved bookshop. He hasn't seen it since he left. The day they kissed. 

He stepped over the rubble, moving apart the rocks, revealing the burnt up books and torn off pages. 

The rain smudged the words.

Aziraphale could still make some out but it was quite difficult. After a while of looking, Aziraphale found what seemed to be a note. Of course he couldn't read it as half of it was gone and half the words were smudged. But perhaps if he were to find the other half he could make out the general idea of the note.

The cave was musky. The taste of metallic stuck in his mouth. A tooth fell out but he just miracled one back. It could not miracle away the taste of the blood from it however. 

Crowley was just leaning up against the rock wall. She had been for quite a while now. He wondered how long it would take for this to be over. What if it never ends? 

What if she just has to hide here forever until they check the caves? 

She never wanted to be a part of this. And he knew Aziraphale didn't want to be either. Though his position of Supreme Archangel wasn't really helping other demons know that. 

For all they know, he wanted this. But Crowley knew the Angel didn't. She knew him too well to think that he would. 

Besides why did they stop it together the first time if Aziraphale wanted this? 

Did he want this?

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