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The Angel sat in his bookshop. Not knowing what to do or even think. Then he lit his candle. The Angel liked candles that sparkle a little. It reminded him of the first time he met Crowley. The sparks of the stars and how they shined in his eyes. Honestly, he did miss the demons eyes. Not his Angel ones. His snake eyes.
        He personally did want to see his dear boy, but they hadn't seen each other since… well, that day. When Ariraphale had left. He did feel bad, but he knew it needed to be done to stop the second coming. Which he had done, successfully. But how he has other matters to attend to. He did miss Crowley, but he still doesn't know what to say to the demon.
      Aziraphale had some Mozart playing, but he turned it off quickly. He grabbed the telephone. The Angel never did figure out how to use smart phones.
      Quickly, he dialed the demon's number. He knew that she would not likely answer, but he could still leave a message.
      "Hello, dear. sorry to call randomly. But I just wanted to ask if you would want to come over? Tomorrow morning at 9:30? It's perfectly ok if you don't want to show up. But I just really want to see you and I really like to apologize for what happened. Perhaps even an apology dance?" Aziraphale then stopped talking and hung up, satisfied with his message to him. He hoped that she would at least listen to the message. Even if she didn't show up, he was still glad he sent the message.
        Ariraphale knew that when he said 9:30 in the morning, Crowley might also show up at 9:30 at night. Because the demon had quite the reputation to sleep until two in the afternoon.
       With a sigh, he stood, heading up the quite sketchy staircase that led to the Angels bedroom. Stepping in the miracled himself, his pair of pajamas with a nightcap did not suit him that well. He knew this as Crowley had told him this numerous times before. He did not mind though, as it was very comfy.
       Opening the door, he goes to brush his teeth. They could just miracle it, but for some odd reason the angel enjoyed brushing his teeth. Sometimes it would help him calm his nerves. Like for instance, the voice message he just placed to his dear Crowley.
        He stopped and spat it out so he could rinse his mouth from the burning toothpaste.
        They then went to turn off the light and then they jumped in their bed as he did not enjoy the dark.
       Quickly, he snuggled up in his blanket, drowning in the thoughts of how the next day would go.
        Would Crowley forgive him? He found it perfectly fine if he didn't, but he certainly still wanted him to.
        Letting out a sigh, the Angel curled up and went to sleep. Meanwhile, somewhere else, somebody was freaking out.
Why had the angel called him this late? Why had he even called him in the first place? He has to get up at 9am?!??
       Crowley let out an angered groan and grabbed his coat. She was wearing a dress as Beelzebub was visiting and he was supposed to be going to a party. She put the coat over the dress as he was far too upset right now to change.
      "Angel thinks I'm going to wait until tomorrow." The demon grumbled angrily as he staggered to the elevator. Crowley had quite terrible balance, even though she was only wearing socks.
      She slipped her shoes on and slammed the button, the elevator quickly opened. He walked in to see the elderly lady who lived just above her.
      "Oh hello, Antony!" She smiled, holding a basket, "Would you like a cookie, sweetheart?"
       "Yes of course Martha." Crowley smiled, taking a cookie and shoving it in her mouth.
       Crowley could never be mean to Martha. She was very helpful in his…heartbreak… moments. She came down every once in a while to check on him.
       Martha smiled and stepped out of the elevator first, putting a hand on the doors to make sure they stayed open for Crowley.
      "Thanks Marty. See you tomorrow?"
      "Yes of course, have a nice evening."
      Crowley stormed to his Bentley.
      He growled and raced to the Angels bookshop. He mumbled under his breath, planning what he would say to Aziraphale. As he didn't exactly know what to do, as he wasn't planning on going to the bookshop ten Minutes prior due to his outburst when the Angel first called.
       Loudly, he parked outside the quaint bookshop. He had hoped his very loud car had woken up the Angel, because he was very angry and didn't want to do it himself.
       She saw the angel in white scurry to the door, seeming very alarmed until he saw Crowley.
       Crowley went inside, not letting Ariraphale say a word before he did so.
       "I thought we were meeting tomorrow, dear?"
       "Do you really expect me to wait until tomorrow after your first phone call in months?" Crowley asked, agitated. "I've been waiting so long for that phone call and you said nine-thirty even though you know I don't wake up that early, Angel."
       "I know, and I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused because of our last meeting, but -"
       "No buts angel. You chose heaven over me. We could have stopped the Second Coming together. But no, everything has to be about you and all the sacrifices you made to stop it." Crowley said quickly, without taking a single breath. "But you expect me to automatically forgive you? I will. But I can't just forget, Aziraphale. And what would you have done if I came here and didn't? "
       Aziraphale was speechless. He expected to be the one speaking first. But after all. he did interrupt crawley the last time this happened.
       Crowley huffed and crossed his arms, tears forming. Which did quite surprise Ariraphale. "Now, um… do the apology dance."
       With a smile of slight relief, Ariraphale does the dance.
       "You were right, I was wrong," He bowed, "You were right, I was wrong. you were right."
       "You didn't have to do the dance, I just wanted to see you dance…" Crowley mumbled.
       "Yes, Angel?" Crowley sniffed out.
       "Aren't you quite cold with that dress on?" Aziraphale asked, "Do you want a blanket?"
       "That would be quite nice actually…" She mumbled as Aziraphale guided him to the seat.
       "Take a seat. dear." The Angel said lovingly.
       The demon sat there as the Angel sat beside him and put the blanket around the both of them.
       Crowley and Aziraphale sat there awkwardly as the Angel hesitantly put an arm around the demon's waist in an effort to warm her up.
       Not long after, Crowley started crying, "Please, Angel."
       "What, dear?" The angel asked worried, " What's wrong?"
       "Don't leave me again, please…" The Demon whimpered, turning a bit towards the Angel.
       "What do you mean baby?" Aziraphale said accidentally, but didn't think much about it. "I'm right here dear, I will never leave you again."
       Crowley appeared to be sleeping, as he was crying. Aziraphale for sure knew she was crying because Crowley would never let herself cry in front of the Angel.
      Hesitantly, not wanting to wake the sleeping demon, he put the demon on his lap. He cradled the demon, wrapping his arms around him. "Shh. I'm here."
     The demon grumbled in his sleep as she leaned up against Aziraphale. After a little while, he finally calmed down and slept peacefully leaning against his Angel.

And when they woke up, they had an extremely alcoholic breakfast.

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