Somebody to love

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Aziraphale sat quietly at his desk, looking at the pile of letters he wrote for Crowley. Obviously he didn’t send them.
     As it was far too embarrassing to send them. And awkward, he supposed. Due to their last encounter, Aziraphale passed up the few chances the Angel had to go back to Earth. He so desired to go visit his  beloved bookshop. But he was slightly worried he would see Crowley there. He wanted to see Crowley, but he wouldn’t know what to say.
     The Angel didn’t want to do this anymore. But he knew if he left now, there would be severe punishment and an apology dance.
     Aziraphale was determined to see the demon.
     It would take him a few hours, maybe a few days to figure out how to get out without being seen. He was the Supreme Archangel after all. Everyone was watching him. At all times.
     After a while Aziraphale looked around and darted to the elevator when he saw no one.
     "Where are you going, Fell?" Saraquael asked, "Going to see Crowley?"
      "Well what makes you think that?"
      "Everyone's read your letters." They said dryly.
      Aziraphale blushed, embarrassed, ready to go back to his desk.
      "I didn't say you couldn't go." Saraquael rolled her eyes, "Go before someone else sees you. You're not sneaky at all."
      "Thank you, dear." The Angel said with a smile as he stepped into the elevator.
      "Don't call me dear." They grumbled and started wheeling away as the elevator started to close, "Only angel who calls anyone dear."

Crowley let out a hiss, "Never expected you to be…comforting."
     "Hey, rude." Beelzebub crossed her arms, "I can be comforting. Just never nice."
     Crowley was leaning up against Beelzebubs shoulder, "Your boyfriend's tea is disgusting."
     "I know but don't tell him that."
     "Learned that lesson long ago. Once I criticized his knowledge of human birth and he had a fit." Crowley muttered, "Makes me throw up trying to describe it after that whole thing with Joeb. He thinks he knows everything now."
     Beelzebub shuddered, "It was terrible. I remember you telling me about that in your report. I'm just glad Gabriel hasn't brought it up, I know he likes to brag."
     "How's the tea, Crowley! Making you feel less down in the blues?" Gabriel said, suddenly appearing.
     Surprised, Crowley jumps and grabs her tea and takes a sip, "Yeah, yeah! Greatest tea I've ever had."
     Crowley takes another sip, nodding his head not convincingly.
     But Gabriel was none the wiser, "That's great!"
     "I invited Nina, by the way."
     "Wait, you know Nina?"
     "Not really. But I recognized her from before Gabriel and I left. Her coffee is amazing. After I ordered some earlier I invited her over." Beelzebub said, putting their head on the demon's head since she was on their shoulder.
     "Inviting her to MY apartment? How terrible of you." Crowley said.
     "Well, technically it's Shaxs' apartment. But now that she's head Duke of hell she probably won't be using it anymore. She probably didn't even use it when she was in temptations."
     "I hope she didn't sleep in my bed." Crowley muttered, scowling.
     "Don't worry, she never sleeps."
     Soon after, a light knock came from the door.
     Crowley moved his head with a grumble.
     "Don't get up, Anthony Janthony, I'll get the door." Beelzebub laughed and got up.
      They went to the door, opened it and said slightly annoyed, "Took you long enough, Nina–"
       They cut themself off from seeing the blonde angel in front of them, and they whispered, "What in Satan's name are you doing here?!"
      Aziraphale tried to look behind Beelzebub, but they completely blocked the Angels view, "Is Crowley here? I really need to talk with him."
      "Now is not a great time." Beelzebub hissed as Crowley had been sobbing for hours and they finally got her to stop with Gabriels terrible tea. "Crowley isn't here anyway"
     Beelzebub tensed up as they both heard a window break in the next room. "He's not here."
     They could see Crowley running to the Bentley behind the Angel.
      As the Bentley revved up, the Angel started to turn and Beelzebub grabbed him by the shoulder, "Uh. That was um. Nothing! Just some human getting into their car."
      Crowley sped off and Beelzebub sighed in relief. Less drama now.
      "That was Crowley wasn't it?" The Angel asked, pursing his lips slightly.
      Beelzebub nodded.
      "Well. At least I tried." The Angel said, not telling Beelzebub he knew Crowley was probably going to hide with Adam at Tadfield.

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