Vivamus, Moriendum Est

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{the title is 'Let us live since we must die' in Latin.}

The room was silent.
The walls are blank white. No smudges or marks.
The curtains were a light blue. The windows showing the dark sky, the light from the moon shining in.
The floors were a perfect shade of wood. A perfect medium of light and dark. The floor was almost clean.
There was blood. The thick, metallic tasting liquid sat there on the floor in the almost perfect room.
And so did a demon and an angel.
There were no doors out. They would have to get out through the windows if they weren't locked.
The blood pile was coming from the hissing demon.
The hierarchy of Angels decided to cut off Crowley's wings when he decided he wanted to 'save' Aziraphale.
Aziraphale tried his best to calm her down. But not much he could do to help the pain.
For the demon was screaming and crying and agony.
"Hey, hey." Aziraphale said, hugging the demon by the waist, trying to comfort but not touch the injury. "Deep breaths."
Crowley tried, but they came out as rapid breathing. She was hyperventilating.
Aziraphale kept an arm around the demon, hugging him as he gently stroked her hair. "Shh."
Eventually, the demon started to calm down as he put her head on his shoulder. His screaming quickly turned to light sobs. Aziraphale rubbed the side of his back, trying to distract him.
The Angel frantically looked around for an exit, or perhaps an unlocked window from the floor. He didn't want to make the demon move so he stayed on the floor.
Suddenly, the Metatrons head made an appearance just like before. "Aziraphale, if you get out now I will forget about you helping him. And you won't both get discorporated. "
"We are going to permanently destroy him as he's a big distraction of yours." The Metatron said, raising his head a bit for some reason.
"You can't do that just for me loving him!" Aziraphale raised his voice at the Metatron, "Please I'll do anything. I'll send him to Alpha Centauri. I'll never see him again."
Metatron sighed, "Not good enough, Aziraphale."
"Fine. Then I'm staying." Aziraphale said with little hesitation and he noticed as soon as he said so the door was gone and so was the head.
"No.." He heard Crowley mumble, as she gripped his shirt, "Don't."
"Too late, love. I'm sorry." Aziraphale mumbled.
When he saw the fire, he knew his time was almost over. All of his senses seemed heightened.
He could feel the flat floor digging into his knees. The soft red curls resting on the side of his face. The shallow breath hitting his collar bone. The body became entangled with him. The arms that were quickly tightened around him as the fire drew itself closer.
"Crowley. If only we had more time for ourselves. I'm sorry I didn't stay with you dear. I had to stop it. I had to stop them. I didn't realize I had that much of an impact on your heart." He was silent for a moment, and he thought of something. He had little power as the fire was draining it as it got closer to discorporating him. "I'm sorry, I love you."
Aziraphale knew the fire didn't hurt Crowley, and as soon as he and the fire were gone, they would bring the water.
The fire was weakening him quickly, so therefore he had to act quickly.
"I love you too, Angel." Crowley mumbled out, as he was in pain. Both his back and the fire hurt his Angel.
He quickly took the demon's hands, "And for this I'm even more sorry."
Crowley took his head off of the Angels shoulder, "What?--"
And then Crowley was gone. Aziraphale had miracled him away, "Live your eternal life to the fullest my dear. I'm sorry I can't spend the rest of it with you."
The fire had taken Aziraphale. He regretted making Crowley do something he hadn't asked for. But it was something Aziraphale wanted.
For there was a window that was unlocked.


She was being shaken awake by a familiar voice in a slightly unfamiliar place. Crowley slowly opened his eyes to Beelzebub.
"How did you get here? What happened to your back?" They asked as someone else (who he assumed was Gabriel) was wrapping his back.
His squishmallow Benny was right next to his face when he realized what Aziraphale had done.
Crowley sat up, sitting in silence as Beelzebub kept trying to ask him the question.
"Crowley, can you hear me?"
She could, she just didn't feel like speaking. He didn't want to process what happened. But she did. And it just made everything worse.
"This was in your back pocket?"
Gabriel handed the demon a little pink post-it.
The post-it said, 'Memento Vivere, my love.'
The words meant 'remember to live.'

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