loved you like the sun

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The two sat there at the bookshop. They had kicked out Muriel again, they were at the coffee shop reading a book.
      Crowley stared at Aziraphales purple eyes. Then she finally said, "You're going back?"
      Aziraphales beard shielded his mouth until he finally spoke, "Yes, dear. I am."
     She stood, "You just got back after so long yesterday and you're going back already? You're clearly showing your priorities."
     The Angel stood along with him, "Crowley you're my priority."
     Crowley grabbed his plant, preparing to leave, yelling in response, "If I..If I was your priority you wouldn't be leaving right now. I was so sick to think you'd stay."
     The Angel stayed quiet until the demon started to make his way to the door, "Please, Crowley. Stay. Let me explain."
     "You don't need to explain. You're going back to your best angel pals in heaven." Crowley said through forming tears, his voice shaky.
     She opened the door, the bells ringing. Which caught Muriel's attention.
     Aziraphale was quick to follow him outside.
     Crowley opened the door to the Bentley and shoved his plant back in the backseat. He slammed the door and turned back to Aziraphale, who grabbed his shoulder.
     "I have to go back because they want to start the Second Coming!" Aziraphale quickly said, before she interrupted him again. "I love you, Crowley."
     "Don't you dare say that to me right now when you're about to leave me again. I get it now. You have to stop them from ending the world again. But it doesn't change the fact that you still don't understand." Crowley brushed the Angels hand off his shoulder, making his way to the driver's seat.
      "Then, please. Come inside. So we can talk. So I can understand." The Angel begged.
      "No. No. You had your chance," He said, his tears streaming down her face like a river, "Goodbye, Angel."
      Aziraphale didn't stop the demon when he got in the driver's seat.
      He almost wanted to stay, but he was already in the car. He almost wanted Aziraphale to stop him again, but he didn't stop him. So she drove away.
      Aziraphale just stood there, scratching their beard. They put their hand to the side, the other a fist. He wasn't angry, just reacting in a way he didn't expect. As he was crying as well as the demon was. He wanted Crowley to come back. But he knew he wouldn't as he walked back into the bookshop with Muriel.
Crowley, on the other hand, was burning away her anger by driving. That's what he did before and that's what he's doing now.
     She had to swerve and miracle people's cars away a lot, but he managed not to crash. For some reason the police never tried to flag him down. Maybe he was going too fast to notice? Or maybe they just tried too many times before in the 90s and just gave up.
      Crowley crying. Why was he crying, he was angry? Or was he? She wasn't sure. But he didn't pay much mind to it and kept driving. He didn't listen to music as she usually did. He just bit the inside of his lip, drawing a bit of blood. But of course she didn't care.
      She wasn't sure what the future would bring. Maybe he'd reconcile with Aziraphale one day. He didn't want to admit it, but Crowley did love him too. But for now, she didn't know why, but he was going to Germany. Just for different scenery. France and England had too many memories. And when Crowley was in Germany, Aziraphale never went.
     So he just kept driving.

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