last of us

69 3 4

- alternate universe (AU) -

{For those who haven't watched the Last of us it's basically a show where you get bit and you're infected. It's basically zombies but they call them infected instead. You don't really need to know the show to read this because the characters in the show aren't in this. But if you're interested in the show it's on HBO Max.}

Aziraphale wasn't much of a fighter, or much of a listener. That's why he joined the small town after the infection started instead of the QZ.
He pretty much avoided people so he wouldn't get assigned to patrol or anything of the same standards. Pretty much all he would have is garden duty with the grumpy redhead or keep watch from the wall.
But one day the two who usually patrolled wanted to take a break so they decided upon themselves to pick him and his garden buddy. They would've picked the guards on the wall, but they refused as they had seen some infected the day before.
So they basically forced Aziraphale and the curly red head to go together for a four hour long patrol outside of the wall.
Aziraphale got the white horse and the other got the black one.
Once they were outside the wall they went out about a mile and circled the town.
They were in silence for the first hour.
"Do you think the other patrol team didn't want to go out because the wall said they saw an infected?" The redhead suddenly said. "I mean the day after they suddenly want a break."
Aziraphale pursed his lips a bit and nodded, "Definitely."
"Sorry the silence was just getting too awkward for me." The curly haired individual chuckled a bit, "I'm Crowley."
"Nice to meet you, Crowley."
"And you?"
"What?" Aziraphale asked, puzzled.
"Your name?"
"Oh!" Aziraphale sat up a bit, "Sorry, my name is Aziraphale."
"That's a long name." Crowley uttered, "Mind if I call you Azi instead?"
Aziraphale looked at the other with a questioning look, "I suppose that's fine."
No one had ever made up a nickname for his name before. They often would just call him Blondie. And the first nickname for him 'Azi' was quite peculiar. But cute in a way?
Crowley fidgeted his rifle on his back so it would stop digging into the horse he was riding on. If he was going to ride three more hours with this horse he may as well make it comfortable.
Aziraphale, on the other hand, didn't even have his rifle on his back. He would prefer to wear it like a backpack. He had it around the horse's neck.
"You might not want to put that around his neck. The rifle is quite heavy." Crowley remarked, "He's been trying to shake it off for the past thirty minutes."
"Fine." The light blonde haired individual gave in, as he didn't want to hurt the horse.

That day they did not see any infected. But they did find two deer and brought one back. Crowley did make him shoot them. Perhaps the redhead had never shot a gun before. Or maybe he didn't want to shoot them. Aziraphale had a terrible aim but he still managed to get them. They brought one first and sent another to get the second as they didn't want to ride all the way back. As it was about 4 miles from the entrance.
The two walked together.
"I wonder why it took us so long to introduce ourselves." Aziraphale chimed in, "We've been working together in the garden for what, a year?"
"And we've been here for about twenty years or so." Crowley muttered, almost a mumble as she fumbled with the hem of her shirt.
"I'm sure we will have a great friendship!!" Aziraphale beamed, oblivious to the others off-expression.
"Yes I'm sure." Crowley said rather oddly. "See you at garden duty tomorrow."
Aziraphale noticed how quickly the other left to go to wherever he lived. He decided to follow. He wasn't very good at sneaking around, however.
He followed the curly haired man to a car. It was a black 1926 Bentley. Which proved that she had maybe lived in this town before the outbreak.
Perhaps his home was one of the ones outside the wall and that's why he lived in his car.
Aziraphale noticed how he crawled into the backseat, laying down immediately. This only confirmed his suspicions.
Being the nosy person he is, he decided to knock on the window. Before he got up, he noticed how uncomfortably the other was in a sleeping position.
The other opened the door and rested his feet on the aged pebbles that used to be a solid concrete street. "Why did you follow me here?"
"Whatever do you mean? I was on my way home." Aziraphale said, trying to lie his way out of it.
"I only know you're lying because in the twenty years you've been here I've never seen you go down this street. And we both know you decided to live in that bookshop near the entrance. Which is a terribly dangerous place to live by the way. What will you do living there if we get raided?" Crowley said, sounding like a hiss, "What do you want."
"Do you live there?" Aziraphale asked, crossing his arms rather scoldingly. He expected a response and Crowley knew that.
"Yes." He grumbled, playing with a seatbelt that didn't click into the car, "What's it to you?"
"No wonder you're so grumpy all the time. You probably get no sleep or terrible sleep!"
"Come stay in my bookshop. I can make you some tea." Aziraphale said, not really asking him to do so. "Let's go."
Crowley groaned and got out of the car.
He followed him out of the car and it didn't take them long to get to his 'bookshop.'
The books were well kept, although not the outside bit so much. The roof had moss growing from it and the sides were growing weeds. The inside was generally nice. It was to Aziraphale's best abilities to do so.
"Looks better than most of the houses on the block." Crowley pointed out. It had been quite a while since this lot had seen books. And it was surprising how many books he had.
Aziraphale often let children borrow books so they'd be able to learn how to read.
Crowley often would consider looking in the bookshop until now of course.
The snake-like person invited himself onto an attractive looking couch. Especially for someone who's been sleeping in his car for about twenty years.
The couch was quite soft, considering its age. It was as though it was sucking him in and he would never be able to get up again. She had one of her arms draped off the side of the couch, not caring about the cut off of circulation. As there was a bit of wood under the cushion of course.
"I see you've taken to my couch?" Aziraphale laughed, smiling at the other. "It is quite comfortable isn't it. The kids usually sit there when they're reading."
"I can see why." Crowley said through a smile, quite enjoying the rare cushioning he hadn't felt in decades.
"Yes, it's quite nice to read a book in such a melancholy town." Aziraphale said from the back.
The two, after that day often volunteered to do jobs together while when they had the time off they hung around the book shop.
When the children came around, they often mistook them for dating as they were moved in by then. Aziraphale said himself that he couldn't just let him live in a car.
For now the Bentley was parked outside while the two spent their days in the bookshop. Or at the garden or on patrol.
It may have been melancholy. But with one another, it was just like before the outbreak. Somewhat normal.
Or at least that was until they came to town.

"We can just be all poetic and shit and lose our minds together" -Riley from the last of us

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