the little girl

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{this is in 1946}

Crowley was walking through London. He didn't want to risk driving as the city was still pretty much ruined. 

      She stopped at a collapsed building. Something was pulling him towards it. He didn't know what, but it seemed evil or good? Or both perhaps.

     Crowley climbed over the rubble, scraping his fingers as she looked through it. He was sure some people thought that this was his house. Which was good because she was technically looting.

     When she finally found out where the feeling was, he got slightly. As the feeling was most literally a doll. It was very scratched up and missing an eye. What was left of the doll was porcelain and the clothes were as soft as silk. Even when torn up. 

     The missing eye was quickly found as it was sitting under where the doll was laid.

     Crowley scoffed and picked it up. He tried his best to fix it without doing a miracle. She groaned and used a miracle to fix the doll. 

      He fixed its stringy braids, the eye was back where it should have been, and the porcelain was perfectly smooth and uncracked. 

     "Why do these children have such…creepy toys?" Crowley said, tucking it into his coat, shuddering. Even her, a demon, was terrified of this doll. He wondered if Beelzebub had created this line of dolls. Seemed like her type of thing: "Freak out the Parents!" Would be their headline for the project. It probably was, unless they thought of a more creative name.

     Crowley stumbled as he made her way out of the rubble, tripping and catching herself multiple times. 

     This war had made the demon feel slightly bad for the humans. Some of them went completely homeless. 

      Suddenly there was a little girl there. She was crying.

      "Hey girl?" Crowley asked confused, "What's going on?" 

      "I can't find my Mommy!!" She wailed obnoxiously.

      "What about your pops, hm?" 

      "He's at war!" She screamed, as if Crowley should know that. 

      "Ok. Ok." Crowley said, kneeling in front of the girl, pulling out the doll, "Will you shut up if I give you this?" 

       The girl grabbed it from him and hugged it with one arm. "Up!" 


       "Up!!!!" She cried at him. 

       "Okay! Fine!" Crowley yelled back and picked up the girl, "I'm taking YOU to Aziraphale." 

When the two got to the bookshop the girl was asleep. Crowley let himself in and sat in his favorite chair. 

      "Crowl-" Aziraphale exclaimed excitedly but the Angel was cut off. 

       "Shh!!" Crowley whisper yelled, "I found this kid on the street and I don't know what to do with it!" 

       "Aww you helped a kid!" Aziraphale teased quietly. 

       She hissed in response and put the kid on the couch, "What should I do?! I don't know where the hell her parents are."

       "Well why did you bring her here? I don't know either!" 

       "Can't you just perhaps," Crowley raised an eyebrow, "Miracle her away?" 


       "To her Mother!" 

       "I don't know who her Mother is so I can't."

       Crowley groaned, "This is so annoying." 

       "You enjoy the little girl don't you? You were trying to help her and you like helping people!" 

        "SHHH!!" Crowley said, almost freaking out, "They may hear you." 

        Aziraphale but his lip, "Oh right. My mistake." 

        She looked at the Angel, and then at the couch, "Wait where'd she go?" 

        "She's gone!" Aziraphale said worriedly, immediately looking around the bookshop. 

        "Child! Where are YOU CHILD?!" Crowley yelled, getting extremely annoyed, "And this, Angel. Is why I avoid children most of the time!" 

        "Crowley calm down." Aziraphale called out in relief, "She's reading one of my books. One of my children's books."

       "I haven't read this one before." The little girl didn't take her eyes off the soft pages of the small book. 

      "I hate children." Crowley sighed, tugging his hair rather harshly. His red curls reminded the girl of her Mother.

      And the Angels hair reminded her of her Father's aged hair.

      "You do not, Crowley. If you hated children, why'd you help one?" Aziraphale said, pointing his finger up in the air at the demon, per usual.

       "You really need to control your finger!!" Crowley growled, "Because it has a mind of its own! Pointing everywhere!! You should get that checked!!!" 

       "Hey! That is very rude Crowley!!-" 

       The twos silly argument was interrupted by the girl laughing, they both looked at her. While she said:

       "Are you two married?" The little girl said, her r's sounding like a w. Making it seem as though she said 'mawwied."

       The two stared at her then at each other in awkward silence. Then back at her.

       The girl giggled.

       "What makes you think…that." Crowley said, a bit red at the face. 

       The Angel had the same reaction painted on his face, but about a darker shade of the red. 

       "You two have silly fights just like my Mommy and Papa." She said, the book falling to a close in her hands. It was The Great Gatsby. She was just reading what she could, as she was five and didn't understand a word of it. The doll fell atop of the book, making it fully close.

        The two didn't dare respond, as to not confuse the other. 

Later on, the Mother did find her daughter. As by some coincidence her mother owned the record shop next door.

       Aziraphale, whenever he went to the bookshop he smiled at the copy of the Great Gatsby safely on the wall. As the little girl was Maggie's Grandmother.

        Crowley did not go to the record shop, however, but he still had the doll. The little girl gave it to him as a reminder of their special day together. 

        She kept it at his bedside table, as he won't admit it, but she did quite enjoy that day with the little girl.

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