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The Corporal sat In front of a type writer, typing out whatever Phillips told him to. Tense emotions radiating off of the Colonel, anger being the biggest one. He felt as if he was about to explode due to the actions of Captain Rogers and Peggy Carter. All he could think was that Peggy was to blame for everything, of course she was. Who else was he supposed to blame?

Colonel Phillips spoke, his voice sounding empty, "Senator Brandt, I regret to report to you that Captain Steven G. Rogers went missing behind enemy lines on the third— Aerial reconnaissance has proven unfruitful... As a result, I must declare Captain Rogers— Killed in action. Period." He said with a sigh.

Peggy walked in slowly, causing Phillips to turn around to face her, "The last surveillance flight is back..." she paused to see if the Colonel had anything to say, but he stayed silent, "No sign of activity." She said sadly.

Phillips didn't look up at her, his eyes stayed down, "Go get a cup of coffee, Corporal." He finally spoke up.

"Yes, Sir." The man at the type writer complied, getting up and leaving the tent.

Colonel Phillips walked towards an opening of the tent, staring off into the distance, "I can't touch Stark... he's rich— And he's the Army's number one weapons contractor— You are neither one." Phillips barked, turning back to Agent Carter.

Peggy bit her cheek nervously, "With respect, sir, I don't regret my actions... and I don't think Captain Rogers did, either." She rolled her eyes, feeling a rush of anger towards Phillips.

Colonel Phillips furrowed his brows, anger rising up his spine, "What makes you think I give a damn about your opinions?" He hissed at the woman, walking towards her menacingly, "I took a chance with you, Agent Carter— And now Americas golden boy and a lot of other good men are dead....'Cause you had a crush."

Peggy kept her composure, "It wasn't that—I had faith." She spoke eloquently.

"Well, I hope that's a big comfort to you when they shut this division down." Phillips sassed. A bunch of men marched around, causing a lot of ruckus out side of the tent, "What the hell's going on out there?" He asked looking towards the noise, walking out of the tent. Peggy following behind him.

Everyone watched as a bunch of soldiers marched towards them from the distance, Captain Rogers leading them. A tank and other vehicles could be seen driving up with more soldiers on it.

"Look who it is!" A man yelled, Soldiers cheering for the return of the others.

Steve glanced at Bucky and Ivory, smiling at his friends and giving them pats on the back as they entered the base. Ivory felt more welcomed than he ever did before. He knew deep down they were only cheering for Steve... but he could pretend those cheers were meant for everyone... including him.

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