21 | On Your Left

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[On Your Left]

Ivory moved on for the most part. He came to terms with Bucky's death half a year into journaling and many therapy appointments. It gave him a way to release the anger and sadness he felt— in a more healthy way.

Nightmares were almost a thing of the past. He'd still get them here and there, always the same thing. A strange man with the mask locked in a cell with Ivory. He'd never speak— just glare from across the room. And if Ivory dared to try and talk to the man... He'd attack Ivory. Choke him until he was forced awake.

Ivory knew deep down it had to be a memory.

Dreams on the other hand were semi-regular. He still dreamt of Bucky, but his therapist said that was normal. He would never not miss Bucky, and that's okay.

"Do you think you'll try dating any time soon?" His therapist had asked him a few months ago. He never thought of moving on in that way. He actually has never looked at anyone else and thought of asking them out. If they weren't Buck, he didn't want them like that.

It wasn't a secret now, that Ivory was gay. He talked it out with his therapist one dismal morning, when she had asked if his love for Bucky was romantic. Ivory couldn't keep himself together. He still felt ashamed of it.

"Why do you think you miss Bucky so much?" She questioned him. Ivory was slightly confused by the question. Why wouldn't he miss Bucky?

Ivory took a deep breath, "I love him, he was my best friend I mean— he was the best thing in my life... he helped me when my mother died, he was there for me throughout everything." He tried explaining as carefully as he could.

"Wasn't Steve also there?" She replied.

'What was she trying to imply?' Ivory thought to himself, "Um... that's different." He muttered out lowly, his blue eyes avoiding contact with hers.

"How so?" The doctor tilted her head.

"Steve... he's uh— he's my friend." Ivory stuttered, he couldn't avoid this conversation if he tried.

"But, Bucky is your friend also."

Ivory's gaze hardened, "Yeah, but it's different." He growled. Of course he immediately went to anger as a backup plan...

Dr. Martinez sighed, "I won't force you to tell me, but just know that you can tell me anything, everything we say in here will stay between us." She reminded.

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