23 | Old Souls

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[Old Souls]

"Steve, wait!" Ivory yelled, following quickly behind his angry friend. He completely understood why Steve was so upset, but damn did he need to calm down.

There had been many times where Natasha had her own missions while Ivory had his. Of course they didn't want him know much back then in fear he was faking his amnesia— which is... understandable. He was a threat back then.

Steve on the other hand, isn't a threat. And that's exactly why Ivory didn't understand the secrets that were being kept from them. Ivory also thought he had at least proved himself by now. Steve didn't have to do that, he proved himself back when he crash landed that plane into the ocean.

Steve barged into Fury's office, "You just can't stop yourself from lying, can you?" He hissed at the director.

"I didn't lie— Agent Romanoff had a different mission than yours— Go ahead and ask Agent Moore, he knows exactly what that's like." Fury explained, Not turning himself around from facing the big window, "Isn't that right, Moore?" He asked.

"Uh... I—" Ivory started to answer but Steve quickly stepped in-front of him, cutting him off mid sentence.

Steve pointed to Ivory, "I don't care what Ives knows, I want to know why you didn't feel obliged to share."

"I'm not obliged to do anything." Fury grumbled, still not turning to look at them.

"Those hostages could have died, Nick." Steve tried to put things into perspective for Fury. Ivory did t know if using his first name was the best thing to do, though.

Fury whipped himself around angrily, "I sent the greatest Soldier in history to make sure that didn't happen, and his soldier friend who happens to be as well versed in hand to hand combat as he is— if not better." He growled.

"Soldiers trust each other, that's what makes it an army— Not a bunch of guys running around shooting guns." Steve huffed.

Fury slowly stood up, "Last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye.... Look, I didn't want you doing anything you weren't comfortable with— Agent Romanoff is comfortable with everything." He explained his reasoning but it was clear that Steve didn't care.

Steve's glare hardened, "I can't lead a mission when the people I'm leading have missions of their own."

"It's called compartmentalization, nobody spills the secrets, because nobody knows them all." Fury sassed some more.

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