14 | Shakespeare In The Park

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[Shakespeare In The Park]

"Is he saying anything?" Fury asked through the radio, Natasha clicking buttons here and there as she flew the aircraft.

"Not a word, Moore has been trying to get him to talk for the last 30 minutes." Natasha replied dryly.

It was true. Ivory was sat in-front of Loki, trying to get him to talk, while Steve and Tony were stood near the front of the jet. Ivory overheard Nat, "And I'm not stopping now." He called out with a devious smirk before turning his attention back at the god who kept his head down.

"Just get him here, we're low on time." Fury ordered, ending the call immediately.

Steve was super suspicious of the entire situation. It was way too easy to get Loki to surrender, yet he was beating the living shit out of him and Ivory without a problem,"I don't like it." He whispered lowly, keeping his head forward.

Tony raised a brow, "What?, Rock Of Ages giving up so easy?" He questioned.

"I don't remember it being that easy— this guy packs a wallop." Steve argued.

"Still, you and the mad scientist over there are pretty spry for a couple of older fellows." Tony mentioned, looking over at Cap, "What's your thing, Pilates?" He joked.

Steve's face twisted with confusion, "What?" He genuinely asked.

"It's like calisthenics, you might have missed a couple of things— ya know, doing time a Capsicle." Tony ranted, looking Steve up and down.

Steve's face didn't react to the whole 'Capsicle' comment, "Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in." He grumbled, trying to change the subject off of himself.

"Your friend didn't even tell you?" Tony asked, glancing over at Ivory, "Mr. Moore over here payed me a visit— I guess there's a lot of things Fury and your friend doesn't tell you." He added, making Ivory's blood boil.

Steve looked as if he was deep in thought, "I don't think I have to tell anybody anything." Ivory growled, getting up from his seat and walking towards them angrily.

Before Ivory could do anything, lightning began rumbling across the night sky, getting the attention of everyone on board, "Where's this coming from?" Natasha questioned as she watched the flashes of light.

Ivory looked over at Loki who seemed to be bothered by the sudden lightning, Steve must have noticed as well, "What's the matter? Are you scared of a little lightning?"

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