8 | For Bucky

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[For Bucky]

Ivory was sat on the edge of a bed in the dim light of the small room he had been given. Staring at the wall as he relived the memory over and over again. He hadn't spoken since he lost Bucky, locking himself in his room— even refusing to go to the lab to work on some of his many projects with Howard.

Many people had tried to check on him, knocking and calling out his name. Yet, Ivory never answered the door.

All he thought about is what he should have done. The things he'd do differently if he had known Bucky was going to fall to his death. He knew he should move on, Bucky wouldn't want him to be miserable... but how could Ivory ever be happy without him?

Ivory felt so empty—He was angry at himself, he should have acted faster and saved him. He just sat there like a scared child. It was his fault Bucky died, and he hated himself for it.

He was a monster.

Ivory's hands gripped his hair tightly as tears threatened to spill from his blue eyes for the millionth time. "I'm a monster..." he whispered to himself, his voice shaky as it escaped his lips.


"Private Moore?" A woman's voice called out, Ivory jumping slightly, "Open the door." It sounded more like an order.

Ivory thought for a second, contemplating whether he should open it. Maybe it was about time he talked to someone. He slowly approached the door, opening it, "Agent Carter?" He mumbled.

She pushed her way past him, into the room, "I'm not going to baby you, nor will I pitty you... I've already had a talk with Steve and I will tell you the same thing I told him." She paused for a moment examining his features. Ivory looked like a different person, "It wasn't your fault, Ivory— You and Steve couldn't have done anything to stop what happened." She spoke softly, placing a hand on Ivory's shoulder.

"You weren't there, I was frozen... I didn't do anything." Ivory sighed, "That's the problem— I didn't do a single God damn thing." He growled, walking to the desk in the corner where a bottle of beer was. He drank the rest of the liquid right then and there.

Peggy's eyes glanced at the desk where many other empty bottles were, "I don't think he'd like you drinking..." she mumbled.

A switch flipped in Ivory's mind as he threw the bottle to the ground in front of Peggy, shattering it into pieces, "Don't you fucking dare speak about him like you knew him!— you don't know him like I do, nobody knows him like I do, so don't you come up in here and start acting like you understand anything, because you don't." He slurred, pointing a finger in her face.

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