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"Why are you dragging me around so much recently?" Ivory asked, laughing as they slowly made their way inside. He didn't actually mind it all that much, Steve wanting to hang out more. It felt like old times— Well... almost.

Steve just shook his head and smiled, "Stop complaining, come on." He mumbled.

A women's voice echoed through the halls, "The thing is, I think it's getting worse— A cop pulled me over last week, he thought I was drunk, I swerved to miss a plastic bag... I though it was an IED." She explained in detail.

Ivory understood her completely. Though, his PTSD showed itself through dreams. Waking up and still thinking you're somewhere else.

That's why Ivory couldn't ever think of living with someone. As if that was an option. He might be almost at peace with what happened to Bucky, but he'd never move on.

He feared hurting people.

When he first started therapy his dreams were worse. He'd wake up not in his right mind. When he eventually realized where he was, his room would be destroyed. Shelves knocked over, picture frames shattered, any room decor would be broken. On worse occasions Ivory would make his way out of his bedroom— Eventually he stopped replacing things in his apartment.

You can't destroy what you don't have.

Another voice ripped Ivory away from his thoughts, "Some stuff you leave there, other stuff you bring back— It's our job to figure out how to carry it." It was the man from the monument,"Is it gonna be in a big suitcase, or in a little man-purse? It's up to you."

Ivory listened closely to what Sam was saying, "Hmm." He hummed—Taking it all in.

Once the meeting was over Sam said goodbye to a few of the attendees, walking over to where Steve and Ivory were stood, "Look who it is, the running man and his sidekick." He greeted them jokingly. Moving things around on the small table infront of him.

Ivory raised a brow, "Who said I was the sidekick?" He half heartedly laughed, the other two joining in.

Steve glanced over to where the meeting was held only moments ago, "Caught the last few minutes, it's pretty intense." He commented, glancing back to Sam.

"Yeah, brother, we all got the same problems." Sam replied as he looked around, "Guilt, regret."

"You lose someone?" Steve questioned.

"My wingman, Riley." Sam sighed, "Flying a night mission, standard PJ rescue op, nothing we haven't done 1,000 times before— Until an RPG knocked Riley's dumb ass out of the sky... nothing I could do, it's like I was up there just to watch." He explained in depth.

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