16 | Secrets

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It had been a short time later. Ivory had finally calmed down, but he hadn't spoken to Steve since. As soon as his rambling stopped he went mute. It scared Steve deeply. He hadn't realized how hurt his friend was.

Steve had only been thinking about himself and how much he was hurting. He never thought about how much Ivory had been affected by everything.

All he realized was how different his old friend had been acting, and it made himself so uncomfortable he chose to distance himself. Now Steve knew... he should have tried to talk to Ivory more. Steve had been selfish.

Steve finally spoke up, looking over to Ivory who sat silently staring at the wall in-front of him, "Hey, uh... you wanna go see what Banner and Stark are up to?" He asked, his voice softer than it had been in a while.

Ivory didn't speak, but he did acknowledge Steve. He looked up giving a small nod, getting up and leading Steve to the lab. Steve really hoped Ivory would snap out of it soon.

They both entered the lab to see Stark zap Banner, "Ow!" Banner grunted, grabbing the place that Tony had electrocuted.

"Hey!" Steve yelled, weirdly enough—neither of the men looked up to acknowledge him.

"Nothing?" Tony asked Banner who gave him an odd 'why the hell would you do that?' type stare.

Steve charged toward them, Ivory walking closely behind, "Are you nuts?" He growled.

Tony ignored Steve's presence, "Jury's out, You really have got a lid on it, haven't you? What's your secret? Mellow jazz, bongo drums, huge bag of weed?" He berated Dr. Banner with questions.

Ivory thought the same thing, how did Banner not just go all green just a minute ago? From what he read on his file, the man was labeled as dangerous, Fury had told them to be cautious around him.

Steve was fuming, "Is everything a joke to you?" He asked, looking for a genuine answer.

"Funny things are." Tony shrugged carelessly.

"Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny." Steve hissed, glancing at Bruce, "No offense, Doc." He added.

Bruce didn't take it to heart, he completely understood why people were walking on egg shells around him, "It's all right, I wouldn't have come aboard if I couldn't handle pointy things." He promised.

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