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[Wake Up, Soldier]

|June 2010|

Ivory's eyes snapped open. He sat still for a few minutes before sitting up. Where was he? How'd he get here? That's all he could think about. He tried to remember, but... he couldn't. Ivory's memories felt so fuzzy. It made his head hurt.

"Howard?" Ivory called out, and that's when someone walked into the room.

"Ivory Moore, nice to see you're awake." A man with an eye patch said lowly, slowly walking towards the bed where Ivory sat.

"Who the hell are you?" Ivory looked around frantically,  "Where's Howard?— Peggy?, where am I?" Ivory's mind raced faster as he spoke.

"Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.— you are currently in a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility, that's all I can tell you at the moment..." Fury explained carefully, "What year is it, Mr. Moore?"  He questioned.

"1947." Ivory answered, "Why the hell are you asking me all this?" He began to feel angry at the way Fury was acting.

"Because it's not 1947, it's 2010." Fury revealed.

What? It couldn't be. Ivory looked over into the mirror on the wall. He didn't look a day over twenty eight. If it really was 2010... that means he'd be ninety one, "No, I-it can't be." Ivory mumbled to himself, he had to be going crazy.

"Sorry you had to find out like this, you see Mr. Moore— you went missing back in 1947, recently a few agents went on a mission and found you in Moscow... and let me just tell you, you were very difficult to apprehend." Fury ranted.

Ivory's attention was back on Fury, "W-what do you mean?" He asked.

"You fought back, you're very strong by the way—Anyways, we had been on the trail of a well known assassin... we were surprised to find out that the assassin was you." Fury began to explain some more, "You didn't remember much when we first got ahold of you, some agents ended up knocking you out in order to transport you, which must have knocked some sense into you." He mentioned, taking a seat beside Ivory.

"So... I was being brainwashed?" Ivory ramble,"I was killing people?" He couldn't believe it, he'd never just kill people... "But who the hell—" he trailed off.

"We can't disclose everything to you at this moment." Fury repeated.

Ivory's head began to pound harder the more he tried to understand what was going on, "Howard and Peggy are dead?" He whispered.

Director Fury sighed, "Howard died in 1991, Peggy is alive— I wouldn't go visit her until we get everything figured out." He suggested.

Ivory glanced at Fury, "So what's gonna happen to me?" He asked.

"I think we can figure something out." And with that Fury left the room, leaving Ivory alone.


Authors Note:

Short prologue :)
But we are beginning our way into Part Two! I'm so excited to start this part!! I hope everyone is just as excited.

P.s- vote on chapters as you read and leave a comment, I really do appreciate it!


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