29 | Parasite

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Ivory exited the truck, looking around at the building in-font of them. It was old and rundown.  That was to be expected, it was old as dirt. 'Just like him and Steve' Ivory chuckled to himself.

"This is it." Steve called out.

Nat took his it a device from her pocket, looking at it before putting it back, "The file came from these coordinates." She confirmed as they walked closer to the chain-linked fence.

Steve looked at the sign on the fence longingly, "So did I." He claimed. It was true, he was sent here before he was even given the Super Soldier serum. This was where Captain America started. Those memories felt like they only happened yesterday for him.

Ivory could see it. How Steve was reminiscing. Ivory could feel it too. Even if he wasn't sent to this camp, it was still the exact same as the one he went to in McCoy.

"This camp was where I was trained." Steve told Nat as they made their way around the edge of the building.

"Change much?" She questioned as she scanned the perimeter of the main building with the device from before, Small beeps echoing from it.

Steve thought for a moment, "A little." He mumbled loud enough for the other two, to hear.

Steve paused, staring off into the distance of the camp. Ivory noticed this, "Brings back memories, huh?" He asked his friend, smiling to himself.

Steve stayed still, "Yeah... it doesn't feel like it was that long ago." He whispered lowly, Yet Ivory could still hear him.

Ivory walked to Steve's side, nodding to himself, "I guess that's what happens when you're asleep for almost seventy years..." he laughed sourly.

It was bittersweet. If you asked him a couple years ago if he'd want to go back in time and change anything, Ivory would say 'hell yes!' If there was a Time Machine he would have taken that opportunity right then and there.

But now. Things were different, he'd not change a single thing. He might not be completely okay, he might miss Bucky with all his heart. But he was happy to have the friends he did now.

He couldn't imagine a life without Natasha, or his friendship with Steve. Yeah, they were friends back in the day, but it feels so different now. It felt stronger than it did back then. And he wouldn't trade that for the world.

Gay people weren't as frowned upon nowadays, and he would say that's a bonus. 'Maybe the therapy was helping...' Ivory thought to himself.

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